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Issue No. 676 $3.00

First Contact at London Olympics? -2 The Queen Was a Clone! -4 Final Nexus of Timelines on December 21? -5 Unity Consciousness and the 3 New Planets -6 The Separation of the Worlds -7 Sheldon Nidle a Misinformer -8 Will the Cabal Be Arrested? -9 October 2012 Surprise? -10

Which Planet Will the Golden Age Be on? -14 Awaken to Your Own Inner Being! -15 Marshall Vian Summers -15 Synchronicity Is -15 Intuitive Intelligence and Manifestation -16 Will Portals Be Visible? -16 Manifesting Made Easy -16 Is Your Reality a Result of Manifestation? -18

Nibiru, St. Germain and Enlil in September -10 Open the Portal within -18
Earth to Be Moved to the Sirius Star System? -11

Was David Wilcock Edgar Cayce? -19 A Reptilian Plot to Misdirect -21 The Genius of Nikola Tesla -23 Healing with Programmed Water -26

What Is the Blue Planet? -12 The Appearance of the White Buffalo -13 Passing into Another Dimension -13

Reproduction and sharing with friends and family is permitted but no alterations except with permission from CAC

2 CAC General Reading July 30, 2012 Will Berlinghof Interpreter

Joan Mills, questioner and energizer

GALACTIC FEDERATION TO REVEAL THEMSELVES AT LONDON OLYMPICS? QUESTIONER: "It is now established and was decided as of Earth date Wednesday, July 25, 2012 by the Pleiadian High Council in alliance with four other Galactic Councils under Galactic Codex guidelines that we, the Pleiadian Family of Light, will now intervene fully into Gaia's Ascension. Furthermore it has been decided that we will make full contact with Earth beings in 8 days from this transmission, on August 4, 2012 at the World Olympic Games in London, England for the entire world to see. This will be for our introduction as well as our first efforts to work directly with you in the correction and Ascension of Gaia and to assist with your own Ascension." That is the first paragraph. COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that it is the intent and design for a First Contact to occur. However, this Awareness does state that it is not seen clearly by this Awareness that this will occur on August 4. There are too many mitigating factors and circumstances at this time to guarantee this event. Furthermore, this Awareness would also stipulate that when a date is given, that this in itself is highly questionable, for it is not seen yet that the Galactic Federation Council wishes to announce itself so strongly to the world, building up yet again a high degree of anticipation only to have this dashed if this did not occur. It has been so in the past where certain entities such as Blossom Goodchild announced that there would be a First Contact and this did not occur. There were many who became very disillusioned and upset because the announced First Contact did not occur. This Awareness points out that there is a battle raging between the Orion Reptilians and their forces and those of the Galactic Federation and their allies, and one does not announce such a major event so openly because the matter may be blocked, it may be altered; it may well be that those who are the opponents of this occurring may take actions that prevent this to occur. What this does of course is disappoint the many who have had the anticipation of this event occurring, and it would be a great disappointment, one that could again disillusion, and one that could again create great antagonism towards those who have made such announcements. One does not normally announce one's plans in advance to the enemy, if you will, unless one is naive and unable to appreciate that the opponent may well act on their own behalf against this occurring. Often when such dates are outright stated, there is manipulation and those who state this to be so are not the ones who are truly intending this action, for it is seen that the Galactic Federation does not intend to announce itself. It will simply occur, not giving their opponents the opportunity to sabotage these efforts. There are many announcements, many dates that have been given in the past that have all gone for naught. This Awareness simply asks those who have heard this prediction to not energize it, but also not to close the door to it. There are indeed plans for something to occur and one simply needs to stay open and available for these actions to take place and not to build up great energy of anticipation towards them happening. This Awareness says that although there are indeed plans and intent, that this is not necessarily the moment it will occur; but always hold the possibility, always know and support the goal of the Galactic Federation to finally intervene and to step into this matter. One thing that this Awareness will say is that the Galactic Federation has come to a point now where they have awaited the awakening of the masses, and it is not seen that it is occurring as anticipated and hoped for, thus forcing the hand somewhat of those who are the Galactic Federation forces, and they may well indeed finally present themselves. But again, it will not necessarily be according to a grand

announcement such as this. The energies are indeed accelerating, and there is much activity of the Galactic Federation in preparation for their First Contact, for their disclosure of their own existence, and there is that which will of course due to this disclosure, due to the first contact, be brought up for inspection, especially the roles of those who are the Power Elite at this time. This is of course what will occur when those who are the allies of humanity, the true allies, make themselves known. But at this time, simply threatening the Power Elite with disclosure of their presence if they do not agree to the demands of the Galactic Federation, does not seem to this Awareness as a particularly clever action, and as the Galactic Federation forces are much more clever than this, this Awareness asks all who hear such announcements, and read such announcements over the Internet, to always question whether or not this is a truthful statement. Many are anticipating this, many have been awaiting this for a long while indeed, and to hear such pronouncements indeed excites the many who have been awaiting this for such a long time, but discernment must still be used. One's intelligence must not be abandoned; one must look to these matters and truly let go any energy around them, allowing them to manifest as they will. If it does occur that this disclosure occurs on August 4, then one will have not lost anything by holding it as a possibility. But if one puts much energy into it in the form of anticipation and excitement only to have this yet again not be the case, the degree of disappointment is so extreme that it becomes a negative energy that those who are in power can use for their benefit. It must be remembered, the Orion Reptilian factions often feed on negative energies, and announcing such events only to have them sabotaged and fail creates such negative response and negative energy that these beings then use to their advantage. Simply be neutral on this matter, know, as this Awareness has said many times in the past, it is indeed the intent to have that which is First Contact. It is now the recognition of the Galactic Federation that the numbers they wished to achieve before they show themselves may not occur, forcing some peremptory action, but still hold neutral, do not abandon hope; but also do not wave the banner just yet. QUESTIONER: Patience ... COSMIC AWARENESS: Patience, indeed. This Awareness would add, there are energies of Ascension that are speeding up, there are works afoot by the Galactic Federation to assist the ascension process, to firm up the grid-work of the planet, the grid-lines, the templates, and this is work being done at the moment by the Galactic Federation to ensure that the disasters this Awareness has spoken of and many have predicted, may not be as extreme as some have predicted they will be and as some think they will be. Remember also that this Awareness has always spoken of various timelines one can create for oneself, and this too is important to remember, as one is creating the future that they wish to experience. Giving their power away yet again by simply believing a prediction they have read in the blog sites on the Internet does indeed mean that one has not quite learned the lesson of being a creator being. One must always hold that one will find that truth within oneself and create that truth, manifest that truth in their lives, and as one does so, one adopts a more neutral stand on such pronouncements and allows them to unfold as they will, holding that they will experience this at the right time, not at a time where such a grand announcement is made, creating such speculation and such energy. Is this clear? QUESTIONER: Yes, it is very meaningful, and the members will be pleased. Should this go on the

web site ahead of time or...? COSMIC AWARENESS: This indeed should be released as soon as possible. This Awareness is not trying to squash the hopes of those who are hearing these words, reading this message, but It is simply saying take everything with a grain of salt. Know that there are always manipulations and often when there are pronouncements of dates, that these must by themselves be suspect, for no force would announce the exact timing of an action they wish to take for fear that this will prepare the opposite side to launch a repulsion of this event or to sabotage it somehow. That is why this Awareness warns against those pronouncements where a date is given, where many anticipate it as being so, energize it and then are disappointed if it is not so. If one can be neutral, be aware, be open to the possibility it could occur, but it also may not occur, then one is not as crushed or devastated when it does not, if this is what transpires. If it does, then the plan moves forward. It is seen by this Awareness that while it is indeed very much in the plans to create an event during the Olympics that will awaken many, many more, it may not happen on that date. That is all that this Awareness has to say on this matter at this time. NOT THE QUEEN, BUT A CLONE! QUESTIONER: Thank you, There is a side question in a way related, in the sense that when the Queen announced the opening of the Games, her voice was very monotone, there was no excitement or any feeling towards what she was saying. Was that truly the Queen?" COSMIC AWARENESS: It was not the Queen. It is so that there have been actions on the part of the Galactic Federation towards the Elite, towards the Cabal of Power, the Queen of course included, and it was anticipated that on the opening night an action would occur that would perhaps have created a situation of exposure to the Queen. It was a clone that was used at that time, a clone that did not have the power behind it. Indeed, if one recognized the voice, there was a lack of life force or intonation behind this entity's voice. This was a protective action against anything happening to one of the leaders of the Reptilian/Orion faction. Also there has been a scandal of the many empty seats that are being noted at the Olympic events. This too is because many of those who are part of the Power Elite are fearful that they would be exposed when they are in public scrutiny, and as a result many have not been turning up to the events they had purchased tickets for or had tickets blocked and put aside for; and this is one of the reasons why there are so many empty seats at this time at the Olympic venues. It is seen that the Galactic Federation has great honor and respect for the endeavors of those athletes who have trained very greatly and intensely over the many years to be part of these Olympic Games, and it did wish them to have their moment in the sun. It is seen more likely that the events of disclosure will happen in the closing ceremony, not on the 4th August as predicted. QUESTIONER: Thank you for that information. It certainly explains a lot of things because many people did discuss the empty seats. The reason why is acknowledged. Thank you. COSMIC AWARENESS: What is to be noted is that these are blocks of seats, and are very noticeable indeed. In the past those Elites that had tickets to events, who simply did not wish to go would not show up perhaps, but never in the masses that are occurring now, for there is a buzz amongst those who are the Reptilian shape-shifters that the Galactic Federation does indeed now have the means by which their ability to shape-shift can be disrupted and those that are Reptilian beings can indeed have the disguise removed midstream, so to speak. Thus it would be that those who are in human form suddenly revert to their true Reptilian form, to be exposed before the masses and before the television cameras and other recording devices.

