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Now lets come back into the present.

A lot of history classes have been taken place and I see not many of u agree with me or probably u simply dont care. Back in 1949 when the constitution was drafted, every step was taken to ensure that the years of sufferings that the lower caste people have seen could be eradicated and in years to come they could see themselves being alleviated. The laws then made were more or less just and equitable to everybody and saw India shining. But unfortunate to say it is that the government of today is not seeing this as a tool of upliftment, social welfare and equality but simply a cunning technique to increase their votebank. The reservation system now has given an undue advantage to the receivers and has dismayed the remaining population. More than half of the seats in educational institutions, employment areas etc. have been kept reserved for these categories and for the remaining half as well, these categories can compete making the situation even worse for others. This system has no doubt helped Indias downtrodden people rise above the lineage that was bestowed upon them as a destiny, but also it has made these people virtual kings. Their attitude has grown for worse. They are taking education for granted for the simple reason that theyll get through no matter what (its not generalised) which has made the capable lot lag behind. Bcoz of such injustice, people are protesting against this system which was formulated with truly fair intentions. People are made and not that theyve chosen to dislike Caste based Reservation. Such a system is bound to grow stronger. Theres nothing much we can do about it. The least we can do is that we share our views, stick to it if from our heart we think we are right and not just merely be dependent on such systems but create our own destiny. Thats what u can and supposed to do..!!!

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