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SPANISH II LOTE Department --- LBJ Early College High School SPANISH II COURSE SYLLABUS August 2012- June

2013 Instructor Miss Campbell Email Address Office Location _____ P3A _______Time and Place of class A & B Days P8B, 2nd Period P6A Required Textbooks and Other Course Materials Buen Viaje 2! Voki Website (username and password will be distributed in class) Spiral Notebook Interactive Journal Pen or Pencil in class, EVERYDAY! Course description In Spanish 2, the objective is to develop skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing in the Spanish language. All four components will be weighted equally, with mastery of grammatical structures also highly emphasized for enhanced communication and comprehension in Spanish. Frequent creative oral practice of Spanish is included in the classroom to actively promote speaking proficiency. Reading and writing skills are reinforced through the inclusion of short stories and cultural articles from Latin America and Spain. Student Learning Outcomes-By the end of the chapter, the student should be able to: See attachement Requirements: Student must have passed Spanish 1 Grading Policy: Major Grade (Tests & Projects) 40% Quizzes 30% Daily Work (Interactive Journal, Participation) 30% 100% Midterm and Final Exams: 3 - 6 weeks grades 75% Semester Exam (Fall & Spring) 25% 90 - 100 A 80 89 B 75-79 C 70-74 D

Tests: Tests will be given on or around the dates shown on the syllabus and calendar posted on my
website. You will be tested over material from the activities manual, the text, and class activities.
Retests Students receiving a grade of 75 or below on a test will be allowed to retest for up to a maximum grade of 80, provided that the student comes in for tutoring

Quizzes: There will be a maximum of 12 grades and the lowest 2 will be dropped. Quizzes cannot be
made up. Voki Voice Recordings: To practice speaking students will be using the Voki website. Assignments will include reading passages, asking/answering questions and creating and producing oral passages related to current topics being discussed in class. Attendance Policy: According the LBJ policy, if a student misses more than 30 minutes of any class, they will be counted absent. Parents will be notified upon an absence in class.

Make-up Exam Policy: The policy of the department is no make-up exams without an EXCUSED absence. Missed tests are recorded as a 0 Students Questions/Concerns: If you have any questions, you can talk to me before/after school, during lunch in P3A or you can email me at Miscellaneous: Cell phones, ipods, ipads, and laptops must be turned off and/or closed during class time. They may only be turned on if the teacher gives permission to use them for an assignment in class. Academic Integrity: It is the philosophy of LBJ Early College High School that academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance LBJ regulations and procedures. The use of online translators, however limited, is included in the definition of scholastic dishonesty and is strictly forbidden. Do NOT use the online translator for entire sentences! I can clearly see when this is done and you will be asked to redo the assignment! Calendario*** 1st 6 weeks (Repaso A-G, I. Aug 27th -31st Repaso II. Sept 4th -Sept 7th Quiz III. Sept 10th -14th Dia de Independica Proyecto Due IV. Sept 17th -21st Voki Recording Due (Answering questions) V. Sept 24th -28th Proyecto de Facebook Presentaciones Due st th VI. Oct 1 Oct 5 2nd 6 weeks (Partes de Capitulo 1, 2, 3 y 4) VII. Oct 8th -12th Voki Recording Due (Reading passage) VIII. Oct 15th- 19th Native Speaker Interview Due IX. Oct 22nd -226th Quiz X. Oct 29th -Nov 2nd Cuando yo era nino Proyecto Due XI. Nov 5th 9th Examen (preterito y imperfect, vocabulario) XII. Nov 12th -16th 3rd 6 weeks XIII. Nov 19th 20th Nov 21st-23rd XIV. Nov 26th 30th XV Dec 3rd -7th XVI. Dec 6th -10th XVII. Dec 17th 20th Quiz Da de accin de gracias/ No hay clases Comparacin de Fiestas Proyecto Due Voki Recording Due Reflection Essay on Contemporary Problems in Latin American/Spain Due Repaso para los examines finales Finales

***Calendar subject to change

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