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LAND RAIDER ACHILLES .............................................................................................................................................................. 300 POINTS


Land Raider Achilles

BS 4

Armour F S R 14 14 14

A Land Raider Achilles may take any of the following: - Pintle-mounted storm bolter ............................................. +10 points . - Hunter-killer missile ............................................................ +10 points - Dozer blade ..........................................................................+5 points - Siege shield ........................................................................ +10 points

The Land Raider Achilles is one of the rarest and most venerable Land Raider variants. In terms of armament, it is fitted out as a heavy siege tank with multi-meltas on its sponson mounts, and a potent hull mounted Thunderfire cannon at the cost of transport capacity. The Achilles' incredible durability exceeds that of even a standard pattern Land Raider, and its near-indestructibility has entered legend among the Adepts Astartes.
Composition: 1 Land Raider Achilles Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank) Access Points: One door on each side Transport: 6 models Wargear: Hull-mounted Thunderfire cannon Two sponson-mounted twin- linked multi-meltas Searchlight and smoke launchers Extra Armour Special Rules: Power of the Machine Spirit Ferromantic Invulnerability

Power of the Machine Spirit: A Land Raider can fire one more weapon than would normally be permitted based upon its Movement speed; This weapon may be fired at a separate target if desired. A Land Raider may also fire a single weapon even if it has suffered a Crew Shaken or Crew Stunned result that turn.

Thunderfire Cannon: The Thunderfire cannon is a multi-barrelled heavy weapon capable of hurling a variety of shells at great speed. Choose which of the fire modes listed you are using each time the weapon is used: WEAPON RANGE 60" 60" 60" STRENGTH AP 6 5 4 5 6 - TYPE Heavy 4, 3" Blast Heavy 4, 3" Blast, No Cover Saves Subterranean Heavy 4, 3"Blast, Tremor* *Tremor: Any unit hit moves as if in difficult ground on its next turn. If it is already in difficult ground it rolls one less dice than normal to determine distance moved. Vehicles hit by the tremor shell must take Dangerous Terrain tests if they move in the subsequent turn.

Ferromantic Invulnerability: The hull of the Achilles has been specially constructed to resist even the most determined assault and is almost preternaturally resilient. As a result, the Land Raider Achilles is not subject to the particular effects of the Lance and Melta special rules by attacks made against it. In addition it reduces the effects of all rolls on the damage chart made against it (other than by Destroyer type weaponry), by -1.

Surface blast Airburst

A Land Raider Achilles is a also Heavy Support choice in a Codex Space Marines, Codex Black Templars, Codex Space Wolves or Codex: Dark Angels army.


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