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check using dmm reg or unreg voltage is important the cureent drawn can vary depending upon the

load but not all laptops work with chargers havin higher power ratings while havin the same volta ge rating The only thing that matters most of the time when buying a laptop charger is the voltage. Higher amps only mean it'll charge the batteries faster. Just because the physical plug into your device matches doesn't mean that the po sitive and negative connections are hooked up the right way. In fact, there's often no real standard. Where does the extra power go wen charging a mobile phone?

Mains voltage is rectified to a high direct voltage driving a switching circuit, which contains a transformer operating at a high frequency and outputs direct current at the desired voltage. The high-frequency ripple is more easily filtered out than main s-frequency. The high frequency allows the transformer to be small, which reduces its losses; and the switching regulator can be much more efficient than a linear regulator. The resu lt is a much more efficient, smaller, and lighter device. Safety is ensured, as in the o lder linear circuit, because there is still a transformer which electrically isolates the ou tput from the mains.

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