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Name Students Number Class Subject

: Annisa Fadhila : 1106315 : Dik 1-B2 : Writing for General Communication

A New Chief of KPK

I have read three editorials which I sourced from the website. I got it from Metro TV News website, digital news of Media Indonesia, and Suara Karya Online*). These editorials talk about a new chief of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Abraham Samad. He was chosen by House of Representative (DPR) on December 2nd, 2011. Each writer of the website has their own opinion about a new chief of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Let me share about it! The first editorial I read is from Metro TV News website. KPK chief electing makes a surprise because the name of Abraham Samad is not really popular. But they think that his unpopularity can make him strong. He does not know the big situation which will affect him. So, the people will not do the intervention to him because they do not know him very much. Besides, they hope that Abraham can lead KPK with full of legal justice. In the next editorial from digital news of Media Indonesia, the writer thinks that a new chief of KPK give optimistic and pessimistic. DPR won because they hope complete prosecution in the case of Century Bank, anticipation corruption of Hambalang Project, and Wisma Atlet Corruption. But a pessimistic comes because he is not the big four of candidate. They are worried if Abraham will feel obliged to DPR. For example he does not handle the corruption case of DPR. After that, the editorial writer from Suara Karya Online hopes that Abraham Samad gives a new hope. They hope he is not only speaking, and tell about his promise, but they need his action to fight the corruption. Based on three editorials, we can get a conclusion that each writer cherishes hope to a new chief of KPK for prosecuting the corruption. They really need his action to fight the corruption in this country.

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