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Psychological Testing

A psychological test is essentially an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behaviour.

Standardization implies uniformity of procedures in administering and scoring the test. The administration, scoring and interpretation of scores are objective as they are independent of the subjective judgment of the particular examiner.

The branch of psychology that deals with the design, administration, and interpretation of quantitative tests for the measurement of psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude, and personality traits. Also called psychometry.

Types of Tests

Speed Vs. Power Tests Individual Vs. Group Tests Paper and Pencil Vs. Performance Tests

Types of Tests
Ability Tests Aptitude Tests Personality Tests Projective Techniques Personality Inventories / Questionnaires Interest Inventories Tests of Attitude Tests of Motivation

SAFI (Self Awareness through Feedback on Instruments)

1. Responding to Instrument 2. Conceptual Input 3. Prediction 4. Scoring 5. Interpretation 6. Feedback 7. Action Planning 8. Experimentation 9. Follow up

Instruments are devices used for collecting data on behavioural aspects to help derive some tentative generalisations. (An HRD instrument has a referrent, consisting of units that have some internal consistency and uses an index to express the results)

Instruments in HRD

HRD Instruments

HRD Processes (like role clarity, Performance Planning,

development climate, risk taking, dynamism etc. in employees)

HRD Outcomes (should result in more competent, satisfied,

committed people that would make the organisation grow)

Organisational Effectiveness

Using Instruments for HRD

The Uses of Instruments
a. b. c. d. e. f. Selection Research Potential Appraisal individual Growth Training Organisational Development
Optimising the use of Instruments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Selection of Instruments Administration of the Instruments Scoring Interpretation of Scores Action Planning

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