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B-Series SAN Switch - Firmware Download Timed Out (0x23)

Message: Firmware download failed - Firmware download timed out. (0x23) There are instance where Firmwaredownload fails with timeout errors.

Firmwaredownload has started. Start to install packages...... dir ################################################## setup ################################################## Firmwaredownload timed out. Firmwaredownload failed. (0x23) Firmwaredownload timeout. Firmwarecommit has started to restore the secondary partition. Error: (Firmwaredownload timeout.) Doing firmwarecommit now. Please wait ... RIJPSDfe3:admin> Replicating kernel image. ................ Firmwarecommit completes successfully.

Probable Cause/Recommendation: There are multiple possible reasons and solutions to a firmwaredownload stalling and timing out. Try a direct connection to an FTP server or laptop with a crossover cable. Every time this timeout occurred, it was due to the Ethernet network. Even though the IP/Ethernet is fine, if someone by mistake types in the wrong path or anything wrong for the ftp parameters, the download would fail and give the same or similar error. FTP server recommendations: The firmwareDownload command has a time-out of 10 minutes for v4.0 and v4.1 and 30 minutes for v4.2 and later. The following tips may be of help if one is having problems with the firmware download timing out before the process is complete: Verify that there can be a ping to the FTP server from another host on the LAN, prior to running the firmwareDownload command. Disable any VPN, firewall, or anti-virus applications on the FTP server. Remove any Ethernet hub between the FTP server and the switch. Optionally, set the switch's auto-negotiating Ethernet port to match the speed and duplex setting of the IP environment. For example, enter the ifModeSet command to change the switch settings to match both ends of the Ethernet link. Enable session logging on the FTP server so that the log can be viewed during the execution of the firmwareDownload command. Set the FTP server's time-out value to 60 minutes. Ensure that the decompress process created multiple SWBDxx folders (where xx is a number) in the main folder. If the files are unpacked without folder creation, then the firmwareDownloadcommand will be unable to locate the .plist file.

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