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QUESTIONNAIRE Personal details: Name: Age: Occupation: Phone no.: 1) Have you subscribed to DAINIK BHASKAR?

Yes No 2) How long you have been reading this newspaper? Less than 1yr 1-2yrs 3yrs More than 5 years

3)Your general perception about DAINIK BHASKAR? Very Good Good Average Bad

4) Why do you prefer this newspaper when it was launched? Price Discount Gift Lucky Draw Coupon Free Magazines every week

5) How do you subscribe your news paper? Through vendor Through subscription

6) By what level you are satisfied with your newspaper reading? Highly dissatisfied Dissatisfied Cant say Satisfied Highly satisfied

7) Which part of newspaper you like the most? Political Cultural Sports Entertainment Other (please specify) 8) Do you think increase in advertisements affects the news printed in newspapers? Yes No

9) What is the main factor that made you retain the subscription of Dainik Bhaskar? Price Quality of news discounts and special scheme

10) Do you think brand DAINIK BHASKAR establish a relationship based on love to collect loyal consumer? Yes No

11) What do you think about the services provided by the brand DAINIK BHASKAR (CSR activities, advertisements)? Very good Good Average Poor Very Poor

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