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Robert Steuteville s article on The New Urbanism: A better way to plan and build 21st Century communities pointed

out that New Urbanism was meant for designing for people, not for cars. Instead of allotting large scale of lot for roads, highways, and parking lots, we need to build main streets, towns, neighborhoods and others that would best improve the walkability of a place for the benefit of the residents. Environmentally speaking, automobiles take a lot of spending. Its not just about the gasoline or the fuels but also the maintenance of the roads, highways, and the like. When people engaged too much to automobiles, they could have imagined the pollution, the global warming and other threats that it will cause. Its health consequences are substantial. Many people have gone car accidents making them injured, or worse, causing them death. Having automobiles also causes obesity, lacking people of enough exercise needed by an individual. Its hard to say precisely the burden car attributes, but it is surely enormous. People dont need to suffer much from these vehicular consequences. Building main streets where people, especially children can enjoy their childhood by experiencing riding in a bicycle, roaming around without worrying about the vehicles hell encounter while bicycling on the street, can ease the burden. Or other people can just simply enjoy walking in to another neighborhood having an ease that they wont catch any pollutions or meet any raging vehicles that will cause them accidents. People are missing out to do such simple things because of the increasing number of vehicles on the road we encounter daily. The simplest answer to these phenomena in this generation is by designing a community for people, not for cars. It can help reduce the money people spend in fuels or gasoline they buy for their cars, the problems regarding to health, and other problems people will experience in the future on the economy. Designing communities for people, not for cars, can definitely make the community a lot stronger and a lot healthier for people to live at. Steuteville, Robert. The New Urbanism: A better way to plan and build 21st Century communities. 10 June 2009. Web. 2 March 2012. <> Harris, Robert. "Evaluating Internet Research Sources." VirtualSalt. 15 June 2008. Web. 20 Apr. 2009. <>.

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