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hp15c Advanced Scientic Simulation v2.

1 Release Notes
Thank you very much for your interest in RLM Software's hp15c Advanced Scientic calculator simulation. The hp15c-v2.1 have all the functions and capabilities of the real calculators, plus the following extended features : - 100 memory registers. - 1000 program steps. - Variable view size. - Interface engraving tool to personalize the calculator. - Paper tape output. - Register's content view tool. - Preferences menu to set the main settings. - The most extensive Unit conversion & Universal constants tool. - Complex numbers can be directly stored in memory and in matrix elements. - Polar format of complex numbers (phasor) directly managed ("Polar" indicator in the status display). - Matrix, Solve and Integral doesn't consume any memory register. You always have the 100 memory registers. - Program labels A,B,C,D,E and "00" to "99". - Cash Flow tool. - Statistical analysis tool. - Time value of money tool. - On-Line Worldwide Currency conversion tool by - Program Explorer tool. - Sound and spoken feedback settings. - Save and Load programs - Save and Load memory sets. - New Added function to transform Zp format matrix to a complex matrix selecting MATRIX and sum statistic - New Added function to transform Complex matrix to Zp format matrix pressing MATRIX and decimal point IMPORTANT NOTES : - When the Units Conversion Tool is used for the rst time, it will ask for the location of the Units database le. Browse to the "Data-hp15c" folder, witch is inside the "hp15c-v2.1" folder, and select the "UnitsDB.udb" le. - Because the simulator has 100 memory registers all memory operations require two digits to nish the sequence. For example, to store the displayed number in the register 8, press "STO 0 8". - Because the 1000 program steps, the "GTO" command needs three digits to completion

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