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tmux and screen cheat sheet

Action start a new session re-attach a detached session re-attach an attached session (detaching it from elsewhere) re-attach an attached session (keeping it attached elsewhere) detach from currently attached session rename-window to newname list windows list windows in chooseable menu go to window # go to last-active window go to next window go to previous window see keybindings list sessions toggle visual bell create another shell exit current shell split pane horizontally split pane vertically switch to another pane kill the current pane close other panes except the current one swap location of panes show time tmux tmux OR tmux new OR tmux new-session tmux attach OR tmux attach-session tmux attach -d OR tmux attach-session -d tmux attach OR tmux attach-session ^b d OR ^b :detach ^b , <newname> OR ^b :rename-window <newname> ^b w ^b # ^b l ^b n ^b p ^b ? ^b s OR tmux ls OR tmux list-sessions ^b ^d ^b ^b ^b ^b ^b ^b ^b c " % o x OR (logout/^D) ! ^o t source: screen screen screen -r screen -dr screen -x ^a ^d OR ^a :detach ^a A <newname> ^a w ^a " ^a # ^a l ^a n ^a p ^a ? screen -ls ^a ^g ^a c ^d

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