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Name(s): ___________________________________


Current Event Breakout

Students will work in flexible groups (1-2) to research and create a product on a current event of their interest that deals with globalization. Students have the opportunity to choose: Europe: Greece Bankruptcy, Angela Merkel and the European Union, Problems with the Euro Asia: US/China relations, Burma elections, Kim Jung-Un policies Latin America: Hugo Chavez, Elections in Argentina, Favelas in Brazil, Deforestation in the Amazon Russia: Recent Elections (Putin), Russia and Syria relations, Drug usage in Russia

Task: You will be creating a RAFT. Your product can be written or performed. You are a concerned
world citizen that is either overly happy or overly angry about the way the world leaders are handling the issue that you researched.

Role of the Writer: Who or what are you as the writer? A pilgrim? A soldier? The President?: Audience: To whom are you writing? A friend? Your teacher? Readers of a newspaper? : Format: In what format are you writing? A letter? A poem? A speech? : Topic and strong verb: What are you writing about? Why? What's the subject or the point?:
o Identify:

_____World Citizen___________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________

The issue at hand and your position/thought on the issue How world leaders are handling it. Consequences/impact of the leaders decisions on the world community and what they could do differently o Minimum 3 paragraphs with no less than 6 sentences per paragraph o Can be setup as a rant, news report, editorial in magazine, Daily Show sarcasm, Colbert Report o All work should be placed on individual wiki page o Concluding Activity: 30-45 second speech on your topic
** Make sure your keep track of which sites you use- especially if they are not provided by teacher.

Type the URLs on the bottom of your product!!**

CATEGORY Evidence and Examples Above Standards 15-All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position. Meets Standards Approaching Standards Below Standards Score

10-Most of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position.

8-At least one of the pieces of 6-Evidence and examples evidence and examples is relevant are NOT relevant AND/OR and has an explanation that shows are not explained. how that piece of evidence supports the author's position.


15-Spelling and grammar correct, three complete paragraphs with six sentences evident

10- Several grammar and errors, three complete paragraphs with six sentences evident

8- Several grammar and spelling errors, less than three paragraphs with six sentences

6- Many grammar and spelling errors, project not complete.

Position Statement 5 - Author takes firm stand and has clearly argues position with relevant information.

4 - Author takes a stand and has an argument for the side.

3 - Author struggles with choice and does not strongly support idea.

2 - Author is weak in both stand and argument.


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