Module 3 Activity 1

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University of Santo Tomas National Service Training Program CWTS/ LTS


National Issue

Government/NGO s Initiatives Identify and discuss each scheme briefly

Evaluation (Do you think these government or NGO initiatives are sufficient?)

Possible solutions (If you are to come up with solutions to these issues, what would that be?)

Drug Abuse

Rehabilitation Program of PDEA(Philippine Drug Enforcement agency)

I think it is a good way to rehabilitate a person who used drugs but will not prevent drug abusers to stop.

The government could make a program that can stop the production of illegal drugs.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (HFever)

National Dengue Prevention and Control Program: Lower the incidence rate of Dengue from 32 to 20 cases for every 100,000 population

Prevention is better than Cure. I think it is a good way to prevent the Dengue before more incidence happen

I think there is no any better solution than prevention. Just keep in mind of ways to prevent the spread of Dengue in our households

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