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Dear SAPSFers After attending the 58th IPSF Conference in Hurghada, Egypt in August with Raydon, I feel as though an editorial note just doesnt have enough characters for me to share all of news, events, information and stories with you. Therefore I wont dedicate much of this newsletter to IPSF, as I will publish another informal report in October! Firstly, I would like to welcome two guest VIP writers reporting on this life changing experience. Tereza Stipkova is a close friend of mine from Czech Republic, and Essra Noureldin is currently serving as the IPSF EMRO Internal coordination and communication officer. Please read both of their articles to fully appreciate the different aspects and levels of this Congress in order to fully understand the enrichment and value it added, not only in an educational and scientific way, but also as a rich cultural experience. I kindly request that you go and like IPSFs Facebook page to ensure that you stay updated on all the hype, and while you are at it, subscribe to their Newsletter at Thank you! Presco has adopted interesting ideas for campaigns and projects and you can all look forward to hearing from Madam PIO in the near future! One idea which I liked was the Vampire Cup, in which we as Presco will donate blood, move on to make it a Presco/Exco campaign, after which, on National level in the future, branches can compete by a system of litres per capita for the Vampire Cup!

Please pay attention to the Department of Health Dates to Diarise section I included. If you have ideas on how to participate as student, feel free to contact us. Personally, I am very passionate about eye care, so I will be irritating you during the eye care awareness week from 24 September to 21 October 2012! I have decided to change a bit more than the name of the newsletter Reporting only on branch level can get a bit boring and monotonous, so I decided to introduce post graduate writers. The idea is to keep us in touch with the world outside of university, as we tend to get absorbed in text books, gala evenings and ward rounds. You can look forward to seeing more of their articles in the future when we have a fully functional system. Another important implementation would be reports from Presco in the Newsletter as well. Of course everyone wants to see what your branch has been up to, but all branches probably want to see what Presco has been up to as well! This system makes Presco more accessible to all students, which prophylactically eliminates all portfolio-related questions at the next conference. So e-mail all questions as they come up, please! This year I am proud to announce that I have a full and functional sub-committee writing, researching and reporting to me! I thought it fair to start introducing them and their hard work to you by means of short inserts in their articles. Having said this, we as Editorial strongly encourage input and diversity, so please e-mail me with any suggestions or comments, as well as send them your stories and ideas from your branch! A journalist can only report on a story that he/she is aware of! And we cant deliver a product youll like if we dont know what you DONT like. For those of you who are inspired young writers and want to get involved and write for The Antidote, but never got a chance to be part of the Editorial Sub, a Writers Competition will be launched soon, where topics will be distributed and the best writers article will be published in The Antidote. The awarded prize will be free registration* for The 60th Annual SAPSF Conference in 2013. Lastly, I want you to consider attending the ICPAs first conference ICPA is a partner of SAPSF, and it would be nice if we could show our appreciation and equal support: I will always leave you with a quote If you If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you! I hope you enjoy the first ever SAPSF Newsletter, Viva la Pharmacie! Cindy

Physical Address: Pharmacy House, 6 de Veer Lane, Arcadia, 0083 Postal Address: PO Box 26039, Arcadia, 0007 Presidential email:

Dear Pharmacy Students and Stakeholders of SAPSF, It is an honour to write to you as the new President of the South African Pharmaceutical Students Federation (SAPSF). I am humbled by your belief in me and thank you for allowing me this privilege to be your President. SAPSF will eternally be grateful to its previous leadership for their contributions towards the growth of the federation. Congratulations to the previous Presidential committee led by Mr Raydon S. Juta for the remarkable work they carried out in their term which was evident in the reports they presented at the 59th Annual SAPSF Conference. To the incoming Presidential committee, let us keep the pledge we made to serve in a spirit of altruism and professionalism as we work tirelessly towards the growth of the SAPSF. Thank you to all the stakeholders and sponsors that have found faith in the SAPSF and continue to support us. After the fruitful 59th Annual SAPSF Conference, I hope that you are all ready and eager to pharm the future beyond the counter. As mentioned at the conference, we need to relate our situation to the process of farming. We need to go out into the fields, get our hands dirty as we plant good seeds. We need to enlighten the youth and create in them the desire to join the profession of Pharmacy. Having done this, we will have to nurture that seed and ensure that it grows so that we may reap a good harvest of passionate Pharmacists in the future, Pharmacists who are not restricted by the counter that exists between them and their patients but are willing to move beyond that counter to meet the needs of their patients and provide Pharmaceutical care. The world is more malleable than you think it is, and its waiting for you to hammer it into shape ~Bono, so let us all work together to shape the world we desire to live in. With the introduction of the new position on the presidential committee, the Public Initiative Officer, SAPSF hopes to see greater involvement from branches in projects that will help us as students to enlighten the public about issues pertaining to their health and Pharmacy. At the next conference in 2013, SAPSF would have been in existence for 60 years, being the fourth oldest Pharmaceutical student organisation. It is about time that we be regarded as a lively federation, one that is active and can be an example of an organization that has and is still to stand the test of time. I urge all Pharmacy students to own this federation. The presidential committee has been elected to serve you and represent your opinions. Take an active role in shaping this federation into what you want it to be by communicating your views and opinions through the right channels. I am enthusiastic about this coming term and believe that SAPSF is yet to reach greater heights and we can get there through hard work and passion. Yours in Pharmacy, Miss Fadzai E. Munedzimwe SAPSF President 2012/2013

