Sample Quiz 2

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ChEN 5103/6103 Sample Closed Book Quiz Please give a short answer to each of the following questions: 1.

What is a gene?

2,3,4,& 5. a) What is the name of the process that occurs in the nucleus in which the information contained in a gene is read and a biopolymer is produced that carries this information to a ribosome? b) What is the name of this biopolymer that carries the information? c) What is the name of the biological process that occurs in a ribosome in which the information carried by this biopolymer is converted to the corresponding sequence of amino acids in a protein that is synthesized? d) What is the name of the biopolymer that carries the appropriate amino acid to the active site of the ribosome for incorporation into the protein that is being synthesized?

6. What is a codon?

7. What is the name of the special mass transfer process used by cells that can transport small molecules from regions of low to high concentration (or from regions of low to high chemical potential)?

8. What does it mean to say that a gene is constitutive

9. What is the name of the enzyme that synthesizes m-RNA?

10. What do molecular biologists call the end of the m-RNA chain that contains the first nucleotide incorporated into the m-RNA chain during synthesis? 11. What is the name of the post-translational process that occurs in eucaryotes in which sugar groups and phosphoric acid groups are attached to the end of a protein? 12. What is the name of the acid that accumulates in cells when humans metabolize glucose for energy in the absence of sufficient oxygen? 13. What does it mean when we say that a fat is unsaturated?

14. List two differences between the chemical structure of DNA and the chemical structure of RNA. 15. What is the name given to the type of protein that has both positive and negative charges?

16. What is the name given to the class of micro-organisms that use CO2 as a carbon source rather than carbohydrates?

17. Name two organelles within a eucaryotic cell that contain DNA. 18. Which molecule has a greater thermodynamic stability: ATP or ADP? Justify your answer. 19. Where does glycolysis occur in a eucaryote?

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