The Witcher D20 Class

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The Witcher D20 Class

"Its often hard to draw a line between men and monsters. Now, a silver blade will work wonders on most monsters, cut clean through their hides like they weren't there. But in my line of work, all too easy for an angry mob to come after you. That's what the steel blade is for." - Lambert of Adaith, Witcher of Morhen Once a prosperous group, the witchers of Morhen have fallen on hard times. A guild of human monster-hunters that use permanent and temporary alchemical augmentation and simple invocations to augment their blade work, at their height the witchers trained boys from a young age into warriors without compare warriors bent on but two things earning coin by slaying monsters, and staying alive long enough to use it. Over the years, the rise of the common adventurer has forced the witchers into decline. Usually less expensive per head, and with morals more palatable to the average society, the adventuring party has undercut the witchers in the monster-slaying market. With their occupations risk to reward ration worsening by the year, the guild lost many members to beasts, and many more to a shrinking pool of recruits. For the past hundred years, the guild has been undergoing changes just to survive. Now willing to take women in as well as individuals above the age of six, the guild is beginning to see a resurgence as monsters spread across the land again and more and more members abandon the lone wolf mentality of older members.

Joining the Witchers is neither an easy nor pleasant process. All candidates must show skill with both the sword and some minor innate arcane skill. If their prowess seems ample, they must run the Gauntlet a small maze filled with some of the more common beasts they might face in their work, ended with a duel with one of the guilds existing members. The prospective witcher is not expected to best their opponent, merely hold their ground for variable amount of time. Following this, the candidate then undergoes the Trial of the Grasses, the torturous and potentially fatal alchemical process that changes them from human to witcher. Once a candidate has survived all these tests, then they may begin training at the guilds headquarters of Kaer Morhen or other such settlement in your campaign setting.

Witchers in the Dungeons and Dragon's Universe It seems that no matter where you go, there's always some sort of monster or beast causing some village some amount of grief. By this token, a Witcher would never have a lack of employment. The problem is, a Witcher isn't the only one attempting to get the job done. There's also that Wizard and three-to-five of their very best friends roaming through and wiping out the goblin camp. As one can imagine, even Witchers may accept that perhaps splitting the coin of a job is much better than getting no coin at all. There are two basic settings for the Witcher in your DnD Campaign setting

Witchers are in a prominent position Being a Witcher is a prestigious honor. Mal'ver the Wizard and his cadre do their share of helping, but once they kill a few goblin camps, they're suddenly too good to keep doing it and leave said villages. While a Witcher may take on greater hunts, the witcher themselves represents the entire guild that still has Witchers going about, slaying monsters for coin, and doing so with efficiency. Though still intimidating, Witchers can expect a more or less friendly response and perhaps even discounts for accommodations and supplies during their hunts. It is not uncommon at all for adventurers to encounter Witchers as both an NPC and PC. They're easily recognizable both from appearance and local knowledge. Witchers will often be called upon to deal with large scale threats. The Witchers Guild building is comparable to a mighty fortress that a Witcher can return to, either for a short respite or because they are summoned for a specific hunt. Witchers are a necessary 'evil' Witchers are regarded with suspicion. In a world where communing with demons and devils is all too common, the appearance of a witcher and any knowledge of their practice and imbibing of mutagenics is a cause for concern. They are tolerated at best, especially since they take the jobs that cowardly, or perhaps wise, adventurers will pass on. Only a scant few remain in any area of the world, staying in touch through code and occasionally congregating if one of them finds a hunt that they cannot do alone. Local knowledge of Witchers tend to vary from inaccurate to fantastically inaccurate. Appearance, practices, goals, motivations, it is rare for anyone to understand or care about what it is a Witcher represents. Stumbling upon a Witcher is a rare occurrence, and will almost completely be within the boundaries of a bounty for monsters. The witcher's 'guild' exists, but at best has a small building in a city or town where they have helped numerous times. It will probably be in a state of poor repair. Playing a Witcher Witchers tend to gravitate towards being a neutral alignment. Though they are a powerful organization (assuming the setting allows such), Witchers tend to be solitary or preferring to work in smaller groups, and tend to try and disengage from the politics. That said, Witchers do have their own identities, but most of them spent their early years training alongside other Witchers. It is not uncommon for Witchers to share many of the same views with one another. A witcher going out of his way to smite all evil in the world (In the manner of a Paladin or other such good aligned classes) is equally as uncommon as the one setting out to conquer or just mindlessly maim anyone (Like Belkar.) However, given enough personal trauma, or enough influence and incentive, it is not unimaginable that a Witcher might put their skills to other uses that don't involve hunting down a Hell Hound. Witchers, due to their mutations, age much slower than others of their race, and advance age categories at 50% the normal rate.


