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tinkering with problems day 1

name: __________________________

what do you do when youre stuck? 1. In a well-shuffled 52-card deck, half the cards are red and half are black. If the number of red cards in the top half of the deck is added to the number of black cards in the bottom half of the deck, the sum is 30. How many red cards are in the top half?

2. Al says: Bob is lying. Bob says: Carl is lying. Carl says: Al and Bob are both lying. Who is lying? Who is telling the truth? There is only one possible answer.

3. Fill in the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once each to make the equation true:

? ? ? ?+ ? = 13

period 2

tinkering with problems day 1

name: __________________________

4. Make your own set of numbers that has a. a mean (average) of 35, a mode of 30 and a median of 50. b. a mean of 40, a median of 40 and a mode of 30

5. From a large pile of pennies, nickels and dimes, select 21 coins which have a total value of exactly $1.00. Your selection must have at least one coin of each type.

6. Each letter in the addition problem below represents a different number.

What are the only possible values of A, B, C and D?

period 2

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