Presidential Committee 2012/2013: Fadzai Munedzimwe (President), Lutendo Makgopo (Vice-President), Sanjula Dhanraj (Treasurer), Keneilwe Rabaji (General Secretary), Liniah Mumbengegwi(Media and Comm), Cindy Hayward (Editor), Mmakgabo Chokwe (IPSF CP/SEO), Phumeza Mlonzi (Public Initiative Officer)

The 59th Annual South African Pharmaceutical Students Federation (SAPSF) Conference The 59th Annual South African Pharmaceutical Students Federation (SAPSF) conference was held at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg from the 1st to the 6th of July 2012. The attendance by members of different branches included members from Potchef-stroom Aptekerstudente Vereniging (PASV), Port Elizabeth Pharmacy Students Association (PEPSA), Rhodes University Pharmacy Students Association (RUPSA), Tshwane University of Technology University of Limpopo Association of Pharmacy Students (TUTULAPS), University of KwaZulu Natal Association of Pharmacy Students (UKNAPS), University of Limpopo Association of Pharmacy Students (ULAPS), University of the Western Cape Association of Pharmacy Students (UWCAPS) and Witwatersrand Pharmaceutical Students Council (WPSC) bringing the total to 130 members in attendance.

The theme for 2012 was Pharming the Future: Beyond the Counter and the conference provided opportunity for students to learn from many accomplished guest speakers, each other, as well as from debate, socializing and networking with their future colleagues concerning our profession. The theme succeeded in provoking thoughts in the members about how Pharmacy is a hands-on profession requiring continued work in aspects such as patient care and continuing professional development as outlined in many of the talks during the course of the week.

benefits of pursuing postgraduate education in Pharmacy. A highlight of the week was the talk on Substance Abuse given by Mr David Bayever. He discussed issues faced by the community not only from recreational street drugs, but also prescription medications and the role of the pharmacist in this. Another thought-provoking talk which went hand in hand with the theme Pharming the Future: Beyond the Counter, was a CPD session on MTM (Medication Therapy Monitoring) encouraging pharmacists to do more in terms of monitoring their patients treatment. This sparked a good debate and discussion. Other talks were given by: Professor Viness Pillay on Advanced Drug Delivery; Patient Focus, Niall Haggerty from Dis-Chem, who were the platinum sponsors for the 59th Annual SAPSF Conference; Roger Moult from the Independent Community Pharmacy Association (ICPA), Autism SA, Pharmadynamics and FNB . The conference was not without entertainment and fun such as the SAAHIP Clinical Skills Competition which required the participants to assess a case study and appropriately prescribe

The outgoing Presidential Committee (PresCo) gave their reports of their activities, achievements and progress made during their term of office, one of which included the progress of the SAPSF website An academic address was given by Dimitris Georgiou, a Masters student at the University of Witwatersrand in Pharmacy Practice, who explained the

medication. This was won by Yugeshnee Naik and Leshania Naicker from UKNAPS. Life Healthcare also presented a Patient Counselling Competition where participants were required to counsel a patient on using an asthma pump. This was won by Antoinette Amankrah from RUPSA.

The 59th Annual SAPSF Conference came to an end with the election of the new 2012/2013 Presidential Committee and the introduction of the new position Public Initiative Officer. Presco 2012/2013 President Fadzai Munedzimwe Vice-President Lutendo Makgopo Treasurer Sanjula Dhanraj General Secretary Keneilwe Rabaji Liniah Mumbengegwi

not only sponsored but gave talks on what they have to offer to the attendees as budding pharmacists. The 2012/2013 PresCo thanks you and is enthusiastic and passionate to serve the students of the Federation and look forward to the 60th Annual SAPSF Conference in 2013 to be hosted by NWU Potchefstroom, branch, PASV.

The conference went on for four days which left all the attendees more knowledgeable and inspired. It saw the acknowledgement of many achievements during the year. Please view the SAPSF Post Conference Withdrawal Publication for detailed information on awards: 581427/SAPSFPost-ConferenceWithdrawal-First-Edition

Media and Communications Officer Student Exchange Officer Editor Public Initiative Officer

Yours in Pharmacy

Mmakgabo Chokwe Cindy Hayward Phumeza Mlonzi

Liniah Mumbengegwi (Miss) Media and Communications Officer 2012/2013

The 59th SAPSF would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the staff and students of the University of Witwatersrand, the outgoing PresCo and its many sponsors who

Annual Symposium on diseases relevant to South Africa

- Elizma du Toit

On the 13 and 14 of July 2012 the North West University th held its 9 annual symposium on diseases relevant to South Africa.
During the symposium a variety of subjects relevant to pharmacists in South Africa was touched on. Dr Wilme Steenekamp pointed out the importance of sensitizing pharmacists to awkward topics and allowing patients to speak about them as well as to do some self examination about their own awkwardness and how to be comfortable with sex related questions. Dr Xavier Padanilam gave a presentation on MDR- TB a fast growing phenomenon in Africa mostly caused by humans themselves. He touched on the principles of optimal drug therapy, adverse effects and their management as well as some diagnostic methods. Dr Karin L Richter gave a quick insight into the importance of vaccination and Dr Maureen B Taylor emphasized the impact that water and food borne viral diseases have on our health and daily life. Dr Helen Clark spoke about ADHD and the stigma attached to it. She pointed out how preconceived ideas about ADHD could prevent children from receiving the necessary treatment to live a normal life Mrs Henlie Holm explained the importance of adherence counseling for ARV patients while Dr Danil G van Zyl introduced the pharmacists to some new developments in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Dr Andr Cronje increased our knowledge with an interesting presentation on prostate cancer's diagnosis and management. Prof Lucille Blumberg gave an unforgettable presentation on infectious diseases as well as some very important notes on rabies. Dr David G Segal had the privilege to give a very detailed explanation on why diabetes is on the rise, just before lunch and with that effectively stole a few symposium goers appetites. This was a very informative event which definitely has a place now and in the future in expanding South African pharmacists knowledge about diseases and health issues that are problematic in our country.
Name : Elizma du Toit Branch : North West university Pharmacy year : 4th year student Hometown : Lichtenburg Birthday : 6 February 1989 Motto: Smile! It changes two lives and can't kill you.