This would of course blow the lid off of things and it is for this reason that the majority of those who are Reptilian-Orion shape-shifters are not appearing at the venues. This is an event that occurred just before the Olympics started, and it is why the woman who presented herself as the Queen was a clone, not a Reptilian. Had the Galactic Federation used their device this woman would not have reverted to her Reptilian shape for she was not the true personage or entity that is known as the Queen, nor was Prince Philip there or others, and this is why it is that she seemed off on the evening and at that event. It was a clone, not a clone of her Reptilian form but a human clone of the earthly body. It has not the life force energy behind it, which is why her voice was so monotone and lifeless. QUESTIONER: This brings to mind that President Obama was also not there but rather his wife. Was he also concerned with this possibility? COSMIC AWARENESS: There are other events afoot that this Awareness cannot discuss at this moment. ALL TIMELINES REACH A FINAL NEXUS POINT ON DECEMBER 21? QUESTIONER: Thank you for that discourse. It was very, very interesting. Carrying on, there are several questions from members of the forum, I would like to present these first. The first one is from VD. He asks, "Can Cosmic Awareness date and give extra detail to any shared events that are seen to occur in August to November? By shared events what is meant for certain events that will affect all timelines before all timelines reach a final nexus point on December 21. What are the shared events, if any, for all timelines that are simply necessary to occur as part of the movement of Gaia towards Ascension in December? Also, if Cosmic Awareness could comment please and give any detail about any certain shared events for all timelines, shared events of a positive nature, if there are any seen at all, and that are uplifting or miraculous and will help people in their journey towards Ascension in December? If any, could Awareness possibly give a timeframe for such events? The Law of Gratitude is given. Thank you very much." COSMIC AWARENESS: First, this Awareness cannot give a timeline as dates. It can only say that events are moving forward to the coalescing of many individual timelines into several dozen that are mass event timelines, where the many individual timelines come together in a few theme timelines, if you will. By 'theme timelines' this Awareness is meaning such things as those many who, for example, wish to experience mass-geophysical events, such as Earth disasters and cataclysms, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, weather disruptions, tsunamis etc., etc. There are many who believe that the End Times will involve such events and will participate in these individual timelines in cooperation with others who are sharing this theme timeline. Therefore the mass events will be experienced by the many who have chosen to have those events and occurrences as part of their individual and shared experiences. There are those who will have the experience of the planet Nibiru coming closer and seeing this also as a shared timeline of mass proportions and this can of course also be tied in to the geophysical upheavals that the approach of Nibiru may indeed initiate. But there are others who may experience the approach of Nibiru without the geophysical events but their personal worlds and realities are turned upside down through the fact that an extraterrestrial body can approach and thus disrupt that which has been the status quo for thousands and thousands of years. There are those who are anticipating the miraculous events occurring where 5th dimensional consciousness finally does start to take place for many and the ability, for example, to create in 3rd dimensionality becomes enhanced, and becomes the norm. Those who now are able to truly understand themselves as 5th dimensional beings existing in a 3rd dimensional reality will

understand that as cognitive, conscious 5th dimensional beings they have the ability to create in 3rd dimensionality that which is desired, and that which is the norm. This would also involve many opening up to their higher spiritual nature but even more so allowing the higher spiritual energies to directly flow to this planet. Many who are participating on those timelines will indeed experience miraculous, magical, and wondrous events. Again, this Awareness cannot give dates, It simply says these are the many timelines that are coalescing into a few dozen and it is important to understand that as one begins to see events unfolding one is very careful in not energizing the negative events, rather holding to the positive, holding that the higher spiritual energies are also appearing at this time, and not to see the unfolding events as negative events that are leading to death, destruction, mayhem and upheaval; but rather events that are finally breaking down the status quo, allowing other forces of a higher spiritual nature to finally break through. The Galactic Federation has long awaited the awakening of humanity. They have somewhat underestimated the ability of the Powers That Be to keep humanity asleep, which is one reason that one of the timelines will finally see intervention from the Galactic Federation in events that will shock people awake, that will shake up the status quo, and that will force individuals to finally release the belief systems that they have so rigidly held to. For what was the reality yesterday may not be the reality tomorrow. This was not to be the way of things; it was hoped that humanity would begin its spiritual awakening to a much greater degree much sooner so that the shock and awe tactics that may well be used now would not be needed. Unfortunately this is seen as not being the case and this is why the Galactic Federation forces are now preparing to create situations that will indeed shock and awe. Some, many even, may not be able to handle what is coming in terms of the revelations that are ready to be revealed. But many will indeed be prepared, for many do believe in the existence of extraterrestrial beings and will not be as profoundly shocked as others who believe in a more standard fundamentalist Christian or other religious beliefs - Judaic, Muslim, other Orthodox beliefs as well - will be. The final thing before this Awareness releases this question is to simply know that the changes are finally coming, are very near now, and to stay as focused, as positive, as uplifted as possible even when events around you seem to be exploding all over the place. UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS & THE THREE NEW PLANETS QUESTIONER: That's good advice, thank you. He carries on with a question, "Will Planet A with the Unity Consciousness grid to it situated in the 5th dimension accordingly- will it be a totally separate landscape, space and room wise from Planet A/B with its balanced duality collective consciousness grid, situated in the higher 4th dimension, (perhaps 3rd dimension?), or will the landscape/planet of A/B reality incorporate itself into the landscape of Planet A reality? In short, will the residents of Planet A in the 5th dimension and residents of Planet A/B in the 4th dimension, will they perceive each other visually or otherwise automatically, or will the Planet A residents have to materialize in the Planet A/B reality in order to be perceived by the residents of Planet A/B? The Law of Gratitude is given." Your comment please? COSMIC AWARENESS: There are two distinct realities involved here. What this Awareness would say is that which It has designated as Planet A is that which will be for Unity Consciousness, not duality consciousness. This means that it will be in existence in the lower status of the 5th dimension, where it will be possible for those having the Planet A experience to create that which

previously would have been a 3rd dimensional experience. The difference is that as 5th dimensional beings they can choose to experience the physicality in a way where they are not asleep. They are not unaware of themselves as spiritual beings; they are united in their consciousness, in their wholeness of belief and thought. This means that there is no room for the dualistic conceptualization of Light and Dark. This seems to be for many a very difficult concept, for Planet A/B is dualistic in nature, and there is a need for the balance of the Light and the Dark, that which is physicality. Planet A/B will no longer be an experiment in the consciousness of that which is the Dark Side being in charge but rather an experiment in the balance of Light and Dark. Therefore it will be a physical reality where those who choose to have a physical experience will be born without realizing they are spiritual beings who are having a physical experience - whereas on Planet A they will indeed know themselves as spirit beings choosing to play in physicality but not be enslaved by it, not to be a victim of it. This Awareness will further differentiate between the two. The new experiment of Planet A/B will be one where a soul can still come into physical reality with the goal not to remember itself as it would in the Planet A scenario, but to know that it now can have a physical experience that has a balance to it. It is not simply about suffering and pain but can include much pleasure, much enlightenment, and much growth towards spiritual concepts and understandings that at this time on the present planet that is the A/B scenario in the dark is not possible. This means that there will be more acceptance on the new Planet A/B to heightened consciousness, heightened awareness of the possibilities of being spiritual in nature, but the soul is still yearning to have an experience where it is birthed into a physical form with the goal of awakening in that physical form to its spiritual nature. On that which is Planet A that will not be the case. Consciousness will understand itself as spiritual in nature, choosing to play in physicality, to enjoy the physical, but not be enslaved to it. It will choose at the very lowest levels to be an awakened consciousness that is learning more about itself. It may be that at the very lowest levels of Planet A that there is a similarity to the A/B scenario. What must always be remembered is that those who have ascended to Planet A have done so in Unity Consciousness, in the understanding of the All and the Everything versus the differentiated separateness consciousness that will occur on the Planet A/B scenario. This may seem like the split-ting of hairs but there is a very important distinction between these two types of consciousness. The higher levels of Planet A will be much more able to move quickly and easily between a physicality and a non-physical state of existence. Lower levels may have more difficulty but will know themselves to be spiritual, having the spiritual experience, waiting to be taught how to step beyond the boundaries of physicality back into spiritual and back into physical as desired. Planet A/B, that which is the new balanced harmonized planet, will not simply be able to step out of physicality unless they have chosen a path of self-discovery that would move them towards their own personal Ascension and move them into a Planet A consciousness with time. This Awareness is aware that it is still an ambiguous concept. That is why It says simply: Understand Planet A will have Unity Consciousness, the awareness of Spirit, and on Planet A/B where there is still separation, the spiritual aspect is born into physicality with the intent to learn about physicality and even eventually to awaken into one's spiritual awareness and understanding. MORE ON THE SEPARATION OF THE WORLDS QUESTIONER: Thank you. I have several questions that were taken from the forum, and I will take