"I spit on the Butcher of Blaviken and all his kind. Murderous relics with no place in modern society. Bah, to the Hells with the lot of 'em!" - Adayn z Rivi, Burgomeister of Kaynd Once, the Witchers were a near necessity for the survival of civilisation. Now unwanted and largely unneeded, they struggle to make coin in the face of undercutting from adventurers and prejudice and fear from commoner and noble alike. These are poor times to be a Witcher, and as they often say, things are likely only to get poorer. Daily Life: A Witcher's average day will consist of either travelling between settlements, searching a settlement for a job, haggling over the pay of a job, preparing for executing a job, executing a job, collecting pay from a job or spending the pay from the latest job. It is a simple cycle of earn enough to pay for necessities, buy necessities, move on so that more necessities can be bought. Notables: In recent years, three names remain large amongst the guild. First is Vesemir of Gaer, the current head of the Witcher's Guild and long-time tutor of the order's new recruits, his swordplay remaining sharp even in the depths of old age. Lambert of Adaith, Vesemir's second and prize pupil in years gone past remains a legend for the countless deeps he has performed - either for pay or self-defence. Finally, Aithywn da Thel, one of the latest female recruits to graduate from the Trial of Grasses and combat training, is showing great promise, and is often seen by Vesemir, Lambert and other members of the guild's old guard as a symbol of hope for the future - if they can adapt to the new world, then they can remain relevant and survive. Organizations: The Witchers are tied intrinsically to the Witcher's Guild, the loose confederation of their kind with it's unofficial headquarters in Kaer Morhen, from which the Witcher take their full title. Dedicated to producing and training new witchers, and to the study of witcher alchemy, combat styles and Signs, the Witcher's Guild is not all too welcoming to outsiders, though those who prove their worth and disregard for the typical prejudices can find a bed and meal at Kaer Morhen, as well as training and learning, if it is desired.

NPC Reaction
To most folk, a Witcher is bad news. Yes, they remove monsters, but they have a reputation as gold-hungry, brutal, emotionless mutant womanisers whose albinism and animalistic eyes rarely seem to dissuade potential lovers. The nobility widely look down on them just as they would any other mercenary, and true spellcasters mock their lack true dedication to the arcane arts - it is from this last group that the term 'witcher', originally a slur for a weak mageling, is thought to come from.


Witchers are flexible combatants with a wide array of options available to them in a fight. Able to wield martial styles and invocations, as well as produce potions to enhance their chances prior to battle. They remain primarily melee combatants, putting their deadly combat styles to work on the front line. Adaptation: The Witchers need not be tied to the Witcher's Guild, nor even any organisation at all. They could be elite monsters hunters of the king's guard, or even natural mutations with an instinctual understanding of Signs and the combat styles most efficient at dispatching monsters. Encounters: If PCs run into a witcher whilst hunting down a monster, odds are that the witcher is tracking the beast. Whilst some witchers don't mind co-operation and splitting the reward, most need the gold they can earn to on living. A witcher is not above removing competition in a monster hunt if it means a full belly for several days to come.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Alignment: Cannot be Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil. Race: Human or Half-elven /Sub-human Base Attack Bonus: +6 Skills: Craft (alchemy) 10 ranks, Concentration 10 ranks, Survival 5 ranks. Eldritch Blast: 2d6 Invoking: Ability to use least invocations.

Class Skills
The Witcher class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate, Knowledge [arcana] (Int), Knowledge [dungeonering] (Int), Knowledge [nature] (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Tumble (Dex).


