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People Skills Module --anil nair-1

What will be covered :

TBOs will have the opportunity to:

Understand the importance of People Skills Know how to create rapport with another person,

especially the doctors and other customers

Learn how to apply verbal skills Learn how to apply non-verbal skills

Various skills needed in management

Skills Needed Top Middle First line

Management Skills
Skills Needed Top Middle First line

People Skills
Five Fundamentals of People Skills

Building rapport Giving attention to show genuine interests in the person

Recognizing & working with differences to make

the person feel comfortable Conveying message clearly Using feedback

People Skills
People Skills involves: Taking initiative in building rapport Demonstrating a personal interest in others Striving to make the other party feels comfortable Key questions (triggers) to check yourself: Am I making the move to build rapport? Do I show that I am genuinely interested in him/her as a person? Am I making the person feel comfortable?

People Skills
Verbal Communication
U are interesting questions Start off with Tell me questions Ask for opinions/advice or ask about their experiences e.g. What do u think about How do u feel about How did u What was it like for u when u I know about that I have been there I have seen that already I heard about that I have done that too I have tried that vs I know it all statements

People Skills
Non-Verbal Communication
Look at his/her face Lean forward Lift head or head cocked to one side Lift eyebrows Listen more (and get to know him/her more) vs vs vs vs vs Darting or wandering eyes Slouching Head down or turned away Eyes downcast or going through documents Talk more

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