them one at a time. The first one (without giving any reference to who writes) is, "My sense of it is the separation of worlds into Planet A, Planet A/B and Planet B will occur simultaneously at the time of Ascension. But some have speculated that Planet B will separate from Planet A/B prior to a further split to create Planet A." Would you care to comment please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness is not at all certain what is required of It in terms of commentary. QUESTIONER: I think the timing that he referred to in the sense of the three possibilities. Will the three possibilities occur simultaneously or will the A/B and B occur separately, that type of thing. COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would therefore say they will occur simultaneously, but they are also occurring as this Awareness speaks. Events are already underway that are bringing new realities forward. The droughts and heat of North America, the flooding and rains of other parts of the world- all of these are part of the separation process that is ongoing. When this is brought to full measure it may indeed seem that there is an event in one's own local area that one will participate in; in one's own region, one's own place of focus that is comprehensive to the whole planet. But one will only experience their own personal focus, their point of action and interaction with the events that are unfolding. Therefore this Awareness can say to you that the events may seem to be the planet shaking itself apart as it leaps forward; one moving into a higher vibrational form to become Planet A, and one being the shell that is left behind after devastation, and one being a new body altogether that now becomes the Planet A/B after the events unfold and after individuals have experienced these events one way or another. Yet they will all be simultaneous and it would be hard for someone on Planet A to view the events on Planet B. Someone on Planet B would not see the events on Planet A/B; they would simply know the events they have just experienced and the results of those events. Does this answer this question? SHELDON NIDLE A MISINFORMER! QUESTIONER: Yes, extremely so, very very well, thank you. Still on that topic, the next one is, "Sheldon Nidle has said for the Galactic Con-federation that the current and imminent operational plan is to buy out or otherwise bankrupt the cabal banking system, replace key corporate national leaders and announce disclosure prior to the dissemination of new technologies, including free energy to help the cleanup of the planet and help for those choosing to ascend with the Ascension chambers. Is this a valid description of the events leading to Ascension or is this a template for Planet A/B after the separation of the worlds?" COSMIC AWARENESS: First, this Awareness would point out the entity Sheldon Nidle is a misinformer. He is an agent of those of the dark, those who are the Orion/Reptilians. Therefore there is a hidden agenda in what he is presenting. This Awareness would then say this is but one timeline that this individual and those whom he represents would have certain ones believe. The chambers this man is referring to are not at all what he is presenting and those that would believe this would be anticipating. It is seen that these chambers have a more nefarious purpose than what is being stated here. Yet if one wished to believe what this entity is presenting, and wished to experience that timeline, they may indeed experience in a manner of speaking what he is presenting, although there is seen to be deception here and those who would be said to be of the Galactic Federation would actually be the Orion/Reptilians still misleading those who are gullible enough and trusting enough and wishing to believe this entity and his presentation of a timeline as being true and real. Thus many would perhaps fall into this deception and present themselves to the chambers, present themselves to this technology.

This Awareness again states that the higher levels of 5th dimensionality will not need technology as such and the highest understanding is that as spiritual beings they are creator beings as well and can simply create what is needed and required. A timeline where the Galactic Federation presents themselves as technologically advanced beings offering Ascension chambers is simply erroneous, yet many are very attracted to this. This Awareness can simply say: be careful of what you are willing to follow, be aware of your greater, truer Divine Nature before you indeed jump into the vipers' pit with such a one. FINANCIAL LIENS AGAINST THE BANKS FOLLOWED BY ARRESTS OF LEADING MEMBERS OF THE CABAL? QUESTIONER: Indeed. There is a similar question here in a sense that the person writes, "There has been much optimism from David Wilcock, Ben Fulford, Drake and notably Cobra, that there will be financial liens against the banks followed by arrests of leading members of the cabal, then disclosure. Some Light Workers have reacted to these claims with skepticism bordering on derision. Would Awareness comment on the sincerity of these entities and the likelihood of these claims proving to be correct?" Your comment please? COSMIC AWARENESS: Mainly some of these are sincere and truly and honestly believe what they are claiming is the truth of it. But there are others who are misleaders, misinformers who know better, who are participants in the deception and the misleading of the masses into alternatives that will still be controlled by the Orion/Reptilians. This Awareness simply states that the world events that are ready to unfold that will bring Gaia into her new body, into her new level of selfawareness, will see the ending of all that is known; not simply through the mass physical events as the planet shifts and changes, but also through the collapse of that which the Orions have built up and delivered as the norm of things. Therefore all economic financial institutes, banks, and stock markets- the world economy as it is now practiced and run, will cease to be. There are other ways of living that do not involve economic enslavement, but there are those who would still try to pretend that even though those who are the masters and controllers now will be exposed, another economic system will come about to replace it. This is simply another form of Orion/Reptilian enslavement. They are indeed aware that the changes are coming. It is their intent, these ones who have so long controlled, to still be in charge and if through deception they can create illusions that others will again buy into, then they will continue to be the masters after events have changed. That is why this Awareness says to be alert and aware. Understand and know that it is no minor event that is about to occur but the mass-completion of one reality paradigm and the expansion in consciousness, either into higher consciousness or into a new experience of physicality. For those who will not shift, change or desire at all to experience this, the old form of control and enslavement will express itself in the many scenarios which this Awareness has called the Planet B scenario where those who would experience the continuation of enslavement of body, mind and soul can continue to be the victims of those Powers That Be. But they would need to understand they are choosing to be victims. This is why this Awareness has always said to question all. Do not simply blindly believe one authority above another, not even this Awareness. Be open to what you experience, question the reality of it, be open to the greater truth that comes from within, the portal of consciousness opening within you, and as your portal of consciousness opens within you will find it reflecting in your life experiences outside of yourself. This Awareness would say any individual has the right to believe anything they wish to believe. They can believe David Wilcock, Fulford, Cobra, or whomever they wish, but understand that when


one believes in another before one believes in oneself and the truth of their own being, then they will always be followers, not those who are the leaders of their own lives. AN "OCTOBER SURPRISE"? QUESTIONER: That's true, thank you indeed. The next one is, "Awareness has spoken of the positive role of the Galactic Federation as being somewhat stymied and thwarted in recent history by the retaliatory threats of the Powers That Be, and hints have been given by other channels that the Galactic Federation may spring an 'October surprise'. Awareness has spoken of the current Galactic Federation activity around Saturn. Without giving too much information away to the Powers That Be, is Awareness able to comment further on this?" COSMIC AWARENESS: At this time it is not appropriate for Awareness to comment further. It simply wishes to say that much more is occurring than many suspect and that when the September -October surprise is sprung then the evidence of what the Galactic Federation have been truly doing will be presented. It is presumptuous to give too much away at this time. It is indeed why this Awareness spoke out at the beginning of today's session that it is unlikely that dates will be given. Information precious in terms of tipping one's hand is not normally presented to those who are the opponents so that they cannot block the actions. This is still the case here. Be that as it may be, this Awareness does say much is unfolding and if one looks and feels their way through one can feel and see evidence of this all around them. One must simply look to the news and to the events in their lives to see the evidence of their own creating of a new reality. The willingness to shift and to move and to grow is part of this and if one responds to the inner inclinations one will be led to where one needs to be and the information one is seeking will present itself. THE RETURN OF NIBIRU, SAINT GERMAIN & ENLIL IN SEPTEMBER? QUESTIONER: Thank you; this is appreciated and of course respected. Awareness has commented on the return of Saint Germain and further on the possible return of Enlil with Nibiru in September. It has stated elsewhere that the Anunnaki withdrew Galactic support to the Earthbased cabal in 1994. Does the return of Nibiru portend an unholy reunion of these dark powers and will Saint Germain be involved in thwarting these plans? Your comments please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness is some-what troubled for this is presented as that which has great strength. This Awareness would emphasize what is more important is the spiritual unfolding and not the physical plans of those who have been controllers on the physical level of reality on this Planet A/B in the darkness. Saint Germain would present another economic system and there are many who are enamored with Saint Germain and would have him as the savior of mankind. Yet this Aware-ness says true salvation will come from within and it does not matter in some ways who is playing things out, whether it be Saint Germain, the Galactic Federation forces or the Orion/Reptilians, or the Anunnaki on Nibiru. Why this Awareness is speaking this is that it is indeed time now for individuals to put aside physicality, physical being, physical cause and effect for that which is the spiritual underlying principles, the understanding and knowledge of that which is the portal within, the Divine Spark that lies in each creator being, and to see each one, each self as being a Divine Being, a creator being in their own power, not waiting for others such as Saint Germain or anyone else to come forward to save them. This Awareness says that as long as one awaits another to be the redeemer, to be the savior, to