Bio: Length: Tall enough to be the tall girl. Weight: None of your business Physical health: Healthy enough to still be scared of doctors. I'd love to work deeper in Africa and I'm considering joining doctors without borders for a while or I might drop by in Nigeria or Cameroon. Who knows? In a pharmacy I'll probably be the deep heat, at first you might be a little wary of me, but once used to, you can't imagine life without me.

PASV timeline and upcoming events - Amor Orr - 28 July 2012: Rx day is held. This is an academic day where the students interact, have lunch together and listen to some speakers.

More about Rx-day: Rx-day Every pharmacy student from Potchefstroom knows about Rxday which is annually hosted by the PASV. Usually the girls would go for a relaxing day at the spa while the boys enjoyed a game of paintball, but not this year. . . After a lot of planning it was decided that this years event was going to be much more exhilarating: clay pigeon shooting followed by an informative talk. At first, all of the girls were very sceptical when they heard of the event but after seeing the advertisement video everybody was excited to join in the fun.

where everybody was welcomed and given safety instructions. Every participant had their own instructor guiding them; everyone had a chance to shoot five clay pigeons with ten bullets while enjoying a light breakfast in between shooting. The shotgun was taller than some of the girls and it felt like it weighed 50 kilograms, but the satisfaction when shooting your first clay pigeon and seeing it scatter into the air into tiny pieces encouraged everybody to shoot again. After everybody had a chance to shoot, the top 20 were chosen and challenged to a shoot-off for a prize.

Vernice is a first year from Northwest University Potchefstroom Campus and she compares herself to Centrum Complete from A to Zinc. She describes herself further as being versatile and enjoys many things. She can thus complete many tasks because she loves both research and expanding her knowledge. E-mail: - 20 August 2012: The final year dine invitations are given out and pharmacy week is advertised. - 24 & 25 September 2012: Sandoz camp for 3rd years - 1 & 2 September 2012: Sandoz camp (2nd opportunity) - 18 21 September 2012: Pharmacy week is held. 19 September 2012: Pharmacy informal is held.

After the clay pigeon shooting everybody returned to campus where Dr. David Bayever, author of Drugwise, informed every student on substance abuse. He talked about whether you or your friend might be a victim of substance abuse and everybody listened with great interest. Rx-day was ended with a delicious lunch and dessert. Despite bruises on some of the girls arms resulting from the clay pigeon shooting, it was a very fun and successful event.
- Vernice Steenkamp

- 12 October 2012: The final year dine is held. Events completed: PASV takes a formal photo to be put up in the office. PASV has a braai with the lecturers. Meeting with Mentor address academic problems. Introduce the new PASV. A needs assessment is done. Analyse the needs assessment. Events to be done before 2013: Introducing committee. SAPSF

Being an open event a lot of faculties attended the event. The event started at Ysterfontein shooting range

A social with B.Ing students. Letters to wish students well for the exams must be given out. Die Setpil (our magazine) to be published. Scheduled events: Every Monday the PASV has a formal meeting. Every second week, a community outreach is held (POLS). Meet Amor Orr...

I would like to compare myself to

that little printer in the Pharmacy which prints the labels. I am not something big and sometimes people do not even notice me, but without that little piece I have to offer, the pharmacy would be in total chaos.

Colouring in, handing out sweets, playing and running around, blowing soap bubblesseeing these small childrens eyes lit up after popping as many bubbles as they could, sticky hands reaching out towards you, smiles of appreciation making your heart melt are just some of the most priceless moments we have had thus far with our community outreach program. Under leadership of Anrike Krause, and her caring subcom we help, in any way that we can, to enrich and make a difference in these small children from Leer en Speel kindergarten.

Taking time out of our busy academic schedules doesnt even matter knowing that we have made a difference in these childrens and the communitys lives. We look forward to see what the rest of the year will hold and to how we can have more unforgettable moments with these children. - Esmari van Jaarsveld

PASVs Editor is also writing for SAPSF

Esmari is currently in charge of Marketing and Editing for
PASV. She is originally from Johannesburg and is currently a second year student. You can contact her via email: Or

Contact details: e-mail: But what is POLS? - Community outreach program

With every time we visit this school bonds are being formed, lives are being enhanced not only their lives but ours as well. Community outreach is one of the most rewarding things you can do in your life and it is heart-warming to see that with each outreach more people are coming to help and to give a helping hand. Community outreach is based on bettering the quality of life, developing new skills and to make a difference.

