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Self Reflective Practice Dissection Workshop For Therapists Date attended:___________

The questions provided here are designed to prompt your thinking about todays dissection workshop. Use them also if you visited the pathology museum. It is best to complete reflective practice within a few days following the workshop, whilst things are still fresh in your mind. Self-reflection aids self-development. You could expand on your answers by adding a second column headed how I will use this to inform my study/practice.

1. In general terms, what was your intention behind attending this workshop? 2. Was there anything specific you wanted to achieve from today? If yes, what was it? 3. Were you able to carry out what you wanted to achieve? If not, why not? 4. What did you enjoy most about the workshop and why? 5. What did you enjoy most about the pathology museum and why? 6. Was there anything you didnt enjoy or found challenging and if so, why was this? 7. Did you learn anything new about anatomy and physiology today? If so, what was it? 8. Did attending this workshop raise any questions for you? If so, what were these? 9. Did you learn anything about yourself today? 10. What would be the most beneficial thing for you to do right now? (Question 11..and will you do it!?)

Jane Johnsonsupporting and inspiring wherever possible! by email: by phone: 07841 043 307

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