Dhanuka1 Compatibility

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Name DesignationAgeGender-

1. Are you satisfied with the support from the HR department? Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Highly Dissatisfied Neutral

2. Is Management keenly interested in motivating the employees? Strongly agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree Neutral

3. Which type of incentives motivates you the most? Why? Financial incentives Non-financial incentives Both

4. How far are you satisfied with the incentives provided by the organization? Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Highly Dissatisfied Neutral

5. Rank the following factors with respect to their Degree of motivation. No i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Factors Reasonable periodical increment in salary. Allowances, Incentives and Bonus etc. Job security in the company.. Good relationship with co-workers Effective performance appraisal system Growth opportunity in the organization. Support from the supervisor and the boss. Company recognizes and acknowledges your work. Recreational facilities in the organization. Rank

6. Does the management involve you in decision making which are related to your department? If Yes, does it motivate you? Yes No

7. Are you satisfied with the current motivational strategies adopted by your company? If yes, will you remain loyal to the company?

8. What changes can be made to improve your work place environment?

Thank you for your kind co-operation1

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