The Resurgence of a Version

by Abednigo UWCAPS Nkosi The greatest pleasure in a new structure, is sharing your vision with the people who voted you in power. UWCAPS has had minor leaps post-conference and endeavoured into a few engagements; AGM and Post-Conference Debrief: In the light of a great handover, UWCAPS hosted its AGM and a special debrief of the 59th Annual Conference on the 31st

July. We had the pleasure of having Prof Malan as a guest member and had a few words to impart to the incoming body for 2012/13. With conference withdrawal symptoms still on high drive, we managed to have Julia Losper deliver a report to students that were present; this was aimed in building the number of the future delegates that might go to the 60th Annual SAPSF Conference. The Forecast As a structure we look forward to committing ourselves to a very creative and advocational week when we join to make Pharmacy Week a success on the 3rd to the 9th of September, with the backdrop of the messages from conference and the set theme by Council. The ball committee has been in the forefront in organising funds for the Coco-Chanel themed Final year ball, which will be held in September. Their efforts have included a Braai and various other fund raisers. (See photo attached).

that voices out the goals of the national body. So I bet youd want to hear more about Abednigo Nkosi...

Upcoming events for WPSC

During August, members of WPSC visited a Safe house, Christ Church care centre, for aids orphans and abandoned children in Johannesburg, where the caregivers were handed tinned foods collected from the TwoTin program. Toys and sweets were given to the children and the afternoon was spent playing Regarding the Two-Tin Handover (a joint initiative between WPSC and SAPSF) where canned foods are collected by students and the various branches that came to conference. WPSC also plans on going to another childrens home to hand over more tins and some sanitary packs to the various age groups by the end of October. The I want to be a pharmacist campaign is also currently in progress and will be completed towards the end September. This campaign aims to raise awareness of pharmacists and their role. The focus has been shifted from the conventional community pharmacist to all the other

Abednigo Nkosi has a fundamental belief that changing the world starts within small circles that in-turn makes global shape shifting impact. With the future in mind, and its knuckles knocking on my door every day, I have a few goals I would like to attain and make reality of. I would like to become a global South African asset that will come back to make impactful change for the profession, and more so for the fundamentals of the relationships that form the core spheres of South African health and its landscape. The reality of being human is that we find parallels in our identity through personified objects. If one were to create a drug out of my personality, that person would be paddling in lab creating a multivitamin. I was born a multifaceted being that could adapt to any situation, environment, or sphere of influence within any given time. The great flaw about being a multivitamin, is being an all round person, with a limited time to explore the other inherit personal traits one has. Contact my Vice Editor at:

With one of the Goals of the new committee being general cohesiveness in the school, we have planned a collective social that is yet to be finalized for the end of pharmacy week. We have a great desire and hope that the road ahead will be one

fields including industrial, institutional and academic pharmacy. The aim is to inform high school students about what pharmacy really is. WPSC is currently working on the upcoming Pharmacy Week; but it has yet to be confirmed. The following events are to take place during pharmacy week at Wits Medical School: Tuesday: Wellness day and theranostics talk Wednesday: Pharmacy fair Thursday: Diabetes awareness talk by Roche Friday: Pharmacy students braai - Kashmira Mitha
Name School Hometown Yeargroup Birthdate

Health Awareness Dates to Diarise from DoH:

National Heart Awareness Month ; National Oral Health Month Albinism Awareness Month Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month National Month of Deaf People Childhood Cancer Awareness Eye Care Awareness Month (spans 24 September to 21 October) 3-9 Pharmacy Week 3-9 Back Week 3-7 Kidney Awareness Week 9 International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day 12 World Oral Health Day 14 National Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Day (ADHD) 21 World Alzheimers Day 24-30 World Retina Week 24: Commencement of Eye Care Awareness Month 26 World Environmental Health Day 28 World Rabies Day 29 World Retina Day 29 World Heart Day

Kashmira Mitha Wits Johannesburg Third Year 3 September 1991



1 International Day for Older Persons 1 National Inherited Disorders Day 9 Partnership against AIDS Anniversary 9-15 National Nutrition Week 10 World Mental Health Day 10 International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction 11 World Sight Day 12 World Arthritis Day 12 National Bandana Day 12- 20 World Bone and Joint Week 13 World Hospice Palliative Care Day 15 National Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day 15-19 National Obesity Week 16 World Food Day 17 World Spine Day 17 World Trauma Day 17 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 20 National Down Syndrome Day 20 World Osteoporosis 23 National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Day 24 World Polio Day 9 World Stroke Day 30 Commemoration of African Food and Nutrition Security Day

Red Ribbon Month Quality Month 3 National Childrens Day 5-9 SADC Malaria Week 9 World Quality Day 9 SADC Malaria Day 14 World Diabetes Day 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 25/11-10/12 16 Days of Activism on No Violence Against Women & Children

OCTOBER Mental Health Awareness Month Breast Cancer Awareness Month Eye Care Awareness Month (spans 24 September- 21 October)


Meet Janke Kleynhans,

Retail pharmacies, Online pharmacies and Mail order pharmacies...

A lot of controversy surrounds the large chain groups of pharmacies that have flooded the South African pharmacy scene. However a new trend of online pharmacies has entered the market in countries like USA and is already setting root in South Africa. There are different types of internet pharmacies namely Legitimate internet pharmacies in the same country as the person ordering, Legitimate internet pharmacies in another country as the person ordering and Illegal or unethical internet pharmacies. The obvious positive arguments for online pharmacies are convenience and fewer costs. Negative arguments are endless. Firstly the shipment of drugs are problematicwith temperatures being uncontrolled. Some

our Post-graduate writer from Northwest University Potchefstroom: Janke graduated in March 2012 and is currently
By Janke Kleynhans

doing her Masters degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry until the end of

pharmacies do not require prescriptions due to in-house physicians which allow patients to get medication without any type of consultation. Children can order controlled substances without any supervision. Some online pharmacies also sell counterfeit medication. Counselling by the pharmacist is clearly being sidestepped. So times change, that we realise, the problem is how far do we as pharmacists compromise and when do we decide that we must intervene for the sake of the patient.

