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(0) '1 tHl l;;q 'ffifftmur -q-:goo"""

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fcrf<:r- BI fq <11 iI I <f) (11 I 'i fi c (Y[ll fi -;; Ii! I/CftflTTI tRtaIT 3fiJf 'l1 Ul:ll ill 1tRTan LJfI .
qRq-;;<f) w. 3fiJf/2012/4565, R. 18.07.2012
2)<f)Il:llcl411 19.06.2012
\34xlCftl 4Rq-;;<f)I;:qil Double Diploma/Change of Scheme/Change of
Course/Change of scheme with Course/Change of scheme with Institute/Change of scheme
with Course & Institute/Change of course with Institute crf 3l2FIT err
Rd1l:l fi-;;I<f){ldl "flIT-"flIT mm"4T5RIT >I+iloIQ-;;ljfilx (Eligibility Certficate )VR
fcltfl:li<f);fjdl (J05
IJlil crf 3l2FIT err Rd1ll
mfqtillllill \?i<f)clIJI m fqtillli11 31fi c(Y[l 1 fi-;;Iill/ wan 3fiJf '%"'i"
\3QxlCftl qRq-;;<f)I;:qil 3i1 c<"iI I fiGxil
wan 3fiJf '+l\(dI11 \3qxlCftl w. 2 -urr <f)1l:llcl4H Cpccl) tRtaIT LJfI
fcrw2llFfi <f),{ollid
3fflT }I<f)lXil wcf fqt:tllid 3ific(Y[l1 WaIT 3fiJf '%"'i"
A<f)lcl {iJlul<f) CRUT q"flIT
LSP q fi-;;I<f){ldl WFLS/WFIY"il" wnur cp1fiCRUT
-g wcf fqt:tllid 3ific(Y[l1 WaIT 3fiJf t'!0llim
+iPIOn Cp(Y[llfi 'H-;;Iilll

m-m <f)lllTcllQiil 'hi''ZICl\(
wan 3fiJf 6tT 31fi(Y[llil
3ific(Y[l1 "'<iCf mxOIl,+i<f) 4;gool <f);fjd I -rn
f%d I Cl 00 I tRtaIT 1{l't '?Sll cllcl >fl1TUT tffiuT I fq olll d -ilG
tffiuT '?Sll cll cl 3ij. w. 1 11 >1 <f)\( un \Rff "flIT-"flIT 3l'Rl1 '<i A?lll q I d I >I I01 q-;;
(Eligibility Certficate ) 3lmiI" C1fll
1) fi-;;I'tlfl /Clt'flilll x:rct fqtillQld (all subject exemption) -HArTTl:lh"lfl)r-::::rd tRtaIT1{l't (per sem/yr)
2) fi-;; I ill I/CI til 1ill 1 fqt:tl:ll<f){ldl- Al:lffid tRtaIT 1{l't + ct: LJfI XJ. 200/ - (per sem/yr)
3) \TIQT '<i-;;I'tlfl/Clt:tlilll 41-;; d 1>J+i 1
1 - Al:lffid tRtaIT1{l't + ct:-ctI
XJ. 200/ - (oer sem/yr) .2.
1. Double Diploma 2. Change of Scheme
3. Change of Course 4. Change of scheme with course
5. Change of scheme with Institute 6. Change of course with Institute
7. Change of scheme with course & Institute
8. Readmission with same course & same Institute
9. Readmission with same course but different Institute
10. Readmission with different course & same Institute
11. Readmission with different course & different Institute
x=rcf 4R4?lCfjI'"i:lit 3Rl CfjooRiullld <fa- Cfft,
Wan 3f\if"'i" 1"ixc>lc
H CR"'i1jG wan lb'l Gffl
WaIT 'tt1'!I<N wan 3f\if confirm CfjxUlll=cfl .15.09.2012 "4<fq
d<::;1d"i! lfT?f 4 l?lfll!'l+"l IUI?lIUlI 3lltrR wan 3l\iff
XFf 2012-13 Cpc;llljfll"i! wan 'Qft <:ITrfi .

JfG-1) 1ftti:q I(>I Cfj, +i 61 x I +tsoo, <Jt;rr +i Itnill fP.-llfil .mGX
W. 40 q 43 +i161d1
v4) <fa- Cfft, 4R4?lCfj


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