Base Attack Bonus +1

Ref Save +2

Fort Save +0

Will Save +0

Special Changed by the Grasses, Favoured Enemy, Sign, Parting Gifts, Mutagenic Resistance, Witcher Secrets, Witcher Combat Style Witcher Alchemy Favoured Enemy, Sign, Weak Mutagen



+1 of existing class +1 of existing class +1 of existing class +1 of existing class +1 of existing class +1 of existing class +1 of existing class +1 of existing class +1 of existing class
















Witcher Combat Style Inhale, Witcher secrets Favoured Enemy, Sign, Witcher Combat Style Witcher Combat Style Favoured Enemy, Sign, Moderate Mutagenic Empowered Signs, Potent Alchemy, Witcher Secrets, Blade Deflection Favoured Enemy, Sign, The Tank(ard) Buster All Purpose Tool, Morhenstorm Witcher Combat Style



























+10/+5 +11/+6/+1

+7 +7

+3 +3

+3 +3


Level 12th 13th 14th

Base Attack Bonus +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +8 +8 +9 +4 +4 +4

Ref Save +4 +4 +4

Fort Save

Will Save



Witcher Secrets Momentum Strong Mutagenic

15th 16th

+15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1

+9 +10

+5 +5

+5 +5

Helm splitter Witcher Combat Style, Witcher Secrets






The Greatest Evil






Deadly Precision

19th 20th

+19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5

+11 +12

+6 +6

+6 +6

The Bigger They Are Witcher Secrets, Witcher Combat Style, Fabled Mutagen

Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier, minimum 1. Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Martial, Witcher Swords Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium Hit Dice: d10

The Witcher Class Prerequisites Level: Selectable at Character Level 1. --With the exception of a Dungeon Master pulling the Dues Ex Machina, it is not possible for experienced adventurers to pick up the call of the Witcher (RE: Multiclass into it). This is because the trials involved to become a Witcher mostly end in a somewhat gruesome death; And even though resurrection is possible, Witchers do not allow second chances. the chance of passing the trials as an Adventurer are nearly non-existent. Witchers may multiclass freely, but many feel doing so makes them less efficient at slaying monsters.

Class Features Invocations: At every level other than 1st and 10th, the Witcher gains new invocations known and an increase in caster level as if they had also gained a level in an invocationusing class to which they belonged before adding the prestige class level, including eldritch blast progression. You do not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would have gained. If the character had more than one invocation-using class before becoming a Witcher, they must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level and invocations known. Changed by the Grasses (Ex): At 1st level, the Witcher has been forever transformed by the process of the Trial of Grasses, either their hair or skin overcome with albinism and their pupils transformed into slits that they can dilate at will. The Witcher gains greater low-light vision, allowing them to see four times as far as human in areas of poor illumination. In addition, the Witcher now counts as an aberration and human for the purposes of spells and effects. Furthermore, once per day, after an eight hour rest, the Witcher can select one physical ability score (Strength, Dexterity or Constitution) and increases that score by 2 for 24 hours as an extraordinary effect. Also, if you possess the battle clarity, battle ardour, battle cunning, battle skill and/or battle mastery class features, they operate off your Intelligence or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. Finally, either your skin or hair immediately suffers the affects of albinism 20% of the time, forever marking you as a Witcher. You take a -2 penalty on Diplomacy checks with any creature with only NPC class levels or Racial Hit Dice. Favoured Enemy (Ex): Heavily trained in combating the monsters that hunt, scavenge and otherwise plague civilised societies, the Witcher is well-versed in dealing with such opponents. At 1st level, a Witcher may select a type of creature from among the following: Aberration, Animal, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid (dwarf), Humanoid (elf), Humanoid (human), Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Undead or Vermin. The Witcher gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. At 3rd level and every odd level thereafter, the Witcher may select an additional favoured enemy from those given above. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favoured enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

Witcher Secrets: At first level, and then every other even level (4, 8, 12 etc) a Witcher learns two recipes for Witcher related equipment. Mutagenic Resistence: Witchers are immune to non magical disease. Witchers also are more resistant to poisons, and have the DC checks of such reduced by 5. Witcher Styles: At first level, a Witcher chooses to advance one of the following styles. A witcher may select additional advancements at class level 5, 11, 16, 20. Witcher Combat -Flash (Think fast, mobile, DEX central combat.) -Sunder (Slower, penetrating, STR central combat.) -Maelstrom (Stationary, zone control, CON central combat.) Weak Mutagen: By 3rd level, a Witcher has likely slain at least a few notable monsters and taken key alchemical ingredients from their bodies. A Witcher may fashion a

