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Progression Of Noel Gallagher

By Fady Philip

Noel Gallagher was the lead guitarist, occasional lead vocals and principal songwriter of English rock band Oasis. The band formed in 1994 and broke-up in 2009.

Early Music Videos

In their first album, he presented an image with the rest of the band of local Manchester culture such as football, beer, women and fighting. Their album cover sums it all up showing alcohol, watching football on TV, set in a small flat and 1960s rock and roll influence.

Britpop And Height Of Fame

During the bands high time in 1996 when they released their second album Whats the story morning glory? Noel Gallagher and his brother continued becoming famous because of the rock and roll lifestyle image they presented of heavy drinking, drugs, football, sex and fighting with critics. Their music videos are occasionally set in rowdy gigs. Their image reflected the Britpop culture of the 90s. They also started to shoot their music videos in big mansions with helicopters and swimming pools, which shows that they became more popular and acquired a bigger budget.

Noel Gallagher had an intense feud with rival band Blur, occasionally publicly taunting and swearing at them. There was a lot of media coverage on this rivalry and it made Noel Gallagher even more popular and added to his laddish rock and roll image.

Noel Gallaghers support for the labour government in 1997 created shock amongst some of his fans, as they idolized him as being a rebel and indie. His meetings with Tony Blair were reported nationwide in the news and this made him even more popular to the masses. His image as a rowdy and laddish rock-star started to fade, he started getting older and married in 1997.

Post Oasis
After the break-up of Oasis in 2009 and Noel Gallagher getting married and having children. He started presenting a more sensible and much less rowdy image in his album High Flying Birds. He is also dressed more formally compared to his earlier music videos where he often wore simple tees.

He has progressed from a young age rowdy pub lad image into a
more sensible and casual rock star look. The latter would attract an older audience. We now see him as a normal grown up middle aged man. In addition, his fans have grown up and progressed with him.


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