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FUTURE CONTINUOUS Will be (am, is, are) ir veiksmaodis su ing galne. I wont be playing;

Neigiamam sakinyje

I/You wont play; he wont play Ateities spjimams, kai remiantis tuo, k manome ar ko tikims. (I believe Bill will get a job) Greitiems sprendimams. (Weve run out of milk. I will go to the supermarket and get some.) Paadams, grsinimams, spjimams, reikalavimams, viltims, pasilymams. Veiksmams, atsitikimams, situacijoms, kurios btinai vyks ateityje, ir kuri negalima kontroliuoti. (Ben will be five years old in August.) Think, believe, probably, certainly, parhaps, expect... etc.

FUTURE PERFECT Will have ir veiksmaodio 3 forma arba veiksmaodis su ed galne. I/you wont have booked

FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS Will have been ir veiksmaodis su galne ing. I/You wont have been cycling

BE GOING TO Be going to

Veiksmams, kurie vyks nustatytu laiku ateityje. (I am going to Spain. This time next week I will be lying in the sun.) Veiksmams, kurie tikrai vyks ateityje kaip rezultatas kokios nors rutinos arba pasirengim. Kai klausiama mandagiai apie netolimos ateities planus, daniausiai siekiant sau naudos. (Will you be driving to the party tonight? Would you be able to give me a lift?)

Veiksmui, kuris bus pasibaig s iki tam tikro ateities momento . (They will have arrived in London by 5 oclock)

Pabrti ilgum veiksmo, kuris tsis iki tam tikro momento ateityje. (By June, he will have been teaching in this school for fifteen years)

Ketinimams, planams, siekiams ateiiai. (I am going to go to India one day.) Veiksmams, kuriuos mes jau nusprendme atlikti netolimoje ateityje. (Nicky is going to visit her friends in London next week.) Sprendimams (spjimams), kurie remiasi tuo, k matome ar inome, ypa kai yra rodymai, kad kakas tikrai nutiks. (There isnt a cloud in the sky. It is going to be a beautiful day.)


Before; by; by then; by the time;until/till

By ... for

Tomorrow; the day after tomorrow; tonight; soon; next week/month/year/sommer/e tc; in a week/month/etc.

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