Commonly Misspelled Words

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We've asked our Englishforums members to write down their most commonly misspelled words, and here are

the top 55 in alphabetical order: Correct spelling ache accommodation acquire amateur bizarre basically cemetery chorus challenge circumstance condemn conscientious criticism curiosity definitely destroy diarrhea disappointed embarrass emphasize (emphasise BrE) entrepreneur exaggerate exception exercise grammar grateful greatly immediately knife laugh legitimate luxurious empahsize entrepeneur, enterpreneur exagerate, exagerrate exeption excercise grammer, gramer, gramar, gramor greatful, greatefull, gratefull grately immediatly, imediatly, immedietly, imediately knive lagh legitamate luxourious Common misspellings ake, ach, ace accomidation, accomadation, accomodation, acomodation, acommodation etc. adquire, aquire amatuer, amature bizare, bizzarre, bizzare basicly, basicaly cematry, cematary, cematery, cemitery, cementery etc. corus, chours, chores, course chalange, chalenge, challange cercomstance, sercomstance, circomstance condem, condemm concientious critisism curiousity definately, definetly, definitly destoy, destory diarea, diahrea, diareah, diarreah disapointed, dissapointed, dissappointed embaras, embarass, embarras, embbarass etc.

maneuver miscellaneous misspell necessary noticeable occurrence onomatopoeia opaque physique pneumatic privilege psychology realize (realise BrE) recommend receive rhythm separate subpoena synonymous temporarily weird Wednesday ventriloquy

manuever, manouver miscelaneous, miscellanious, miscellanous mispell, misspel neccesary, necesary, neccessary noticible, noticable occurance, ocurrence, ocurrance, occurrence, occurrence onomatopoeia, onomatopea, onomatopoea etc. opeque, opaique pysique pneumatik, pneumetic, pnumatic privelege, priviledge, privledge, privilage, privelige sychology, psycology relize, relise recomend, reccomend, reccommend recieve rhythem, rythim, rythem, rhythm, rhythim seperate sepina, supena synonimous, synonomous temperarily wierd Wendsay, Wensday ventriloqy

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