2013. She wants to do her Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and pursue a career in Drug Design, where she hopes to develop, invent and improve drugs to cure illness!

News from PEPSA

Whats happened? AGM This year we hosted it in the South Campus Goldfield South Chambers - with a decent turnout. We listened to the report from our out-going president, Phumeza Mlonzi, covering events and future improvements. The Proposal for 2012/2013 was read by the new president, Sinoyolo Sifo. The guest speaker was Mr Mark Mousley from Dis-Chem Pharmacies, who spoke to us about the importance of leadership.

Academic evening PEPSA committee members helped the staff at the stall, explaining to students what pharmacy entails and how to qualify. We had a Calculation Competition where students had to figure out and calculate the amount of Prednisone the patient required. Unfortunately it seemed too difficult for some, since they struggled to understand the script. (The patient starts with a daily dosage of 40mg for a week. If the dosage decreases by 5mg every week and continuously does so until the last dosage is 5mg. How many tablets does the patient need?) A Hamper was given as the prize for the person who correctly calculated the number of tablets needed to fill the prescription. Cake sales Weve had three cake sales to raise funds for the society. All were really successful. Hoodie competition The academic evening took place on the 9th of May 2012, from 5pm to 7pm. We had a total attendance of twenty five students, ranging from first to fourth year, but mostly third year students. The guest speaker was Mr Deon Schoeman, who runs the Klinicare Pharmacies.

He addressed students about pharmaceutical evolution that took place from the time that he started practising around 1984, which was drug based pharmacy practise, up to this day which has transitioned to a patient oriented approach. He concluded his presentation by encouraging all the students to strive to always be pro-active and to make up our minds about being in charge, because as future pharmacists, it is inevitable that we will have the responsibility to change and improve many patients lives, since pharmacy is a profession that deals with people. Whats coming? Membership day (27-31/8/2012) A day PEPSA gives back to its members, we give them small tokens of our appreciation, and wish them good luck for tests and exams. School visit (1/9/2012)

Open Day Pharmacy was well represented at this years NMMU Open Day; held at the South Campus Indoor Sports Centre on Friday, 11th May and Saturday, 12th May 2012. The theme was Discover your dreams which was perfect for our department, since it has just undergone a R17 million renovation.

This year we wanted to see what designs pharmacy students could come up with so we had a hoodie competition. The competition ran until the 7th of May, where the winner got a free hoodie as the prize. The design is a simple, black hoodie with the slogan stay calm and pharm on on the front and 100% legal drug dealer behind.

PEPSA is going to go around schools to promote pharmacy as a profession, tell the pupils in high schools what its all about and what the requirements to get into varsity are. Bus party (14/9/2012) After pharmacy test week, PEPSA is going to host a bus party for the pharmacy students. It includes club hopping, drinking, dancing and relaxing. Pharmacy week (17-22/9/2012) We plan to have many events for this week, clinical skills challenge, cake sale, autopsy viewing, karaoke/movie night and a soccer and braai day. Donation hand over to Sinethemba Home (13/10/2012) Donations from the pharmacy department will be handed over to the home, for the children, which will include money, food and toiletries. Pharmacy ball (20/10/2012) A night of glitz and glam, this years ball is themed Las Vegas. We plan to have the event in the Elizabeth Place, and an after party as well. It is mainly a night dedicated to the 4th years, to send them off. The ball is a lot of fun with good food and company. Health awarenessDiabetes campaign (26/10/2012) We want to host this event with the nurses, where they are qualified to draw blood. This will help us form relationships with other departments as well. We will

council and educate patients about diabetes. - Amber Cheng

Sports and Entertainment officer: Thebeng Sekgale

Meet Amber and Sihle: News from TUTULAPS Good day, from the TUTULAPS side there will be an AGM meeting* regarding the new amendments and the handing over of power due to attendance it is yet to be confirmed when the meeting will take place. There will also be a sports day with our other counterpart University of Limpopo (Turfloop campus). On the 1st of September TUTULAPS will be launching pharmacy week and all students will be participating in activities that are yet to be confirmed during the coarse of pharmancy week (1-9 September). Will keep you posted on new development. Yours sincerely Sihle Zwane (TUTULAPS) *A few days before publishing it became known that the elections had indeed taking place and Napoleon Mansoor Shongwe said on Facebook: As the electoral officer of the 2012 TUTULAPS elections, i hereby declare that the elections were a great success. The new committee is as follows: Chair: Mpho Kgatla GS: Takalani Teekay Muavha Treasurer: Stacy Marce Ngati Vice chair: Mapusha Papa Moshe Vice GS: Mapaseka Seleme PRO: Byron Chukwu Community Dev officer: Maluleka Exchange Officer: Hosea Komane Academic Officer: Pfundzo Mukoma

My name is Amber Cheng and Im from PEPSA. I am a born and bred South African even though both my parents are Taiwanese. I was born in 1992 with nd my twin sister Ariel. Currently Im in 2 year, hoping for the best, as Im going through it. I havent planned what to do after my studies, but what I do know is that I dont see myself counting pills at a counter. I see myself doing more than that.

Contact details (e-mail):

Name: Sihle Zwane, Date of birth: 28 May 1988 Education level: currently studying at the University of Limpopo (MEDUNSA Campus) in partnership with Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) doing my final year (IV) in the B.Pharm degree. Place of birth: Swaziland My contact details: Favourite quote: Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Abraham Lincoln


various subcommittees and not to forget the other members






who were willing to assists us as a comm. MAY:

RUPSA had a welcome braai for all members. The purpose of this event was for all RUPSA members to meet each other.