be the Messiah, one is still a follower and if one is a follower, one must be led by another. If one understands that the true significance of this time period is the complete Ascension process beyond that of simply being a follower to that of being an enlightened self-aware Divine Being, understanding itself in all situations of consciousness, then that which would be presented by being a follower of those who are leading in the physical will seem to be petty and miniscule in comparison. Be aware, this is that depth of the Ascension process, the power of it, the magnitude, and this is much beyond who might take over. Those events that are unfolding are simply to remind one and all that there is a complete overthrow that is happening and not simply a changing of guard. EVERY NEGATIVE HAS A POSITIVE QUESTIONER: Exactly, thank you. Carrying on, " When Cosmic Awareness used the term 'New Dawn' in the latest newsletter, since that is a cabal term used for decades with the New World Order Illuminati - I just found that odd that Cosmic Awareness would use that term, and it gave me a funny feeling for this recent newsletter." Because humanity exists in a dual reality, positive and negative, any cabal term negatively used by the Powers That Be, this term also has its positive expression recognized by the Lightworkers for the highest and best. Is that not so? COSMIC AWARENESS: This is exactly so. One cannot become entrapped in the semantics of words. This Awareness reminds all that the Illuminati also has that which is its positive expression; it is not simply that which expresses the dark side and the New World Order meaning. There is that which is the illuminated understanding, and to be fearful of words because one assigns them another meaning is to become embroiled and entrapped, not to be beyond that but indeed enslaved by those words, those meanings, and those phrases. This Awareness did not mean the New World cabalic meaning of the New Dawn, it is simply that It was saying a New Dawn is ready to open and appear, a new beginning, a new start to an experience of consciousness. If one wishes to interpret this as a cabalic phrase then one is indeed at the mercies of the cabalic thinking and does need to free oneself of this. There is power in words but also there is that which is a trap, if you will, in believing a phrase must only mean one thing, when as the energizer so correctly pointed out there is the dark meaning and the Light meaning. PLANET EARTH TO BE MOVED TO THE SIRIUS STAR SYSTEM? QUESTIONER: Thank you, and the last one is, "In prior channelings of the spiritual hierarchy it was mentioned the Earth would join the Sirius star system after Ascension to the 5th dimension. The Galactic Federation will organize a transport/teleportation. The Great White Brotherhood will coordinate timing. In some future time there will be two suns in our sky and the crystal firmament in the sky will be re-erected. Is this scenario still a possible timeline? Can Awareness please comment on when this scenario could happen?" Your thoughts please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness does not see it in terms of the transportation of Mother Earth to the Sirian system. It is simply seen as a shift in dimensional energies, not an actual shift of the planet to another solar system. This is a conjectural matter, a speculative matter, a different way of thinking of things, but such is the power of creative thought, such is the power of creator beings that indeed for those who could entertain such thought, this could be a reality if they wish to energize it. This Awareness would be more content to simply state that what is occurring is a


shift to another dimension of consciousness, not a shift in location. But as this Awareness has just said, creator beings can create anything they can think of. QUESTIONER: Exactly, thank you. Ok, we have one from DA. "It's written at one point during a consultation Cosmic Awareness took me through a visualization/meditation to find and communicate with my Higher Self and my lower self. It has been so helpful to me I'm basically writing to ask Cosmic Awareness go over how to do this for the newsletter as I feel it would be so beneficial to CAC members. Thank you so much, love and blessing." Your thoughts please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness is not at all certain which technique was given to this individual. This is not a question this Awareness can answer at this time. This Awareness would need more information of exactly which approach was used, which method was presented, before It can go on. It presents many individualized meditations. This Awareness would ask that this individual be contacted perhaps with the request for more information, then this Awareness can make more comment. WHAT IS THE BLUE PLANET? QUESTIONER: We carry on - are you prepared to discuss the Blue Planet? There is a large communication concerning it. There are two questions associated with it. It comes from VB. "In a personal reading from Awareness in 1975 there was a question asking what is and where is the Blue Planet? Awareness indicated, "This blue planet is called "home"- the words 'human', 'omen', 'Om', 'home', 'womb' - as all being different expressions of the experience, the vibrations, the time zones of the Blue Planet. This Awareness indicates that the Blue Planet does surround and permeate the Earth. This may be approached through the constellation Orion. A hole in space in the constellation Orion allows entities to enter the 4th dimension and come back to the planet in another plane. Entities are walking among you at this time that are standing upon the Blue Planet. This physical Earth is but one layer of the multilayered levels of the Blue Planet. In this manner entities can inhabit the same space yet be on a different vibration or vibrations and not even know each other is there. Likewise you yourself may be inhabited by a multidimensional personality of many entities standing in the same space and time yet being on many different planets. This is likened unto an overlay as seen in your anatomy books wherein one plastic sheet is shown over another having one part upon another, the totality of the picture being a picture of man. This Awareness indicates entities that hear voices that are speaking to them from another vibratory plane that may only be 1 mm away from their ear or may actually inhabitant their own consciousness. The body described to you now in terms of your own body being inhabited by many entities on different planes as making up a total for you to discover in discovering "who in fact you really are". Non-judgment, reconciliation, discernment without condemnation shall lift entities into those higher dimensions back toward home." He carries on COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness does not see that there is a need for this Awareness to make comment, for this individual has made sufficient comment. This Awareness will simply say that this is one understanding, and that there are many layers. This Awareness would equally say that there are many pasts of this planet where those entities/beings/energies of previous existences are also to be found in the same place at the same time, but they are not necessarily of the Blue Planet. Therefore this Awareness simply would say that It has no comment on this matter. QUESTIONER: This would not tie in then to any future multidimensional Ascension scenario?


COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness is somewhat confused when It speaks of 5th dimension, why there would be a tie into the Orions on 4th dimensionality, which is still a prison scenario. There is somewhat of a confusion here. Basically this individual seems to have his own understanding of this. It is not that this Awareness is not wishing to comment; It simply does not see there is room for It to comment for it is already assumed by this individual what it is. WHEN THE WHITE BUFFALO APPEARS The Cosmic Plan is Unfolding QUESTIONER: Very good, thank you. Another one here concerning the white buffalo, "The birth of the white buffalo according to Sioux tradition is a sign of the return of harmony, unity and peace to the Earth. It signals the fulfillment of the prophecy of White Buffalo Calf Woman. The appearance of the white buffalo means all nations shall be redeemed and learn to honor what is sacred on our Earth; the 2000 year-old prophecies unfolding as the Earth sees the birth of white buffalo on native land. But what is equally fascinating is the appearance of the albino animals being birthed in a large variety of species. There is no coincidence, as these are signs of an emerging new Earth. The white animals are more than a symbol; they are actually small vortexes of energies placed throughout the world to imbue the land with purity. Their incarnations tell us we are living in exciting times and that the path towards Ascension is opening up for everyone". And there is a website. Is this in fact true? COSMIC AWARENESS: The white buffalo calf is indeed a Sioux prophecy. There have been several white buffalo calves born over the last 20 years approximately and they are indicative of the movement in consciousness, the Divine Plan unfolding. This completes this answer. PASSING INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION It Could Happen in a Flash! QUESTIONER: Thank you. We carry on here this comes from MT. "Is it true that in this January we will, or some people anyway, pass into another dimension? I mean it will or could be from that month that these people will suddenly disappear from 3-D Earth or it will be more like little changes in ourselves and in the solar system, which means we will still live and see the world as it was? I'm asking because some people believe that the change of DNA and other changes in our world is something that will take decades and it's not going to happen as fast as a flash." Your comments please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness asks why it should not happen in a flash, for time is meaningless? Time is instantaneous and spontaneous and it is drawn out and everlasting. It can happen in a flash or it can happen over a prolonged period of time. Individuals are those who will determine in their own lives how they will experience it, be it in a flash or over an extended, drawn out period of time. These events could happen in a flash, but individuals who do not wish to experience it this way may find that for them it is a long drawn out process. This Awareness cannot agree with this individual saying it will not happen in a flash. For some it will, but for this individual it will be long and drawn out. It is simply a way of energizing something in this context, an understanding of how things


unfold. It is again a belief system and as a creator being creating what one's belief system is, the experience will follow in light of that belief system. WHICH PLANET WILL THE GOLDEN AGE BE ON? PLANET A, OR PLANET A/B? QUESTIONER: Thank you. Then there is something from LKY. He writes, "With regard to this audio posting regarding Planet A and Planet A/B scenario, am I correct to state that for those who are on the Ascension process there are two parts to it? One is total return to divine source and the other a level for those who aren't able to achieve the higher levels of Ascension. I'm interested to return back to the new Planet A/B scenario to help others. On this note will the Golden Age begin on Planet A or Planet A/B scenario? As I was reading another channeled source of Saint Germain which mentioned that the Golden Age won't be here for the next 2000 standard Earth years and not until after some major land reorganization. Does that happen in Planet A or Planet A/B scenarios?" Could Awareness please comment? COSMIC AWARENESS: Planet A will be that which is the realization of 5th dimensional consciousness. At the higher realms it will be an etheric planet, not a physical one, but at the lower levels there will still be that crossover energy from physicality into pure etherical energies. There will be a component of that which is physicality but much, much different than what is in the Planet A/B scenario that is in play at this time. On the new Planet A/B experience and experiment where there is still the need to have a physical experience, the need for the spiritual being or the spiritual consciousness to forget itself to have this unmitigated physical experience, there may be a long drawn out experiencing as stated by this individual. Then the prediction that was made by Saint Germain that it would take 2000 standard years before events occur, before those Earth Changes are completed, may have application. But again this is simply one timeline. This Awareness does find it interesting how individuals always wish to believe one individual, one set of beliefs, one series of predictions, where many options occur that are possible. If an individual wishes to experience such an unfolding of events then it will be there for them to experience on Planet A/B and it may well be that the illusionary effect of time as a long drawn out experience may be their experience. But this Awareness always presents other options, other ways of thinking about this, and it challenges the readers to entertain other concepts than those standard concepts that are so often followed and believed in. Does this Awareness come through when It says that belief in such a prediction as just stated is but a singular belief, a way of believing, a way of conceptualizing, a way of energizing, a way of creating? To believe in Saint Germain's prediction that it will take 2000 years as a creator being means that the creator being is putting power outside of himself or herself into another who has made this prediction. They stay asleep as creator beings, not realizing they will create this reality but they will base it on the projections of another, in this case the entity known as Saint Germain. They do not then take responsibility for their own awareness, their own awakening, for they do not see themselves as a creator beings. They see themselves as participants of events they have no control over, no force over, and no ability to alter or indeed to create. That is why this Awareness must admit it is difficult to go over and over again and again many singular predictions that individuals seem to be caught up in, without ever recognizing that they themselves have their own creative power, their own ability to create the reality they choose to experience. If they choose to believe another then they will experience these realities. If they choose to finally see themselves as the creator beings they are then they may indeed begin to finally realize who and what they really are.