Mutagenic potion that provides him with one of the following Mutagen Evolutions. A Mutagen Evolution is permanent. -Feral Wolf Tonic. Evolves natural instincts of a lone wolf. Provides a +4 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Survival checks. -Wild Boar Tonic. Evolves the hardiness of a boar. Provides a +2 Fort, +5 HP bonus. -Cunning Fox Tonic. The Witcher becomes agile and wily like a sly fox. Provides a +6 to Tumble and adds the "hide" skill to the Witcher's list of Class skills. Inhale: Potions and Tonics may be imbibed as a swift action. Witcher Medallion: The Witcher's Medallion vibrates at increasing rates as monsters close the proximity with the Witcher. At 7th Level, a Witcher becomes immune to flanking by his chosen monster types, plus one additional monster type. This additional monster type does not provide the Monster Hunt bonus. Moderate Mutagenic: At 7th level, the Witcher has undoubtedly hunted a dangerous monster, and has extracted a key alchemical ingredient to fashion a Mutagenic potion that provides him with one of the following Mutagen Evolutions. A Mutagen Evolution is permanent. -Succubus' Charm Tonic: Adds the Diplomacy and Bluff skill to the Witcher's class skills. Evolving a succubus' natural allure, the Witcher reduces his DC checks against any who would be attracted to the Witcher's Race / Gender for Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Bluff checks by 10. -Tiger's Ferocity Tonic: Adds 1 additional attack at the Witcher's current lowest attack bonus. -Troll Blood Tonic: In high adrenaline situations (RE: Combat), the Witcher's body rapidly recuperates, providing combat regeneration of 2 HP per round. When out of combat, the Witcher fully heals in half the time. Activities such as preparing for a hunt, however, still requires a full eight hours of uninterrupted rest. Blade Deflection: At eighth level, the Witcher is capable of deflecting one ranged attack made at him per round. If the Witcher utilizes Total Defence, he may instead deflect a number of ranged attacks equal to his number of attacks per round. The Witcher's Eye: The most obvious sign of a Witcher are their eyes, often taking on an unnatural color. This, however, is not without benefit. A Witcher is not subject to Concealment's miss chance when striking in melee against his chosen Monster types. The Tank(ard) Buster: At Ninth level, using a potion no longer provokes an Attack of Opportunity. All Purpose Tool: At 10th level, the Witcher has fashioned the most symbolic piece of equipment of his kind; The Witcher's Masterwork Silver Sword. This weapon, though much mystery is had over the issue, seems to be a Masterwork silver longsword dealing 1d8 slashing damage. Or Greatsword dealing 1d12 slashing damage. The Witcher can in fact create any sword type required by his preferances.