On the 10th of February the RUPSA committee 2011-2012 signed up 310 members and this was done during the To add a bit of fun to the event, there was a theme to wear anything starting with the letter P. People were dressed as priests, policemen, playboy

During this month, the main events were community engagement Street clean-up, The Great Pharmacy Challenge and the exam treats. On 12 May RUPSA had a Community Engagement street clean-up, where RUPSA




which we explained to the pharmacy students, from 1st to 4


year what RUPSA is all

bunnies, princesses - with no doubt it was a success and people pulled it off quite well. There were prizes won for people who were best dressed. Food and beverages were

about and also spoke about its main purpose as a pharmacy student association. Members who signed up were given candy. During the official sign up evening, which was held at the Rhodes University Great Hall, all RUPSA members were given RUPSA personalized diaries as a token of appreciation.

members had to be involved in picking up litter We around had ten


members participate and we picked up litter along High Street where we collected a total of 12 bags. It was a successful clean and

prepared and served for all who attended the event.

participants had a great time helping out the Grahamstown community.





experience for RUPSA to be able to host a Welcome braai and we were pleased with the amount of effort put in by the Our second event was the Great Pharmacy Challenge

which was on the 20th May. It consisted of teams from first, second, third and fourth year. Each team had 4 participants and each participant was AUGUST: On Wednesday 8th August, RUPSA held a Speed Dating event at The Hanger. This event was not only secluded for RUPSA members, but open to everyone on campus. It was a way of setting a platform for pharmacy students to socialise with other non-pharmacy

the next lady. This continued until all the gentlemen had met all the ladies. Scorecards were given out

beforehand to every lady and gentleman to indicate whether or not they liked the pupil they spoke to. For every mutual like, they were given each others email address.

supposed to run to the board and answer questions on five modules of pharmacy which were Anatomy & Physiology, Pharmaceutics, PAP,

Pharmaceutical chemistry and Pharmacology. For example in anatomy and physiology,

participants were supposed to arrange the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. The teams were timed to find out which team was the fastest to complete the task. The

students and also invite people to experience some of our events as a comm. On Saturday 11 August 2012 , the RUPSA committee and its members visited the Home of JoyChildrens Home in Joza, Grahamstown. Home of Joy houses 20 children who are cared for by Mama Margret. It was a great morning spent

winners (third year team) got a Spur voucher and there was a prize for the best dressed team. The last event for this month was Exam Treats: Friday 25th May,the last day of term, was the date the RUPSA committee chose to wish our hard working members good luck for the exams ahead with cakes and sweet packs which also Basically the event worked in a way whereby all the ladies would come in and sit down at a table. A gentleman would then be assigned to each lady and have a few minutes at that table. An announcement would be made for the gentlemen to move on to the next table to spend another few minutes with

playing games with the children who were very welcoming and an absolute pleasure to be around. The society provided a bag of treats for each child and these goodies were accepted with great gratitude.

contained a package insert with motivational quotes for exams.

During our visit the children received numerous visitors from the Grahamstown community and it was heart rendering to see the amount of support and love within our community. This visit inspired us all to strive and make a difference in the lives of those around us.

More about your Editorial Writer from RUPSA: NAME: Mandisa Sharnell Booi (please call me MANDY) BIRTHDAY: 12 November BRANCH: RUPSA PHARMACY YEAR: 3rd year HOME TOWN: Port Elizabeth EMAIL: TWITTER: @MEGABOXFRESH


September 2012) This is a special evening where the outgoing committee will give reports about their experiences during their term of office and also about what could be improved within RUPSA.

RUPSA SPRING BALL: (25/ 08/ 2012) This is a night where we invite all our pharmacy student to be part of an unforgettable night of fun and glam. The theme for this event is Welcoming Spring.

(27 August 1 September 12) Many events will be taking place this week such as:

RUPSA HOODIES: (Date not yet confirmed)

These are hoodies which will be available on sale for all members and will represent them as a pharmacy student.


Hello from sunny Khartoum, Sudan. My name is Essra Noureldin a recent graduate from University of Khartoum and currently the IPSF EMRO Internal coordination and communication officer. Its an honor for me to write for you my friends in SAPSF. My involvement with IPSF started years ago but was only limited to a regional level. And Ive always wanted to attend an IPSF world congress so I took the decision this year and here I am writing to you. This years congress travelled to the amazing city of Hurghada, Egypt in amazing 10 days with more than 500 pharmacy students and recent graduates from more than 50 countries. Participants were delighted with the many educational and scientific symposia, workshops and social events, which demonstrated a new mood of determination to innovate and improve IPSF in the future. They described the event as invigorating ,inspiring and exhilarating . This years educational symposium core theme was Pharmacy education beyond borders with topics ranging from Future direction and potential career options to Advances in pharmaceutical sciences and practice toward better future. The congress program -36 workshops in 11 parallel congress strands. -4 Educational symposiums. -3 scientific symposiums. -Public health campaign. -3 Competitions (clinical skills, patient counseling and poster competition) -9 sessions of General Assembly (GA). Getting the ball rolling The congress program kicked off at day 0 after the registration and OD and SEO interviews, with the opening ceremony. Day 1 of the congress kicked off bright and early with interesting session about IPSF under the name of Discover IPSF, and a later workshop named IPSF in your corner including parallel workshops about AFRO,APRO,EMRO,PARO and European region. Later in the afternoon there was a number of parallel workshops to choose from and General Assembly (GA) session for the Official Delegates. The serious business of Day 1 was rounded off at the end of day with a beach party. Day 2 of the congress was all about workshops ranging from Leaders in training workshops to campaign workshops, and of course GA sessions. Later in the day a party was thrown under the theme of Jalabia party. Day 3 and 4 were dedicated to the interesting educational and scientific symposia and their workshops.