The Changes That Need to be Made: STOP GOING OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF! AWAKEN TO YOUR OWN INNER BEING! QUESTIONER: Good advice, thank you, indeed. We have the next one from JJ. "It's written, it's obvious we must make dramatic changes as a collective in order to survive for generations to come." COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness interjects. It would ask why this is obvious? It is only obvious in that this individual holds it as important and thus obvious. This Awareness would say that it is not at all so. As one begins to understand oneself as a creator being then all they need to change is their own reality and all else will follow. The conjecture that it is obvious that mankind must change is an understanding of that which is outside and puts the power outside of the individual and not in the hands of the individual, nor does it accept the responsibility each individual has to finally understand themselves as a creator being who is creating the reality of their experience. When this occurs then many will simply step outside of the parameters of accepted belief systems that exist now and will indeed take responsibility and create the reality that is necessary, that is needed, and that is desired by themselves as a creator being. They will not put that responsibility into the hands of the collective. QUESTIONER: I think you basically answered his next statement. Just to confirm, the questions are, "How and what specifically can we do at this moment to bring on what is so desperately needed? Is it with the truth about free energy deception, illusions and mass confusion by the global elite? COSMIC AWARENESS: Stop going outside of yourself. Start seeing that in the reality you create as an individual, free energy is released and the higher dimensional consciousness is that which is the norm, not that which is an exception or even that which does not apparently even exist. This is the difference that is now starting to unfold. Many who are 5th dimensional beings are starting to awaken to this in their own being and are not looking any longer outside of themselves but are starting to see the truth of their own being expressing itself, seeing themselves shifting that consciousness away from the external to the internal and from there, composing the reality that they experience versus being asleep and unaware, still expecting the collective to somehow awaken to the deception. All that truly needs to happen is the individual must awaken to the inner state of their own being and then they will awaken to the truth. WHAT ABOUT MARSHALL VIAN SUMMERS? He Makes Many Claims That Smack of Old Lies QUESTIONER: Exactly, thank you. JAV writes "Is Awareness able to comment on Marshall Vian Summers? He claims to have a new message from God but truly he troubles my spirit. His focus is that he has the new truth, but his message reeks of tragedy and fear. Is it me? Thank you." COSMIC AWARENESS: Any who come forward proclaiming themselves to have the new truth but it smacks of old lies and deceptions are not to be followed. This individual is such a one and this Awareness allows others to draw their own conclusions and to take their own actions on this matter. Do trust your own inner instinct and act upon it. SYNCHRONICITY: CLUES TO A HIGHER REALITY


QUESTIONER: Exactly, thank you. We have one from OC. "Speaking of synchronicity in terms of seeing triple digits on clocks, on the Internet and even on license plates, I have been getting these synchronicities since I found out about Ascension in 2007." He has a few questions; I'll read them separately. "Is synchronicity a result of your higher self's ability to manifest a reality for you?" COSMIC AWARENESS: It is not so much the higher self's reality that is being manifested but rather clues indicating that there is a higher reality. The significant triple numbers, quadruple numbers and doubled numbers, are simply a way for Spirit to remind you that you are part of a greater story. It is not creating it for you but It is indeed reminding you of this truth. INTUITIVE INTELLIGENCE AND MANIFESTATION QUESTIONER: True, thank you. The next one, "Is manifestation easier for people who have a more intuitive intelligence and will people with a more intuitive intelligence have an easier time figuring out their new abilities in the fifth dimension?" COSMIC AWARENESS: Not necessarily, but what this Awareness would say is those who are naturally intuitive and not intellectual often do not put the mind before all else. The mind has many beliefs that have been incorporated and many questions, many doubts, and many thoughts. Those who are natural may simply allow the flow of their knowingness to guide and to lead and it is for this reason that working with one's natural intuitive abilities will often bring those who have such abilities to the forefront, but it does not mean that one who has developed their high intellectual prowess cannot do so if they let go of the rational mind and the ego of the low self. WILL PORTALS BE VISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE? QUESTIONER: Good, thank you. "Will the portals that open up at the end of the year during the Mass Ascension in December of 2012 be visible with the naked eye or will people have to be aware of the portals spiritually?" COSMIC AWARENESS: Some will see them with the naked eye, as they will be visible indeed. Some will spiritually sense them, know them and be guided to them, but there will be others who will not even begin to see them or feel them. For these ones who are not ready for an Ascension process, it will be as if nothing presents itself. Is this clear? WHAT WOULD MAKE MANIFESTATION EXTREMELY EASY? QUESTIONER: Yes it is, thank you. There are two or three left. "Is it easier to manifest things in the third dimension when you have more of an intuitive intelligence, and if a person learns to manifest things more quickly in the third dimension by practicing manifestation, will this make a person closer to their 5th dimensional self?" COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would say what would make manifestation extremely easy in 3rd dimensionality is to simply understand and know oneself as a 5th dimensional conscious being who is having a 3rd dimensional experience or as a spiritual being having a physical experience. This may be explained as natural intuitiveness but this Awareness would say rather than natural intuitiveness, it is an aware state of heightened consciousness that sees beyond the illusion of 3rd


dimensionality. Natural intuitiveness does not always suggest that one is coming from a 5th dimensional position, but it is more akin to the energies of the child who has recently come into physicality from its divine state of consciousness. A child is naturally intuitive and innocent. It is still holding very much the energies of the Divine, of that which is beyond the parameters of belief that are created when one is trained in the physical world and holds physicality as the rules and laws of this particular reality. A child believes in magic, a child trusts that all are trustworthy and that there is nothing evil and dark out there. As the child grows up, that which you could call its natural state is corroded and corrupted, as the belief systems of the parents and of their world, as the society and culture they grow up in have a greater and greater effect. If one can hold the natural intuitive abilities and the natural innocence of the child, and is at the same time a spiritual seeker opening up to greater understandings and awareness of themselves as spiritual beings living in an illusionary reality, then that which is 5th dimensional consciousness begins to enter into the picture more and more, and one could say that the natural intuitiveness becomes the natural awareness of a 5th dimensional consciousness and it is no longer trapped by those rules and laws of physicality. It is beyond 3rd dimensionality and it therefore can supersede any and all of the 3rd dimensional laws because that level of consciousness supersedes 3rd dimensionality. Natural intuitiveness, natural innocence, lead into it but it is more than simply natural intuitiveness. Is this clear? One who has 5th dimensional Consciousness and Awareness Supersedes 3rd dimensional Laws and Rules. QUESTIONER: Yes, definitely. His next question touches on this as well. "Also is it possible for a person in the 3rd dimension to become so good at manifestation that they can manifest anything they want but still within the limits of 3rd dimensional speed and the limits of the universal law?" COSMIC AWARENESS: In a manner of speaking it is so and it is possible, but what this Awareness is talking about exceeds simply one who has such belief and trust that they can create in 3rd dimensionality, that they do so in this manner. One who has 5th dimensional consciousness and aware-ness supersedes 3rd dimensional laws and rules. They do not affect it any longer. One who is simply at a high intuitiveness, a high natural belief system, may indeed manifest within the context of 3rd dimensionality but they are actually exceeding this. This is somewhat confusing perhaps, but it is as if one were to let us say, believe that they are naturally lucky, that they always win the lotteries, and that they always have good things happen to them. When one holds such a belief system then they will be creating in the context of 3rd dimensionality from a 3rd dimensional level, not a 5th dimensional level. When one is awakened and aware of oneself as a 5th dimensional being one can bypass those rules and laws of 3rd dimensionality. It is not simply because they believe they are lucky, it is because they simply are not playing the same game and the game's rules do not apply to them and they can do what they wish. It is as if one were playing the game of Monopoly. One could play this game, totally believing that their paper money is real and that they are getting good rolls of the dice and are having fortuitous events happen, or one could understand this is simply a game and one does not need to even play it in the way it is prescribed. If you are truly wishing to enjoy the game you play it by the rules. If you have superseded this game, one would play the game differently. Is this clear?


IS CREATING YOUR OWN REALITY THE RESULT OF MANIFESTATION? QUESTIONER: Yes, definitely, thank you. He writes, "For my last question, is creating your own reality the result of manifestation?" COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would put this the other way around - being a creative being you would create that which is your reality. It would not manifest simply because you are a creator being. This is again a confusing way of presenting this. What this Awareness is perceiving from this individual's context is that manifestation is somehow different from creative understanding, whereas this Awareness says creative understanding is fundamental first and foremost and that when one has this and truly works from this level, they will simply create or manifest that which is required. At this point, this Awareness would suggest that this session be brought to conclusion. QUESTIONER: Certainly. It was an excellent session. There is no closing message then, is that correct? OPEN THE PORTAL WITHIN AND YOU WILL FIND YOU ARE WHERE YOU NEED TO BE! COSMIC AWARENESS: The closing message this Awareness has at this time is that the challenges are coming more and more, and one must step into one's power, one's ability of perception, to understand and perceive the truth of one's own being and to not put power outside of oneself by trusting and/or believing what others are saying or predicting. The thought and theory of natural intuitiveness was put out in the preceding questions and this Awareness would indeed say natural intuitiveness is a very important matter, for as one develops their natural intuitiveness, their sensing of things, they will be led more and more strongly into reflection of what this truly is about. They will begin to understand that perhaps they are more than what they think they are. Each individual will be challenged to start questioning whether they are subject to others' predictions and rules and laws, or whether perhaps through their thoughts and beliefs they are somehow drawing into their realities experiences that reflect those thoughts and beliefs. They need to begin to see that this is so and that this then leads them to the next step and perhaps they need to be very careful of what they choose to energize, as those thoughts and beliefs are potent and powerful. As they begin to realize this they begin to realize that they have the right to their own beliefs and that the beliefs from within may be more powerful as guidance to themselves and to their lives than the beliefs and opinions of others from outside them-selves. With this begins that process of the realization of what it means to be a creator being, creating their own reality, and as humans have it as their life experience to begin to understand this process more and more in this time of Ascension, they will be given more and more opportunity to question, to investigate, to speculate, and to experiment. These times are changing, the energies of these times are becoming more and more conducive to that which could be called instantaneous manifestation versus the more long drawn out 3rd dimensional process where most never understand or recognize that they have created their reality and manifested it in their lives. Many are starting to have experiences where quite literally they have a thought and that thought manifests and plays itself out. Then they must take the next step and see that if this is so, this is indicative of their being a creator being and as a creative being, they can take greater care in what they are thinking, what they are energizing, and what they are manifesting.