However, when used by a Witcher, he ignores all damage reduction. Additionally, this silver sword gains an enhancement bonus as the Witcher progresses, starting at +1 at level 10 and increasing by 1 for every 2 levels taken as a Witcher from then on. If the Silver Sword is lost, the Witcher may fabricate another for a cost. Momentum: The Witcher is relentless, each successful strike increasing his ferocity. At 13th level, for each consecutive attack the Witcher lands, he gains an additional +1 bonus damage. These bonuses stack indefinitely until the Witcher fails to connect with a melee attack or uses his standard action for anything other than a melee attack. Strong Mutagenic: A Witcher's career by nature is dangerous and usually has a high turnover. Be it reckless action or a simple misunderstanding of what you're hunting, any Witcher who lives long is a Witcher to be feared. By 14th level, it's entirely within reason to assume that the Witcher before you has slain a beast that has felled entire villages, or terrorized a city. The essence or ingredients gathered from such to make their mysterious mutagens would provide a Witcher with potentially gruesome capabilities. A Witcher may fashion a Mutagenic potion that provides him with one of the following Mutagen Evolutions. A Mutagen Evolution is permanent. -Lycan's Hunger Tonic: This powerful tonic is practically a reverse step in evolution, heightening the Witcher's primal reflexes and his senses. The Witcher gains Tracking as a class skill, as well as an additional +6 bonus to Tracking, Listen, Spot, and Survival. Base movement speed is increased by 10ft, and the Witcher gains an additional +4 bonus to reflex saves. -Beholder's Gaze Tonic: This powerful tonic enhances a Witcher's vision by an inhuman standard. The Witcher gains Darkvision 30', an additional +10 to Search and Spot checks, and a +1 critical threat range when using Witcher weapons. -Ogre's Fist Tonic: This tonic makes the Witcher swing with a nearly unstoppable amount of force. Successful melee criticals invoke a Fortitude save of DC 16 + Witcher Strength mod. If this check is failed, the target is stunned. Helm splitter: At 15th level, the Witcher strikes with such force and precision that he can penetrate and weaken an enemy's defences. On a successful attack with his highest base attack bonus, the Witcher reduces the armor class of his target by 2d6. If that attack was a successful critical, the armor class is instead reduced by 4d6. This penalty lasts until the Witcher is removed from melee range of the target. This does not stack, but may be applied on separate opponents at the same time. This effect does not reduce Dodge or Deflection bonuses. The Greatest Evil: A witcher hunts monsters. Monsters are driven by nature, by instinct. Some, the most dangerous, are aided with a cunning mind.

Perhaps too late in this realization, the Witcher discovers that often enough, the greatest evil is rooted in the acts of man. Humanoids are added to the Watcher's monster studies; Having been one and been around them for most of his life, the Witcher's knowledge when dealing with them is far more extensive. The Witcher is aware of their tricks, able to pierce their lies. In addition to the standard Hunt bonuses, the Witcher gains a circumstantial bonus of +4 to AC, and +2 to all saving throws from any attack or spell that originates from a Humanoid. Deadly Precision: At 18th level, Attacks against Opponents who have had their AC reduced by Helm splitter have an additional +1 to critical threat range. The Bigger They Are: At 19th level, the Witcher remains undaunted even against the most powerful, most cunning, and most gigantic of foes. When it would be beneficial to the Witcher, he treats any monster or humanoids that are up to two size categories larger than him as if he were the same size. Fabled Mutagen: It's hard to walk into a tavern without hearing of your conquests. Even though many don't recognize you, or acknowledge that you are the Witcher they speak of, they are nonetheless enthralled by the tales of your legendary hunts. Even more amusing are the speculations to what part of that great beast you dug out for the rumoured mutagens. A Witcher may fashion a Mutagenic potion that provides him with one of the following Mutagen Evolutions. A Mutagen Evolution is permanent. -The Nightmare's Visage Tonic: A tonic brewed from a beast that cannot be fathomed. What it looked like, the Witcher couldn't say. What it did, the Witcher only saw the results of it. It was one of the few true monsters that would make even a Witcher's hair stand on end. Provides the Witcher the capability to cast Invisibility at night or sufficiently dark areas as a spell like ability. When the invisibility is broken, those within 10' of the Witcher must make a will save or be feared. In addition, the Witcher may pass through enemies, but still provoke an Attack of Opportunity where appropriate. -The Voice of Chaos Tonic: A tonic brewed from a creature that defied everything the Witcher knew. In all things, there were some things that never strayed from familiarity, from the comfort of knowing, but nothing of this creature, from the way it acted, sounded, looked, could the Witcher ever try and compare to something else. This chaos in part is passed on to the Witcher. At the end of the Witcher's turn, the Witcher rerolls initiative for the next round. In addition, if struck by a critical hit, the Witcher randomly teleports to an unoccupied spot within fifteen feet. -The Essence of Insanity Tonic: A tonic brewed from a being that nearly drove the Witcher insane. Even in triumph, the Witcher has lost. The vial that held the maddening mutagen is kept as a reminder that some things even a Witcher should never deign to face.

