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English 0950 Electronic Essay

Submission Guidelines

The 5 graded essay assignments for this class will be written,

submitted, graded, and returned electronically. Here are some
guidelines for this process:

1. Essays must be written with a word processing program and

saved as either a .rtf or a .doc file

2. File names should be formatted as follows: Your Name Essay

Number; i.e. JudyJonesEssay1

3. Essays will be submitted electronically as email attachments

4. Grading will be done electronically using digital ink


5. Essays will be returned electronically, either via email or

over a shared network space

6. Essay revisions can be submitted anytime through the

deadline toward the end of the term

7. File names for revised essays should add the following after
your name and the essay number: Revision number; i.e.

8. Revised essays will be submitted via email and will be

graded and returned according to the process outlined above

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