There is movement on the planet, the energies of the planet. This movement is seen as a potential danger by the Elite, those who are in control, and they are endeavoring more and more to suppress human conscious awakening, and are endeavoring to misguide and mislead, and there are many, many agents who are part of this misdirection. It is both the responsibility and opportunity of those who are awakening to discover themselves now as true creator beings that are indeed awakening to this truth. This Awareness does say that these times are both the best of times and the worst of times and that it is indeed now the time for each and every individual to make their choices as to which it is they wish to experience. As they choose more and more to see themselves as these evolved creative creator beings, their experiences will lead them to awaken to their 5th dimensional nature. This is the nature of Ascension and it is not simply about moving through a portal but rather opening that inner portal of understanding and awareness that will allow such understanding and such conceptualization. Equally it is a time where individuals can choose to remain asleep and be misled and misdirected into further experiencing of a lack of power and creativity, where the world still dominates them and the external controls them. This is one reason why certain events are scheduled to occur in the next few months that will shake up the status quo. Many will still not be able to adjust their thinking and it may well be that these are the ones that will not "survive" the Ascension process, and that will return back into Spirit, for it is not their intent, need or desire at this time to fully ascend but simply to have a partial Ascension experience. Others will refuse altogether to believe that they are here to have an Ascension experience and will hold to physicality as it is now. These include such as the survivalists who wish very much to have an experience where they can pit themselves against oppressive forces and survive. For them, that would be their experience and their need to remain in a physical world where they battle each and every day. These times will present many opportunities but the times are coming together into this nexus of choices, more limited than previously, as the bottleneck is reached, as the individuals choose to go in certain prescribed directions and thus experience what it is that they need to experience. Stay in good faith and good trust, open to the highest aspects of the Divine as It seeks to guide you, as you indeed seek to understand and awaken to your own true divine natures, and you will find that you are exactly where you need to be, exactly when you need to be there. QUESTIONER: Excellent, thank you. ===========================================================================
CAC General Reading April 27, 2012 Will Berlinghof, Interpreter Joan Mills, questioner and energizer

IS DAVID WILCOCK THE REINCARNATION OF EDGAR CAYCE? QUESTIONER: Thank you. The first question is from TH. It concerns the Wynn Free conference line. TH writes, "Wynn Free is the author of the book that alleges that David Wilcock is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. Wynn Free doesn't actually channel; this is done by an associate of his. It is done by a woman; I believe her name is Daphne. This woman is supposed to be the reincarnation of Saint Catherine of Siena. The source that is channeled is supposed to be the Ra Confederacy and Ra-An. One of these, I believe it is the Ra Confederacy, is claimed to be the Creator God of this realm." Do you have any comment on the accuracy of this information please?


COSMIC AWARENESS: The information that has been given is somewhat misleading for it is known by this Awareness of another who is the reincarnation of Catherine of Siena. She does not claim to be Catherine of Siena, for it was the Interpreter who received the information when he met her, and picked up that she was Catherine of Siena. Is it right that there are two Catherine's of Siena? For this is the case here - one who claims to be and one who is not claiming to be but has been identified by the Interpreter who has the ability to see into past lives and to know the past life histories of others. This Awareness also would say that this entity has then gone on to claim through a third party that David Wilcock is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. This is all very convoluted. This Awareness is not saying that the woman is not picking up on the energetics of that entity that was once known as the Saint Catherine of Siena. But is she the reincarnation? This Awareness does not see her as the reincarnation but does see her as one who is channeling this entity's consciousness at this time. This is important to understand, for what is implied here in both the assumptions is that she is the reincarnation of Catherine and that David Wilcock is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, and that the individual who is reincarnated is also then somehow the vessel through which that information comes from, the entities they once were. This is not exactly as it is, for there are many who are alive at this time that were others in other historical timelines, other lives in other times and alternate lives. They are not the same person now; the Focus Personality now is not the historical personage. For example David Wilcock is not Edgar Cayce in this moment; he is David Wilcock. The fact that he comes from the same soul energies that were responsible for the Focus Personality known as Edgar Cayce is all that is occurring here. In other words, each Focus Personality is the individual focus for the soul in the life experience one is having at the moment. Although the Interpreter was once the entity William Penn senior, the father of William Penn the Quaker who came to North America to found a colony in the state that became known as Pennsylvania, not after William Penn the Quaker, but rather William Penn senior, does not mean that the Interpreter now says he is William Penn senior. He is simply aware that one aspect of the greater soul that he belongs to was the Focus Personality or identity of William Penn senior, and he does not mistake himself to be this entity. Therefore he does not go to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and make claims that he is William Penn senior and that the state was named after him. This would be an absurdity and probably would get the Interpreter locked up in a famous padded cell. Therefore it is interesting that the claims here are being made that the former Focus Personality, such as Catherine of Siena or Edgar Cayce, somehow indicate that the individuals are more worthy of being listened to, for they were these other individuals in other lifetimes. What this Awareness says here is that it may be so that David Wilcock comes from a soul aspect that once was the Focus Personality Edgar Cayce, but it does not mean he is Edgar Cayce nor does it mean that he is the Interpreter for Cosmic Awareness as Edgar Cayce once was. Indeed, that role as is known falls to the present Interpreter and to others through whom this Awareness also speaks, either in ways similar to how the Interpreter works or through other avenues, such as in art or in music. Therefore the entity David Wilcock is somewhat ego-driven in assuming he has some sort of special merit because he belongs to the same soul from which Edgar Cayce originated from, as if he is claiming to be this entity and somehow this means there is more worth in what he says, when he is not even channeling this Awareness and he is not even channeling Edgar Cayce. He is just making the secondhand claim based on another's claim that he is who he is and somehow this


should mean that he has more importance than others who cannot claim that they were once the entity Edgar Cayce. This simply is erroneous. The information David Wilcock has to offer may be of a valuable nature and there are things that he has shared and given to those who are aware of him that have merit and that have worth. He has merit and he has worth as himself David Wilcock, not as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. This whole matter of past lives and past personalities must be understood completely differently than it is now held. No one person at this time who is alive, who is a Focus Personality, is someone else. They are all who they are in this moment, in this focus of life. He has merit for who he is now: David Wilcock. The fact he belongs to the soul from which Edgar Cayce originates has nothing to do with what he has to share now or his self-importance now. This is so of the woman Daphne who channels the consciousness of Saint Catherine of Siena. She is not Saint Catherine of Siena; she channels that consciousness, which is in a way more than David Wilcock does in channeling Cosmic Awareness: the Spirit, the Awareness of course, that spoke through the former Focus Personality of Edgar Cayce. Furthermore the fact that this information was transmitted to him through a third party further weakens his claim for fame in this matter. It is not as if he himself, David Wilcock, came to this deep profound understanding and was able to see the truth of who he was and how it worked. This all came through a third party who was transmitting the information from Daphne. This all convolutes the matter and what this Awareness will say finally is that one must judge the information that David Wilcock is transmitting as the information this Focused Personality of David Wilcock is transmitting, not because he is part of the soul that was the origin of the personality Edgar Cayce and this makes him more worthy to be listened to. One must also question the channelings of Daphne who claims to be Catherine of Siena as whether they are of import. In the end it always boils down to what this Awareness constantly reminds all individuals, all seekers, which is that they must always question the material being given, the source that is giving that material. They must always go within and find the attunement with that information and if it speaks to them and creates for them a feeling of truth, then there is something to it. If it does not, then they must be careful about simply accepting something from someone who claims to be something else, for in the end this is how the dark works as well. This Awareness is not saying David Wilcock is of darkness, It is simply saying that the purpose of the dark ones is always to mislead, misinform, misguide and capture those who are seeking the Light but are not in full awareness of the truth of matters. This is the goal of course: to find the truth and to live the truth, the truth of the highest order. Therefore again and as a final statement: be wary in this matter; accept only the truths from David Wilcock or Daphne or anyone else that resoundingly coincide with the inner knowing of the truth held by yourself, held by each seeker, that which corresponds, has merit, and has value. That which does not, even if it is made with the claim that it is coming from a very famous personage, such as Edgar Cayce, simply does not then have merit. There are many who claim to be Napoleon but very few that are truly connected to that conscious-ness. In this case the claim to be connected to Edgar Cayce is interesting. There may be value in some way to it but it does not mean that David Wilcock is more authentic or more accurate than others and it certainly does not mean that he is conveying the message of this Awareness. This Awareness can say outright that David Wilcock is not the voice of this Awareness and It will leave it at that. A REPTILIAN PLOT TO MISDIRECT


QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was very interesting. How about the other part with regard to the source that is being channeled that is supposed to be the Ra Confederacy? Is there such a Confederacy? COSMIC AWARENESS: This is misdirection. This Awareness sees no value in that claim. This Awareness sees no such Confederacy although the energies of the Ra-Ta period were indeed once very strong and it is this energy that is very active now, not the Ra-An grouping that has been mentioned here. This Awareness simply sees no legitimacy here. It indeed sees this as a reptilian plot to misdirect. QUESTIONER: Interesting how they work isn't it? COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed, it is always the way of the reptilians and the Orions, the dark ones, to infiltrate, to come forward with the hook of truth to hook others into that truth and then to reel them in and reel others in, all for the purpose of misdirecting, all for the purpose of dissuading, all for the purpose of destroying any effectiveness that the seeker might have who is truly seeking the truth. Any and all who are misguided in that way need to have that as an experience and ultimately each and every being still seeking to know the truth and to achieve the Light. Therefore even though this is by way of misdirection, this Awareness could say to you that it is nonetheless a valuable experience if the individual learns from it. They may be fortunate not to awaken in this life and find out that they have been misled, in which case they must then find the true path once again, but the true path is always the shining path. It is always the path that is lit by the Divine and is always the path that is there to be found again and again and again. All seekers of the Light and of the way of the Divine go off-track constantly. It is the enlightened path that always beckons one back, and therefore it does not matter if one has experiences that take them off-track as long as they learn from that experience and find the track again. Sometimes this might mean that they will not in a lifetime return to that track and they will die off-track but they will review their lives, they will see where they went off-track, and they will understand what the mistakes were that took them off-track, being misguided, for example, by the dark ones who constantly infiltrate those high Light sources. They can then find a way to come back into another life, being offered a similar challenge and this time remembering how they might have been misled before but are intuitively, instinctively recognizing and knowing this, and thus not allowing themselves to go off-track. Therefore every time one goes off-track, every time one is misdirected from the truth by those who would seek to misguide and misinform, there is always a potential for a learning experience. Therefore one can say that the way humans learn is to learn the "not" of an experience: not this, not that. If one was to use the example of love - many times individuals have relationships that they think are about love, only to find that the experience they have is "love not"; love that is not the truest love, the deepest love, the most profound love: the love that binds one to Spirit and shows the way because one has found the completion of oneself in the other person but knows because of all of the other experiences how not to give their power away, even to the loved one, how to stay in the center of their circle and let the two circles of individuality merge, creating a third element, the vesica piscis, which is the combination of the two circles, the disc formed in the intersection, this being the third energy that is a complete and separate individual creation of two who are complete and whole, and who find each other. This is not the same, for example, as the commonly held belief that another person must make up the other half of you, for if you are only half a person this Awareness asks, are you the bottom half, are you the top half, or are you split in the middle? Which half a person are you? This is what is promoted and taught in the Western world and on this planet, but this Awareness says: what is the truth is each and every individual is a complete and whole individual and that they come


together and in the merging find the third element of their being created by the merging of the two independent selves. This is what is promised and this is what is recommended that individuals find, this merging. This relates to the question that this Awareness started to discuss before It was sidetracked, in that when others come forward and offer an experience that is actually misguiding, misleading the individual may have that experience and experience the "not" of the experience, that which is not the true experience. They then can learn from that, be it an experience of love, as this Awareness was speaking of, or be it an experience of a group claiming to be something that it is not. When one has that "not" experience, they can learn from it or they can be misled by it. Either way, whether the individual learns from the experience in that lifetime and finds the truth and finds the new direction out of that and finds the new way forward, or even if they die in this life and learn through their review of life what went wrong and why, this is still a learning experience. The Ra-An group that was asked about at the beginning of the question is a "not" experience; it is not of the highest order but rather a reptilian-based group consciousness that is hooking many, for much of that which is given seems to be the truth. Once one is hooked on the truth it is easy to reel one in and start giving the lies that take the place of truth, until one is so embroiled in those lies that they are completely lost and misdirected. Yet again, use this always as an experience that one learns from of what is a "not" experience, and then one will use any and all experiences as the means by which to identify the right experience when it comes to you, whether it is love that is the right love, the total love; whether it is an experience with a group that is misleading and leads one to find the truth in other aspects in other groups or whatever it might be, always learn from the experience, whether it is a "not" experience or a "yes" experience. THE GENIUS OF NIKOLA TESLA Who Was He Really, and Was His Death Faked? QUESTIONER: It was excellent, thank you so much. We carry on here a question from LK. It concerns Nikola Tesla. He writes, " In the book about the Montauk Project by Preston Nicols and Peter Moon, they wrote that Nikola Tesla's death may have been faked. He was trying to get more time to solve some safety problems for the crew of the ship during the Philadelphia Project but was overruled and either quit or was fired in 1942. There is evidence a lookalike derelict was used and cremated the day after his body was found and also Tesla was supposed to have been sent to England." Would you like to answer the first question first? COSMIC AWARENESS: The first question is relatively easy to answer for it is the truth that it was a staged death and the derelict who was offered up was simply a ploy to mislead, to make individuals think that Tesla had died. In fact, as it is suggested, he was somewhat taken prisoner and removed from the United States and did go to Europe, to England at that time although he went not as a free willing individual, but more of a prisoner. He knew the problems and they would not listen to him for the ones he was working for were reptilian beings, Orions, and they had another agenda. They did not care that individuals would die and the only reason they did not use his technology is because it was not complete and it could not be controlled. There was no concern that the soldiers who were part of the experiment died gruesome deaths implanted in the bulkhead of the ship or disappeared altogether into another dimension. They simply wanted a weapon against the Nazis. The irony of course being the Reptilian/Orions were in charge of the Nazis as well, but it was two factions fighting each other to cause great death and destruction at that time. Nikola would not cooperate and he refused, which is why they staged his death so that they could imprison him, thinking that they could force him to work for them, but


they could not. Indeed it is seen that Nikola Tesla was not a human being in the sense of he was born on the planet and became the individual he is alleged to have been. This Awareness sees that he was a member of the Galactic Federation, who came onto this planet to create these inventions, devices for the well-being of humanity, and they understood him, for much more was understood about the extraterrestrial beings than has been let out. They could not force him to cooperate even though they tried to torture him and deny him sustenance, and kept his prison cell cold and lit all of the time, but he did not cooperate and it is seen, not that he died, but it is seen that he was removed finally from the situation by his own brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation. It is seen that in some ways he was a rogue element who took matters into his own hands, for it was not to be that the secrets that Tesla shared were to be given at that time. He took this into his own hands because he felt that the Council was wrong and that the humans needed these inventions. They were afraid that the inventions would be used inappropriately and that they would become weapons. Tesla did not believe this would be so and therefore he broke with the Galactic Federation on this matter and came down onto the planet to incarnate in life as the entity now known as Tesla, providing false evidence of his birth and his origins. He was always considered different by those who knew him. He explained this away by claiming to be born of a Hungarian lineage and many could accept this, for they did not know what a Hungarian person would be like and they attributed his strangeness to his being a foreigner. Upon his capture and imprisonment he suffered greatly and he did finally come to realize that his brothers and sisters on the Galactic Federation Council were indeed correct that his inventions were not right for those times. Those in power, those in the dark cabal, took his inventions and have used them for insidious dark purposes. His wish to capture free energy for all to have available - for he understood how trans-formative it would be for the world itself and the humans on that world - was never brought forward, indeed it has been suppressed since that time and he saw the folly of his ways. It was when he saw this and communicated to the Galactic Federation that they finally did come and return him back to their ranks and it is seen he is there yet, for his age is quite old already, but this is a different story. Simply know that he is still aware and still ready to assist humanity in the times ahead but not to assist those whom he inadvertently assisted in the years approximately 60 to 70 years ago. Does this answer your question? Tesla Came from Sirius B QUESTIONER: Yes it does and it begs the question, "Where did Tesla originate? Which planet did he originate on?" COSMIC AWARENESS: He is from the planet Sirius B. The Sirian system has two suns. Sirius B is actually a second sun of the Sirian system and there is a planet that is known as Sirius B as well. It is from this planet from the Sirian system that Tesla came. The consciousness of the Sirians is such that they are the mental ones. The Pleiadians were the heart energies, and both used their way of focus to reach enlightenment and awareness. The Sirians became broad thinkers, not just rational thinkers using only logic, but they were able to tap into the Universal Mind and see the greater principles and truths and this helped them as a people move for-ward in their consciousness and to ascend. The Pleiadians developed the emotional content. They became highly empathic, they had the market on compassion and sensitivity as well as pleasure and the enjoyment of one's life. They are the people who most enjoy physical reality for all of the pleasures that it gives, but at the same