Grants immunity to Mind Altering spells and effects. The Witcher suffers from Insanity. The Dungeon Master is encouraged to make the Witcher's life a living hell. Grants two additional attacks at Highest base attack bonus. 'Witcher' Weapons Throughout the class features you'll note there's a fair amount of allusion to "Witcher" weapons. These are weapons that appear, at the surface, to be just normal swords. Short swords, long swords, greatswords, but a Witcher has made subtle alterations to these weapons. Thus, a Witcher Longsword can be used by anyone, but only a Witcher can make the most use of them in their combat styles. A Witcher may take a normal sword and, over a period of rest, alter it in its weight, balance, and other subtle means to convert it to a Witcher sword. The Witcher may not do this with magical swords exceeding an enhancement bonus of +2. A preliminary attempt at the Witcher's melee combat style. All feats granted by Witcher styles do not have to have their pre-requisites met. Witcher Style: Sunder A training regimen designed for dealing with monsters with extremely durable hides, aiming at cleaving the mark in twain. Mostly used against heavy armoured opponents Style Advancement 1 Provides Power Attack as a bonus feat. When wielding a Witcher Weapon as a two handed weapon, the Witcher deals an additional +2 damage. This training regimen increases the Witcher's Natural Armor by his unaltered Strength Modifier. Style Advancement 2 Provides Armor Proficiency: Heavy as a bonus feat. When wielding a Witcher Weapon as a two handed weapon, the Witcher ignores either AC from equipped Armor or Shield AC bonuses up to his current Witcher level, whichever is lower. This training regimen increases the Witcher's hit die to d12. This change is not retroactive. Style Advancement 3 Provides Endurance as a bonus feat. When wielding a Witcher Weapon as a two handed weapon, the damage bonus increments from Momentum is increased to +2. This training regimen prevents the Witcher from taking more than 20 hit points of damage from a single physical attack. A successful critical strike ignores this. Style Advancement 4 When wielding a Witcher Weapon as a two handed weapon, the Witcher adds double his

Strength bonus as damage instead of 1.5x. Helmsplitter's base AC reduction is increased to 4d6 for normal hits, and 6d6 for crtical strikes. This training regimen bolsters the Witcher's strength, causing all Witcher Weapons he wields to act as if they had the property Massive Criticals: 3d6. Style Advancement 5 Provides fire damage magical attack Patinado: Melee attacks made whilst in this stance now ignore all the target's natural armour bonus to AC, as well as half their armour bonus. In addition, if you hit and deal damage with a melee attack in this stance against a target that is on fire, the target immediately takes an extra 5d8 fire damage as your blow combined with a quick surge of arcane power calls forth the fire in sympathy. Witcher Style: Flash A training regimen designed around precise and rapid strikes to deal with the most evasive of creatures. This Style is mostly used against quick and lightly armored opponents Style Advancement 1 The Witcher gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat. When wielding a Witcher Weapon in one hand or two by dual wielding, the Witcher gains a +2 to attack rolls. This training regimen improves the Witcher's AC with a +1 Dodge bonus. Style Advancement 2 The Witcher gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. 'Witcher' weapons benefit from this feat. When wielding a Witcher Weapon in one hand or two by dual wielding, the Witcher ignores Dodge AC bonuses or DEX AC bonuses up to their current level, whichever is lower. This training regimen improves the Witcher's base movement speed by 5ft. Style Advancement 3 The Witcher gains Improved Critical with the weapon of their choice as a bonus feat. Improved Critical will work with both normal and Witcher variants of the selected weapon. When wielding a Witcher Weapon in one hand or two by dual wielding, the Witcher uses their Dexterity modifier for damage bonuses instead of Strength. This training regimen improves the Witcher's reflex saving throws by +2. Style Advancement 4 When wielding a Witcher Weapon in one hand or two by dual wielding, the Witcher gains a +1 to attack rolls in addition to the damage bonus from Momentum. In addition, the Witcher develops incredible footwork, granting him one additional Five Foot Step. This training regimen heightens the Witcher's reflexes and reaction time. When combat