While Day 3 has witnessed a very fruitful auction night, day 4 witnessed a very colorful night with its Color Festival. Day 5 of the congress witnessed a very delightful emotional day with the election of the new line of IPSF executive in the General Assembly. And later in the day an enjoyable interesting international night was the perfect end of the day. And we come to day 6 where it began with interesting couple of workshops, and while everybody was dressed in the RED congress T-shirt in which the participants took the official congress photo in, then headed to an amazing safari trip that ended up with a lovely traditional night. Day 7 schedule included a great Diabetes and healthy living campaign, a patient counseling event and clinical skills competitions. Later in the day an energizing Hard rock party. Day 8 was all about GA as it was the last GA session for the congress, ending the day with a free night to discover the city of Hurghada. And as we reached the last day of the congress the workshops became more and more exciting, and of course no IPSF world congress would be complete without the Gala Dinner which was a magical and really emotional night as we said good bye to old and new friends we made during the amazing journey we shared for 10 days. But leaving and knowing that we all now have something in common, which is the IPSF spirit. All I can say is it was a magical unforgettable, that I encourage all IPSFers to try. Try to join us in the next world congress in Utrecht, Netherland 2013.and we promise you an unforgettable experience. Warm regards from EMRO region, Essra *Check our website

58th IPSF World Congress Hurghada, Egypt.

I hope theres pretty much no point in introducing IPSF. Advocacy, cooperation, education, exchanges, public health campaigns youve probably heard it all, but the thing behind these four letters is actually a lot more. The best way to find that out is by experiencing it yourself, in medical terms getting infected! Theres this highly contagious pathogen called IPSF virus, which has no mercy with any student. What symptoms can one expect? Having your mind opened to new ideas, being filled with motivation and falling hopelessly in love with pharmacy. This is what basically happens every year during the biggest and definitely most amazing pharmaceutical students event IPSF World Congress. Let me now tell you what the highlights of the 58thone were. The story started in Slovenia, back in 2010, when EPSF (Egyptian Pharmaceutical Students Federation) won the bid to host this event. Two years of preparations and an ambitious vision of making it the biggest one ever, made this one turn out to be a great event, fulfilling all our expectations. The Egyptian sun kept all 500 of us hot (uhm rather boiling! :) and organizers did their best to keep us busy and entertained all day (and night) long. The participants had a variety of choices to choose from, plus the possibility to attend up to 4 workshops or other events per day made the time very fruitful. When considering workshops, you could improve either your professional or soft skills. Professional Organizations in Healthcare, Tuberculosis Management, Written communication and Professional settings or Career Development & Life Balance are only a few examples. Moreover, two days of Education and Scientific Symposia full of great international speakers offered many opinions and facts in current and novel topics, with the themes of Pharmacy Education: Beyond borders and Advances in Pharmaceutical sciences and practice: working towards a better future. To gain more practical skills and also compete a little bit, the Patient Counseling Event, Clinical Skills Event and Poster competitions were held. Seeing that public health campaigns have been a huge success in many IPSF members, they should be present in the congress as well. Before running any of the official IPSF campaigns back home, attending a corresponding workshop for preparation is the best thing you could possibly do. To bring these ideas into real life, a public campaign on Diabetes and Healthy Living was run right on the sunny beach of Hurghada! Measuring the blood pressure, blood glucose level and making the tourists aware of what serious conditions may result from a unhealthy lifestyle, was way more than a great experience!

For those more interested and involved in what IPSF actually works like, there were 9 General Assembly sessions, offering a unique opportunity to express your opinion and find out all that stands behind a successful federation. Attending GAs is, of course, is mandatory for the Official Delegates and Cindy Hayward, together with Raydon Juta did a wonderful job representing SAPSF South Africa. Following the agenda, the GA accepted reports of former executives, had many motions to have been passed, accepted new members welcome aboard, colleagues from Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Brazil and Zimbabwe! However, the most exciting session was the elections of the new executives and Im very proud to introduce these amazing people, who will be representing entire pharmaceutical students world for the next year:
Radoslaw Mitura (President; Poland), Angela Sester (Secretary General; Germany), Veronika Sochova (Treasurer; Czech Republic), Hager Ben Mosbah (ChP of Public Health; Tunisia), Eric So (ChP of Professional Development; Canada), Radoslaw Mitura Marouen Ben Guebila (ChP of Pharmacy Education; Tunisia), Dayl Eccles (ChP of External Relations; USA), Marwa Ben Mbarek (ChP of Internal Relations; Tunisia), Alexandra Marques (ChP of Media and Publications; Portugal), Joana Carrasquiera (ChP of Student Exchange; Portugal) and th Thomas Kempen (ChP of the 59 IPSF World Congress RC).