time they went beyond the dark emotions. They elevated themselves to a high position of understanding that enlightenment could be achieved through pleasure and this of course is the new theme that will be apparent on the new Planet A/B as many begin to understand life is not simply about pain but indeed has much to do with the pleasure. The Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Arcturians, the Venusians, the Andromedans, the Lyrans- all of the Galactic Federation, all have their own way of reaching a heightened consciousness and have brought these many pathways to the Galactic Federation. It is therefore seen by them that humanity is at a very crucial point where they are opening up mentally and emotionally and spiritually, and there is a need to let them all develop, as they will. But the way of things on Planet Earth is that it is not as unilateral as it was on the other 11 planets that reached enlightenment and Ascension in their own ways, for it is a mixture of heart and mind, it is a planet where mind is hard and sharp and logical and rational; it is a planet where pain governs, not pleasure, where one is asleep and there is deep ignorance in the masses and all need to awaken. The various delegates from the various planets are coming to this Planet Earth to offer to those of different groups that are aligned with the way of things that are represented by one planet or another, various templates toward which those groups can progress and come to commonality, come to union, come to that position where the various groups begin to understand there is no right or wrong. It is simply there are different pathways, even to enlightenment. This is all that is part of the overall understanding of the Galactic Federation, which is why they are on one level so disinclined to force one way of being and understanding on the entire planet, on the human collective mind. Those in the darkness do not have this problem. They simply assert their own individual template of how it will be with them in charge and in control. Although this answer perhaps has led in different directions than the question, has this helped understand the question itself? QUESTIONER: Yes it did. There was one more part to this and the answer that was given to that particular question was very, very profound and interesting and very, very helpful, thank you. This last part- "Did Tesla really take a trip to Venus and was he in contact with the aliens on Mars?" Did that happen? COSMIC AWARENESS: This did happen, for he is part of the Galactic Federation, a rogue member who came down and worked his own agenda. It is seen that there were others who supported his view who also felt as he did- that mankind should be given those inventions and should be allowed to progress- for the thought of this group was that if mankind had the energy devices and had the inventions that would promote well-being, health and higher understanding, that they could not move toward the darkness as they were, and that it would lift up humanity and set them on the path of enlightenment. They felt that there was undue concern of the Council that the prime directive, as it is so commonly called, was not of the highest nature or beneficial in this matter, for they felt it would stymie and prevent the attainment of enlightenment by humanity. However they were wrong in that humanity, especially with the corrupt leadership of those times and the times even now, would indeed not be able to handle the inventions. They were not as prepared as this rogue element and Tesla felt they were. His heart was in the right place but his understanding of the human condition of consciousness was not. He was not as understanding or able to comprehend truly where humanity was at that time and even though his heart was in the right position it did not help the matter and the Powers That Be grabbed hold of his inventions and have used them for their own purposes since then.


He did go to Venus, for it was a rogue element that took him there. There was a meeting of those who were part of the rogue counsel, if you will, and he was brought there as well as some other places that he went. Does this answer the question? QUESTIONER: Yes it does. I remember reading somewhere that a real con job was done on him. Did he actually believe what was being said to him? COSMIC AWARENESS: Because he already was predisposed to help humanity, when those who came to him gave to him what he was hoping to hear, it did indeed con him. He did not understand that he was being conned. He felt they were honest and sincere and it is for this reason he went along with them until he finally saw in the Montauk Philadelphia Experiment and how they were unwilling to work with him, for he truly did not wish to create such situations where innocent ones were killed as they were and in such a horrible way. This repelled him, and it turned his stomach and his heart; it pained him so that this was done. It was then that he finally started to see those whom he had been in cooperation with were really of the Orion/Reptilian force and were not independent of them after all as he had assumed. He thought he was talking to those representatives of the American government that were in the Light, that were not under the influence of the dark ones of the Orion reptilian faction, and they went along with this. This is how the con occurred, and because he had the highest goals to help humanity, those who presented themselves falsely easily misled him. Is this clear? QUESTIONER: What was the cause of his demise? Was this self-inflicted or what happened? COSMIC AWARENESS: He did not demise. He was transported back to the spaceships, to the Galactic Federation Council. You must remember a false death occurred. He was murdered allegedly but it was a substitute who was murdered and then cremated so there was no further evidence. Because they had extracted him and were holding him captive the Powers That Be could not then come out and say, "Oh, this individual died in a cell in the depths of London!" This could not be quoted or put out and therefore his true disappearance was never revealed, but this Awareness is revealing it now. He did not die; he was transported out of the cell and returned back to the ships above to further his work. QUESTIONER: He was a brilliant man; I'll say that. COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed he was a brilliant man, but you must understand that much of his brilliance was brought with him from his training as a Galactic Federation scientist, if you will. HEALING WITH PROGRAMMED WATER Some of the New Technology Available Soon QUESTIONER: Yes indeed, thank you so much for that information. It was very, very informative. We carry on again from LK. He writes, "There was an article in an old issue of Nexus about researcher Jacques Benveniste claiming he could digitize the biological activity of an anti-body solution, send it by computer and have it transferred to a different water sample." He sent an article that is included here, which has the details of his experiment and is available if you wish it to be read. The related INET website will be included for the newsletter so that they will have the opportunity to read the information itself. "I just heard a short presentation by water memory researcher Doctor Jacques Benveniste at a conference SSE 18 June 5, 1999. He claims that the structure of biochemicals can be impressed on water electrically using white noise and coils and then the water will display some of the activity of the original biochemical. His experiment is fairly simple and then he carries on about winding coils and the rest of that." Do you have any comment on that as to the validity or?


COSMIC AWARENESS: What awareness would say at this time is that this is an example of the new technology, the new possibilities that lie ahead when one moves beyond certain mediums that are used now to convey information and for electricity or energy. There is not much more that this Awareness can say at this time other than it is valid, and it is but the tip of the iceberg. The water molecules, the medium of water, will be found to be an excellent medium to use for such purposes and beyond. It has been shown by Doctor Emoto how powerful water can be in holding memory, and of holding patterns. It showed that water that was affected by negative energies, be they energies of anger and rage, be they pollution, be they heavy discordant music or even the projecting of negativity at water, can affect the crystalline structure of the water, that which is presented when the water is frozen and photographed. Equally when positive energies are projected at the water, when beautiful music is played, when positive thoughts are projected, when the water comes from clean and clear sources, running water, living water, the crystalline structure is beautiful and robust and healthy. This individual is simply advancing on those understandings but he is implanting technology into the water cells and the memory that can then be transported in a way that it can be retrieved at another source. Again, this is but the tip of the iceberg to the new technologies that await on the balanced Planet A/B and Planet A as well, where something more than just physical laws of physics are employed. This is all yet to be but this Awareness would say that it does represent how technology in the future will develop and there are other discoveries yet to be announced as well. QUESTIONER: Thank you. Would by chance this new technology have anything to do with improvements in health or anything like that? COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed it will have much to do with improvements in health and other areas. For example, if the positive water has healing within it and a pattern of healing in the molecular structure of water is absorbed, taken in either through drinking it or being immersed in the water, lying in it, it can then affect the cellular memory of the body, and can be attuned to the light body, another area that is starting to be understood or researched and that is starting to be experienced by many of the Light Beings that are here. This is another area altogether that this Awareness wishes to leave for the moment for It wishes to deal with this matter separately and independently in the very near future. But as to the quality of the water that can be embedded with the programming of health and well-being, this is the very heart of what lies ahead. Imagine, if you will, no more pharmaceutical drugs with their toxic deadly effects and one simply drinks imbued water with the positive messages of health and well-being embedded in it and the body responds to this water and is healed by the programming in the water. This is not programming in the exact same way as it is on a computer, but programming that conveys to the cellular composition of the water, messages of health, a template for health and well -being that is then given to the body. It is to be remembered that the body itself is largely water. Thus when one drinks the water or lies in a bath of such charged programmed water, the watery part of the body absorbs the patterns and it is then reflected in the physical health and well-being of the body. This is the radical new technology that awaits humans after the shift, after those who are the dark are finally deposed from their positions of power and control and humanity is free to finally discover these grand purposes and principles, these grand technologies in this New Age world science. Is this clear? QUESTIONER: Yes it is, it's going to be an exciting new world! COSMIC AWARENESS: This is indeed a classic and wonderful understatement by the energizer. This Awareness thanks you heartily for this brilliant statement.


The Law of Gratitude is that sense of satisfaction where energy that has been given receives a certain reward. Energy that has been given moves out on that curved and unequal line and when extended far enough can only return to its source bearing gifts.

Saving Gas

This Awareness indicates that a leader is nothing other than the reflection of the people's desires. That people cannot blame their leaders for the mistakes they make, for in all cases, in all governments, the leaders are only the reflection of the consciousness of those nations which make them leaders. (Back issue 78-8)

The Difference Between Prayer & Meditation This Awareness indicates the difference between a meditation and a prayer is that entities who pray, feel themselves to be separate from God, and therefore must ask God for favors; whereas entities who meditate, who attune themselves to God, become one with God and need not ask for anything, for they are capable of creating as Gods, or accepting that which is given unto them. (Back Issue 78-25)


WHAT IS COSMIC AWARENESS? COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that ex-pressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as "Channels" for the "Heavenly Father" and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the "New Age" of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thou-sands of "Readings" given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only "indicate" and "suggest". Neither C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for any-thing Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this newsletter.


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COSMIC AWARENESS CONSULTATIONS These are way beyond a reading, its a life experience. Personal Cosmic Awareness Consultations, Regression therapy to past lives, Addiction therapy, working at deep multidimensional levels, Huna Techniques. You can get readings everywhere today but you can now talk for 60 minutes directly with Cosmic Awareness Itself! Rates: $350 for non-members, $250 for CAC members, US dollars. The phone call itself is paid by Will, who can call anywhere in the world from Australia via Skype. However as it turns out, Skype is not free from Australia, which is why Will has been forced to raise his rates, effective August 1, 2012. Send an email to: or visit Please confirm your appointment first before sending money!

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