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HiJoo Lee Ashley Boyd Lizeth Chimal Per.

Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 at Wools Thorpe, Lincolnshire,

England. He was the only son of a farmer also named Isaac Newton. Which he died only three months after baby Isaac was born. Born as a premature baby he wasnt

expected to survive. His mother married a minister and left baby Isaac with his maternal

grandmother. At age 12, Newton got reunited with his mother and had been

enrolled at the King's School, Grantham, England. A little while later he got pulled out of

school because his mother wanted him to grow up to farmer. Newton found farming to be boring and soon got enrolled back into Kings School.

Newtons Uncle, a graduate of Trinity College at Cambridge, persuaded Isaac Newtons mother to let him attend this university. During his first three years at the

Trinity, Newton was taught standard curriculum, but was fascinated with the more

advanced science. Even though Newton graduated with no honors, his efforts won him

the title of scholar and four years of financial support. Although in 1665, the Great

Plague had made its way to Cambridge and the university had closed. It has said to be

that this was the time where he got the method of calculus, his theory of light and color,

and saw the ideas of planetary motion. Legend say that this was the time where Newton

experienced the inspiration for gravity with the falling apple.

In 1667, the Plague went down a little and Newton returned to Trinity College.

Newton was still not considered a standout scholar, but throughout the years he

improved. In 1669, before he was twenty-seven, Newton got his Master of Arts degree.

As a professor, Newton was taken out of tutoring others but he had to give an annual course of lectures. Obviously, he chose the topic of optics to teach. Newtons study of

optics was helped by his own invention, the reflecting telescope he made in 1668.

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