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Relatives Surviving

Legitimate Children & Descendants 1/2 of the estate in equal portions

Surviving Spouse

Illegitimate Children

Legitimate children (whether they survive alone or with concurring compulsory heirs)

One legitimate child Surviving spouse

Legitimate children Surviving spouse Legitimate children Illegitimate children One legitimate child, Illegitimate children Surviving spouse



1/2 in equal portions 1/2 in equal portion

Same portion as legitimate child 1/2 share of legitimate child (for each child) 1/2 share of legitimate child (for each child)

N.B. The share of the illegitimate child may suffer reduction pro rata because spouse is given preference.
Legitimate children Illegitimate children Surviving spouse 1/2 in equal portions Same portion as legit. child 1/2 share of legitimate child (for each child)

Relatives Surviving

Surviving Spouse

Illegitimate Children

Legitimate Parents & Ascendants

Legitimate parents (whether they survive alone or with concurring compulsory heirs)

Legitimate parents Illegitimate children Legitimate parents Surviving spouse Legitimate parents Illegitimate children Surviving spouse 1/4

1/4 in equal shares




Relatives Surviving

Surviving Spouse

Illegitimate Children

Illegitimate children alone

1/2 All together, in equal shares 1/3 1/3 All together, in equal shares

Illegitimate children Surviving spouse

Surviving spouse alone Surviving spouse alone where marriage is in articulo mortis and testator dies w/in 3 months from marriage

1/2 1/3

But if they have been living together as husband and wife for more than five years


Relatives Surviving

Legitimate Children & Descendants

Surviving Spouse

Illegitimate Children

Illegitimate Parents

Illegitimate parents alone


Illegitimate parents Legitimate and Illegitimate children

If only one = 1/2 More than one = 1/2 in equal portions

If alone = 1/2 Concurring with legitimate children = 1/2 of share of legitimate child


Illegitimate parents Surviving spouse



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