initiates, the Witcher is granted Haste as if it were cast by a Wizard at one half the Witcher's class level. Witcher Style: Maelstrom A training regimen that allows the Witcher to thrive with wide sweeping strikes designed to cut down packs of monsters whilst fighting in the middle of the chaos. This Style is used against multiple opponents. Style Advancement 1 The Witcher gains Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat. The Witcher uses his Con modifier instead of Strength for determining attack and damage bonuses in melee combat, if his Con Modifier is higher. This training regimen increases the Witcher's natural damage reduction by 1 Style Advancement 2 The Witcher gains Cleave as a bonus feat. While using a Witcher Weapon, the Witcher gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each enemy within melee range. This training regimen allows the Witcher to take a wide, sweeping stance, taking a full round action to reduce his movement to 0ft, but occupy a 2x2 area on the grid. The Witcher may cancel this effect as a free action on his turn. Style Advancement 3 The Witcher gains Whirlwind Attack as a bonus feat. While using a Witcher Weapon, the Witcher's sweeping strikes hit with such force that successful Critical Hits invoke a Cleave attack, even if no killing blow was scored. This training regimen renders the Witcher immune to critical strikes if the opponent would benefit from a Flanking bonus. Style Advancement 4 while wielding a Witcher Weapon, Momentum provides a +1 deflection AC per successful attack in addition to the damage bonus. Successful attacks of opportunity stop enemies in the spot where they provoked the AoO. Opponents with Spring Attack still provoke AoO from the Witcher. This training regimen allows the Witcher to make two Whirlwind attacks as a full round action. One Whirlwind attack still expends a full round action. Style Advancement 5 Knockdown: Whilst in this stance, if you hit three or more enemies with melee attacks in one round, you may make a free trip attempt against each creature you successfully hit without provoking attacks of opportunity. In addition, whilst in this stance, you may use an eldritch blast as an off-hand melee touch attack.

Witchers Secrets A listing of the various potions and other tools of the trade for the Witcher. Almost all the tonics require components scavenged from monsters or plants using the Survival Skill. The ingredients being searched for are very specific and more than often enough, one

monster provides just enough material for 1 'component'. For each size category above large, however, Witchers may make another survival check to attempt to scavenge more / rarer resources. To scavenge components, Witchers make a Survival check on the target corpse equal to Monster's HD + Hit Points Below Zero (To represent how badly maimed a monster is) + 3 per attempt for monsters above large category. Certain plants also provide components, in which the Witcher makes a survival check as if searching for food. It is assumed a somewhat thorough check of the area is made, so a Witcher may only search for components this way once within a square mile radius per week. The Witcher gleans 1 component for succeeding the survival check, as well as another component for every 5 the Witcher beats the check by. All Witcher tonics are designed for their metabolism and resistance, but imbibing too many saturates the Witcher with more toxins than his body can handle, impairing his combat capability. A Witcher's maximum Toxicity is equal to his Con Modifier + Fortitude Save + 1/2 Class Level. For every Odd Toxicity that he is beyond this thresh hold, the Witcher loses 1 Attack bonus. For every Even Toxicity, the Witcher loses 1 damage. Toxicity decreases by 1 per round. Any class other than a Witcher that consumes a Witcher's tonic must make a Fortitude save of 15 + Tonic's Toxicity, or become sickened. Failing the save by 10 or more causes the player to become Nauseated instead. All Witcher Secrets are fashioned over a period of rest. Witchers Basic Tonics Swallow Type: Tonic Requires: Craft (Alchemy) 4 Components: A potion vial, alcohol, 1 component. Toxicity: 4 Effect: Swallow provides a combat regeneration of 1 + 1 for every 5 ranks of Craft Alchemy above the requirement. This regeneration lasts for four rounds. Cat Type: Tonic Requires: Craft (Alchemy) 4 Components: A potion vial, 1 component, water, cat hair. Toxicity: 2 Effect: Cat provides Darkvision 20' for four rounds. In lower adrenaline situations (like exploring), Cat instead lasts for 2 hours. If combat is initiated, Cat's duration is reduced to 1 round per half hour left, rounded up. Tawny Owl Type: Tonic Requires: Craft (Alchemy) 4 Components: A potion vial, alcohol, 1 component Toxicity: 6

