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A power thirsty mind, unites polluted ones, pulls on, garb of a servant, promises to work, for the society

A degree to serve, the sick and ailing, serves to win ballots, claims command, for a social cause Authority dumps service, to the unwell and diseased, underworld influences duty, contaminates heart and soul, burns down obligations to ashes... Invisible strings stir spirit, dances in a whirlpool of power, like a marionette, of a special kind, with nothing left free... Power feeds adulterated mind, accepts planting a seed of war, congregates kingpins of felony, collectively hatch mass slaughter, pause for coverts beacon... Launch plans of massacre, hack, rape, murder, brutality, ransack age old dwellings, of innocent elders, men, women, children from the minority...

Ill-prepared and naive beings, shout, cry, break, and die, capitulate to the carnage, premediated to mute them all, resisting the least... Havoc continues night and day, speedily creeps to other parts, lets death dance all over, and frighten people, once promised as friends... Conspirators jubiliate the butchery, celebrate execution of perceived thoughts, bigwigs, scoundrels, assistants make merry, look out erasing their foot prints, while authorities allow happenings... Rack and ruin subsides days later, public uproar cause arrests, triggers litigation and court trials, some culprits abscond; become fugitive, dates of hearings continue for years... Justice consumes a decade of time and, thousands and millions of public money, but claws of law catch their necks, to finally gift life sentences to morons, who deserve to be hanged...

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