Music Video Storyboard

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Before music starts shot of the forest location (blurred)

Still close-up cutaways shots of flowers/looking from behind a tree

Shot of Rhiannon hiding behind tree

turns to run - Slow motion of her running

Shot of singer wandering through different part of forest (Cut back to slow motion running)

Performance shot 1 - Beth singing in forest area, in front of tree (band members)

close-ups of tambourine and guitar

Narrative shot 1- Same location as frame 5 - Shot of trail of white feathers on the forest ground

Shots of her picking it up

Close-up shot of her gently brushing against her face

Behind shot of her following the trail.

Performance shot 2 - Tracking shot of Beth singing

Shot of Rhiannon with horse Separate shot of horse close-up

Narrative shot 2 - Night shot with bright light

Several night shots of her looking directly at camera, using the light to move across her

Performance shot 3 - Close-up shot of Beth singing - high angle shot of her lying on a field, superimposed with flowers?

Narrative shot 3 - Shot in wild field- various shots in Slow motion

running/ standing/ spinning

shot of her spinning, tilt upwards as she spins

Shots of birds flying superimposed over low angle shot of Rhiannon

Narrative shot 4 - Nunney castle stood against wall, hidden behind wall, running etc.

Stand in middle of castle; rotate around, getting glimpses of Rhiannon and slowly getter higher.

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