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STANDARD PLUMBING ENGINEERING DESIGN SECOND EDITION Louis S. Nielsen B.S., P.E. jook Company WATIONAL LIBRARY SINGAPORE 27 DEC1984 aa NSE Library of Congres Cataloging ot Publ Data Nielson, Lai Standard plumbing engineering design Includes inde. E Plumbing. 1 Tite THGIZZNS 1981 696.1 81-2451 AACR ISBN 0-07-04b541-X Copyright © 1982 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United St publication may be reproduced, sted in a retrieval sytem. cx of America. No part of this ‘or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, rece for otherwise, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, 1234567890 KPKP 8987654321 The editors for this book were Robert L. Davidson, Frank J. Cerra, Charles P. Ray, and Celis Knigh the designer «as Elliot Epstein, and the production supervisor was Sally lcs Iwas set in Baskerville by The Kingsport Press Printed aed bos 1d by The Kingsport Press CONTENTS Preface xi HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF PLUMBING ENGINEERING 1 History of Plumbing, 1 Fisture Development, 13 Ancient Plumbing, 2 Standards for Plumbing Materials, 20 Early American Sanitation Standards 4 Plumbing System Regulations and Praotiay, Systems in Bualaings, 6 ae SYSTEMS, MATERIALS, AND FIXTURES FOR OCCUPANCIES 37 Porformaner Required of Building Fisures Required for Building” Sytem, 37 Oceupancien 41 Performance Required of Materials for Facilities for the Physically Planting Systems, 37 Handicapped, 41 Bling Occupancy Classifications, 38 Standard Code Regulations, 4 FIXTURES, FIXTURE TRAPS, AND INTERCEPTING DEVICES, 53 Standards for Quality of Fistares, 88 Sinks and Laude Trays. 57 Water Closets and Urinals, 54 lush Tanks and Flash Vator (Flushoweies), 55 Dishoeashing Drinking Fountains, 38 Machines and Pastures, 59 Larwatries, Bathtubs, and Showers, 56 Flor Drain, 60 We contents Fowwe Overs and Steaners, 6 Spread Use Fistues, 6 Intesering Steamers, vermin Pot, eli, Ornomenal, cond Aquarven Botne, 6 ah Anau tnstllatios, 6 Bixoure Trap, 66 Ce of Intercepting Festre Trap, 68) Liapur Reef Pps or Lona Ven fs Festares, 70 ’ bs Standard Code Regulaswous, 71 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS oT Grured Den Cansaderatons, BL Mulcone Mater Supply Sem fv Sauer of Wate Suppl. 82 Tower Backing, Qual of Water Suppl for Bosrae, 2 Wier Supply Tints, 9 Water Sees and ey Mets, 84 Psaaton, 100 Espns and Goatraction of Water Ioeatment for Conroson Cota, "J © eae Standard Pipe Thr Protectan of Paar Water Sapp. 9 Maen Pb Thad, 107 Protection aga Cantomination by ee Bubp and Bark Siphanage, 89 Fateang, WO Backs Prenton Device for Speout — Watr Supply Piping Tots, V12 Fatave and Equipment, 83 Disinfecion Mrthoss, W12 Water Supply oqsement, 94 Sandardl Code Regulations, 118 FLOW IN WATER SUPPLY PIPING 123 Prneples of Mbvatis, 123 Phased Properties of Water, V2 Sheamtine and Turbulent Flow, 125 Feoaty, 128 un fat of Paw toh Potential and Kinet Enrgy, V2 Stowe Head, 130 eloarty Head, V3 Berwonll’s Theanem, 132 Fnctuon Head, 138 Formell’s icons, 134 Jet Fl, 134 Quantity Rave of Fl fom Outs, 136 Quantay Rate of Fle tvongh Sidimerged Ones, 198 Pressure Lass thvungh Meter, 138 Pressure Lass Due ia Fnvtion in Piping, 139 ite Eton ors fr Varin Service Conditions, wy Equivalent Length of Fitings and Valeo, V5 sf Pressure Lose Uvough Mtiscltaneows Equipment, 15D Don of Flr Parle Conuts, 15E we Water Hammer, 151 Veloity Efects in Piping, 15 Suction Lift of Pops, 155 Wink Done in Pumping, 157 CONTENTS Wit SIZING THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 139. Deen Objections, 159 Meunam Avatable Prssure, 159 Demand at budiveduad Wate Ours, 160) Estimating Demand, 163 Preininary fnjormation, 167 Limitation of Btn, 169 Iucnat Pipe ction Charts for Vanons Stowe ding 12 Lattin of doy, V1 Sicame Fables haved an Volocty Lintation, 181 HOT WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS Objearoes af Standard Design, 231 Safety Deices, 233 Waer-Feating Methods ane! Heater Direct Heating Equipment futllation, 239 hu Induct Tankless Heater Istallanns, 204 DRAINAGE AND VENT SYSTEMS Goneval Design Cansierations, 283 Sewage Disposal, 284 Storm Water Disposal, 285 Baitang Severs, 285 Gombinel Systems in Busldongs, 286 Storm Water Drains, 287 Controlled Fle Storm Water Drainage Syston, 287 issue and Egupment Connections to Santry Drainage System, 290 mang of Saminey Drainage Ste, poz 7 Obyertionable Wastes, 298 Dreanage Systems belo Seer Lawl, 395 Simplified Method for Sing Stems, 1S Siepby-Stp Proce forthe Simpi Sg ahd 13 Application of Simplified Method to “Mitsraive Problems, 198. Detailed Method for Sizing Systems in Bung of ny Hight, 208. pplication of Detaled Method to tisative Problows, 203 Standard Cade Regulations, Indirect Storage Tank Heater Ttallations, 248 Demand and Heater Capacities, 256 Rewn Circulation Systems, 261 Procedure jor Determining Circulation Rates and Sing Return Piping, 273 Standard Code Regulations, 280 283 Subse Drainage, 296 Backwater Valves, 296 Buikdng ops and Fresh li Tet, 297 Connections to Sanitary Bunting Drams, 301 Burch Connections to Drainage Stock Ofte, 3 Dravnage Stack Vit Bstensons aud Vent Stacs, 302 sir Presnae Relief Vents, 304 Sus Pressure Zones anu Snds Presine Ref Vents, 306, sir Presune Rel for Pawmate Berto, 12 Piping batallaton,

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