Days of Your Youth

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Lamentation 3: 27 It is a good thing when youre young to stick it out through the hard times Youthfulness represents strength,

exploits, creativity, and adventure. It is a time to realize every dream within and to unleash every potential God has endowed you with. Gold must go through a hot process before it can be attractive. It is imperative for man seeking the golden fleece to go through challenges be fore he can achieve greatness. Just like somebody said, challenges remain the food o f champions and you must have a test before you can give a testimony. This should inform your disposition and attitude towards youthfulness. The above scripture says it is a good thing to stick to your dreams and fight on until victory is given to you. In the book of Lamentation 3:28, the bible says when life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence, bow in prayers. Dont ask questions; wait for hope to appear. Dont run from trouble because the worst is never the worst. I have had challenges I thought would end my life but found myself on the other side of victory. It may look like it is over but the bible says the master wont ever walk out and fail in return. The challenges of youth can be enormous coping with academics, marital challenges, career, investment challenges, and spiritual challenges but it is important you go through it while you are young because old age is another season and it demands another approach. This is the best of your seasons please maximize it. The bible says remember now your creator in the days of your youth before the years take their toll and your vigour wanes. Before your vision dims and the world blurs and the winter years keep you close to the fire- Eccl 12:1-2

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