We also have new Regional Offices Chairpersons - Afadhali Diallo (AfRO; Rwanda), Anas Sidding (EMRO; Sudan), Geoffray Chai (APRO; Australia) and Van Doung (PARO; USA). Congrats, executive! Another important issue to be voted on was the host of 60th World Congress 2014. Get ready for Port Wine and fado, because we are meeting in Porto! Once again, big congrats to AEFFUP Portugal! Last, but not the least, the most memorable part of each congress social events! Gaining skills in workshops or voting in GA can certainly be great experience. Though, Im pretty sure the main reason why we keep counting down the days till the next congress was happening after the sun went down. Keeping our motto work hard, party harder in mind, the real fun begins. Wanna dance the Arabic style? Jalabeia night would have taught you that! For partying hard, theres no better place then Hard Rock caf. To get a truly multicultural experience, you can taste the world on International night. Each country offering traditional food and drinks, altogether creating a journey around the world to remember! Dancing all night long on the beach, splashing everyone with colors from a water gun or dressing up for the Gala night are those moments, when you realize you belong to those people who used to be strangers only few days before. And more importantly, you know youre not going to miss any of future congresses thereafter - no matter what! Now that you have hopefully realized that as well, just keep following those blue sky & white clouds posters of 59th IPSF World Congress. The Netherlands is getting ready and you simply cant miss it!
C U 2013!

Tereza Stipkova Vice President of Foreign Affairs 2012/13 Czech Pharmacy Students Association

Physical Address: Pharmacy House, 6 de Veer Lane, Arcadia, 0083 Postal Address: PO Box 26039, Arcadia, 0007 Presidential email:

SAPSF NEWSLETTER REPORT GENERAL SECRETARY Coming into office post-elections, being the chief administrator of the SAPSF has been a real honour and pleasure. Ive been blessed to be working with great Presco and Exco members. I love the SAPSF community and it definitely makes me want to strive for bigger and better heights for the federation. I established IMR day where its a day for submission of all IMRs. I also made sure that there are open communication channels between Presco and Exco pertaining to relaying of SAPSF information sanctioned by madam President. I must say that I am really impressed with most branch chairs in their prompt responses! The best branch that communicated with me and submitted in their IMRs on time for the months of July and August was: ULAPS, PASV, WPSC, UWCAPS and UKNAPS. This is just the beginning of the journey and its a learning experience. I am delighted to be serving SAPSF and I hope to continually provide Exemplary Leadership. Viva la SAPSF! Keneilwe Rabaji SAPSF General Secretary 2012/2013 SAPSF NEWSLETTER REPORT TREASURER July 5th 2012 is a day that I will not soon forget, it is the day that I was afforded the opportunity to serve the students of our honourable profession! Being the treasurer of any organisation has always been somewhat controversial, what I hope to achieve during my term is a favourable financial standing for the SAPSF so that we can grow as a federation and to achieve this while maintaining complete transparency in all that we do. I am in the process of establishing a SAPSF finance committee that will be responsible for raising funds to finance the 60th Annual SAPSF Conference, to be hosted by PASV next year. Since our publications are becoming bigger and better as time progresses, we as Presco thought that it would be great to have advertisers in all our publications! This will be a great way to generate income and offer our sponsors a broader platform to showcase themselves throughout the year, especially to SAPSFers that haven't attended conference. There are also a few competitions coming your watch this space! It is my hope that through this position I will make a positive impact on the future of our federation and our profession. I will do my best to strive towards excellence....SAPSF excellence always! Yours in Pharmacy Sanjula Dhanraj SAPSF Treasurer 2012/2013

Presidential Committee 2012/2013: Fadzai Munedzimwe (President), Lutendo Makgopo (Vice-President), Sanjula Dhanraj (Treasurer), Keneilwe Rabaji (General Secretary), Liniah Mumbengegwi(Media and Comm), Cindy Hayward (Editor), Mmakgabo Chokwe (IPSF CP/SEO), Phumeza Mlonzi (Public Initiative Officer)

Physical Address: Pharmacy House, 6 de Veer Lane, Arcadia, 0083 Postal Address: PO Box 26039, Arcadia, 0007 Presidential email:


The evidence of an evolving federation is a changing federation. This is evident in the new position created to close the gaps in communication within the federation. The newly created position serves to brand the federation by coordinating and creating the SAPSF projects carried out by all members of SAPSF. As the PIO it has been a great task in coordinating the projects ran by branches but the excellent communication by most of the branch chairpersons and the newly formed subcommittee has made this task lighter to bear. The projects are created for pharmacy students to be actively involved in the health and care of our communities. Pharmacy Week is upon us yet again and most branches have set out exciting activities in which all pharmacy students should be encouraged to partake in. The new addition to the pharmacy week is SAPSF DAY in which we hope to stir up patronage for the federation and continue to hold the name of SAPSF high. The PSSA are also hosting a competition in light of Pharmacy Week. I encourage all pharmacy schools participate in the competition. The national theme of pharmacy week is KNOW YOUR MEDICINE and may all students follow the oath of being moral custodians of medicine. Get involved in your healthcare system and be the change we often speak about. I am beyond honored to serve the federation and only hope to set a high benchmark to be followed by the future PIOs. Love your health. Love SAPSF
Phumeza Mlonzi SAPSF Public Initiative Officer 2012/2013

You are kindly invited to also read the following: Presidential Address by President Fadzai Munedzimwe Conference Report by Media and Communications Officer Liniah Mumbengegwi Editors Note by Editor Cindy Hayward For all enquiries regarding SAPSF please feel free to e-mail or call any of the Presidential Committee. Our details are on the website (, Facebook page ( or ask your branch chairs or LEO/SEO representatives!
Presidential Committee 2012/2013: Fadzai Munedzimwe (President), Lutendo Makgopo (Vice-President), Sanjula Dhanraj (Treasurer), Keneilwe Rabaji (General Secretary), Liniah Mumbengegwi(Media and Comm), Cindy Hayward (Editor), Mmakgabo Chokwe (IPSF CP/SEO), Phumeza Mlonzi (Public Initiative Officer)

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