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Dept of CSE.


i. UML-Introduction...……………………………..………….. 2
ii. Use Case Diagram……………………………………………3
iii. Problem Statement…………………………………………....4
iv. Functionalities of Use Case Diagram………………………...5
v. Class Diagram………………………………………………..6
vi. Sequence Diagram……………………………………………7
vii. Collaboration Diagram……………………………………….8
viii. State Diagram………………………………………………...9
ix. Activity Diagram……………………………………………..10
x. Physical Diagram
1. Component Diagram…………………………………...11
2. Deployment Diagram…………………………………..12
xi. Java Code Generation…………………………………………13
xii. Conclusion…………………………………………………….14


A software development method consists of a modeling language and a process. The

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is called a modeling language, not a method. The
modeling language is the notation that methods use to express designs. The process
describes the steps taken in doing a design.

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is developed as a graphical language for

visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-
intensive system. In the UML, the five main views of the system are

• User
• Structural
• Behavioral
• Implementation
• Environment

Structural View
Class Diagram
Object Diagram

Implementation View
Component Diagram

Behavioral View
Activity Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Collaboration Diagram
State Transition Diagram

Environment View
Deployment Diagram


• It consists of 7 use cases. Each use case depicting one use.

• The use cases are specify date and time, measuring temperature, measuring
pressure, measuring humidity, display, sensors to measure the above parameters.
• The sensors provided mark the behavior of the various parameters. Hence the
sensor extends the temperature, pressure and humidity.
• The keypad is used to specify time and date.
• Hence it is included by the use case specify time and date.

Screen shot of Use Case diagram :



• The user has to specify the date and time.

• The controller is the person who monitors and manages the entire system.
• The Person is validated at the second level. If he is not a valid user, then he is
• The keypad is used to specify time and date.
• After the person had specified the date and time, the controller will instruct the
sensor to sense and hence measure the temperature, pressure, humidity.
• Measuring temperature, measuring pressure, measuring humidity are the actions
done by the sensors to measure the above parameters.
• The sensors provided mark the behavior of the various parameters. Hence the
sensor extends the temperature, pressure and humidity.
• After measuring, the systems have to display the value. Each system will instruct
to display.


1) Name
• Specify date and time
• Measuring temperature
• Measuring Pressure
• Measuring Humidity
• Sensor
• Display
• Keypad

2) Objective
To meaure various parameters like temperature,pressure,humidity by means of
sensors provided the controller should initiate the process.The authorised user is provided
with the results.

3) Precondition & Postcondition

The authorised user is allowed to enter the system.
The results provided to the user should be exact.

4) Normal Flow & Alternate Flow

If the user is an authorised person,he will reach upto the display interface.
If not the user will have an alternate flow to other interface stating,he is not valid.


The class diagram depicts the relationship among classes. The following are the classes


Time & Date specification
Temperature measurement
Pressure measurement
Humidity measurement


The Person have to seek the permission of the Controller to enter into the system.
The Person specifies the Time and Date.
The Time and Date is being specified through Keypad.
The Admin controls the temperature, pressure, humidity sensor.
The three systems display the values recorded by the sensor.

Screen Shot of Class diagram:



• The sequence diagram describes the various sequences of events.

• After the person had specified the date and time, the controller will instruct the
sensor to sense and hence measure the temperature, pressure, humidity.
• After measuring, the systems have to display the value. Each system will instruct
to display.
• The lifeline of the objects will be over after getting displayed.

Screen Shot of Sequence diagram :



• The time order of messages is shown explicitly by sequence numbers.

• The designer is facilitated with a better understanding of links between objects
and hence implementation becomes easier.
• The sequences are given an order in which they are executing.
• Process takes place in that order only.
• After the person had specified the date and time, the controller will instruct the
sensor to sense and hence measure the temperature, pressure, humidity .
• After measuring, the systems have to display the value. Each system will instruct
to display.

Screen Shot of collaboration diagram:



• The initial state is the state where the person enters the system.
• The Person is validated at the second level. If he is not a valid user, then he is
stopped which is represented using an aborted state .
• The date and time are specified by the person.
• The sensors are enabled.
• The temperature, pressure and humidity are measured and at a particular level
they are joined using a horizontal join.
• After that the values are moved to display interface.
• Finally the accepting state is reached.

Screen shot of State Diagram:

~ 10 ~


• The activity diagram discusses about the activities used.

• After the initial state , the person specifies the date and time.
• An activity group is formed at the second level. In the group, validation is done, if
he is not a valid user he is stopped from entering the system.
• The second activity in this group, is that the sensors are initiated by the controller.
• The sensors start measuring the parameters.
• The temperature, pressure and humidity are measured and at a particular level
they are joined using a horizontal cork.
• After that the values are moved to display interface.
• Finally the activity of displaying is done.

Screen shot of Activity Diagram:

~ 11 ~


 Each component is provided for a purpose.
 The person component specifies time and date which is given to
the controller.
 The controller internally does many activities to check whether the
person is valid or not.
 The controller delegates the sensors.
 The sensors component is initiated by the controller. They in turn
measure temperature, pressure, humidity etc.
 The values which are produced by the sensors are displayed
~ 12 ~

Screen shot of Component Diagram:


• Some components are enclosed under a node.

• Here Person, Controller and Sensor are the nodes used.
• Under the Person node, the component used is specifying time and date.
• The person requests the controller.
• Under the controller node, validation component is used .This component is
meant for validation of the user.
• The final node contains 2 components.
• The first component is meant for measuring the values and the second component
is meant for displaying the values.

Screen shot of Deployment Diagram:

~ 13 ~


public class Humidity_Measurement

public class Pressure_Measurement

public class Sensors

public class Temperature_Measurement
~ 14 ~

Pressure Sensor
public class Pressure Sensor
private int pressure;
public void CurrentPres () {
public void setLowPres () {
public void setHighPres () {

Temperature Sensor
public class Temperature Sensor
private int temperature;
public void currentTemp () {
public void setLowtemp () {
public void setHightemp () {

Humidity Sensor
public class Humidity Sensor
public void CurrentHum () {
public void setHighHum () {
public void setLowHum () {

public class Keypad
private int type;
public void Press () {

public class Person
private String Name;
private int Age;
~ 15 ~

private int Sex;

private int Privilege;
public void Specify () {
public void Change () {

Time and Date

public class Time and Date
public void Unnamed () {

Public class controller

Thus, considering the weather monitoring system, analysis is made and design is
obtained through various UML diagrams.

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