Effect: Full round actions instead consume a Standard action. This effect lasts for four rounds or until two such full round actions are made. Clarifying the class feature "Momentum" Momentum damage bonuses are added after critical damage. Momentum represents the Witcher driving through devastating combos, where the previous attack was merely a set up for the next. In its default form, each successful attack that lands provides a stacking +1 damage bonus. Utilizing a Witcher with two attacks per round, for example, using a short sword. First Attack: 1d6 Second Attack; 1d6 + 1 These bonuses carry over round to round, so... First Attack 2nd Round: 1d6 + 2 Second Attack 2nd Round: 1d6 + 3 However, missing an attack or not attacking in melee for a round removes the bonus. First Attack misses Second Attack: 1d6. Cleave attacks both use and can stack the bonus. Whirlwind Attacks use the current bonus, and continues the combo if at least half of the targets within range were struck. Whirlwind vs. Six melee targets with 3 hits: Advances momentum by 1. Successful Cleaves: Advances momentum by 1. Likewise, if the cleave misses or the whirlwind doesn't strike at least half of the targets in range, the bonuses are reset to 0. Certain steps in each Style advancement also add additional bonuses to momentum. These extra bonuses stack and advance in exactly the same manner. Sunder improves the damage increments from +1 to +2, so it'd be 1d6+2, 1d6+4. Flash adds a +1 attack bonus in addition to the damage. Maelstrom adds a +1 deflection AC bonus in addition to the damage. Signs (Sp): Although able to use invocations by nature, the training of the Witchers focus more on swordplay than magic. Still, the tutors of Kaer Morhen do teach their wards certain invocations, rare magics long-guarded and honed by themselves and their predecessors. At 1st level and every odd level thereafter, the Witcher masters one of these Signs. Unless otherwise noted, a Sign functions identically to an invocation and is added to the Witchers list of invocations known. However, unlike other invocations, Signs do have restriction on the frequency of their use. They may be used at-will, but after using a Sign, the Witcher must wait 1d4 rounds before using that Sign again. All Signs have an effective spell level equal to your class level, to a maximum of 9. Aard: A simple blast of concussive force able to knock foes near-senseless or right off their feet. This eldritch essence invocation changes the damage of your eldritch blast to

nonlethal. In addition, a target struck by this blast must make a Fortitude save or become dazed for 1d4 rounds. Furthermore, you may attempt to trip any target struck by this invocation once per hit as a free action. You use your Charisma score instead of your Strength score to make the trip attempt, and provoke no attacks of opportunity for making the attempt. At 8th class level, the potency of this Sign improves. Those failing the Fortitude save are dazed for 1/class level, and the trip attempt is made with your caster level as an insight bonus to the attempt instead of your Strength modifier. Axii: A simple hex and the Witchers will overrides that of his target. This Sign functions as charm monster, except that it bypasses any immunity to mind-affecting effects if the target is one of the Witchers favoured enemies. At 8th class level, the potency of the Sign increases, allowing it functions as a dominate person effects that also affects creatures of a type that is the Witchers favoured enemy. Igni: A blast of devilishly hot flame that clings to foes and drives them blind with the heat. This eldritch essence invocation changes the damage of your eldritch blast to fire damage. In addition, a target struck by this blast must make a successful Reflex save or catch on fire, and a successful Fortitude save or be struck blind 1d4 rounds. Yrden: A quick glyph scribed onto the ground delivers pain to any approaching it. This invocation functions as the blast glyph function of glyph of warding, except for the following exceptions. The symbol is drawn in any 5ft square adjacent to you, and affects any enemy creature that enters that square or any square adjacent to it. The glyph can be activated once per two class levels before dissipating and now deals piercing damage. At 8th class level, any target damaged by the glyph must make a successful Fortitude save or suffer the effects identical to symbol of pain. Quen: A short-lived yet powerful barrier, Quen buys precious time on the battlefield. This invocation takes a full-round action to cast, has a range of personal, a duration of 2 rounds, and is harmless. Whilst under the effects of Quen, the Witcher gains DR 10/and resistance to energy 10 for every class level his has. At 8th level, the protective magic intensifies: in addition to the earlier effects, Quen now provides a deflection bonus to saving throws equal to 1/two class levels. Parting Gifts: As they leave Kaer Morhen after their training, the tutors of a Witcher bestow their new guild member with the tools required for their trade a wolfs head amulet and two swords. At 1st level, the Witcher is provided with a +1 longsword, a +1 alchemical silver longsword and a witchers medallion (see below). The swords can be further enchanted as normal, but the medallion cannot. When fighting a favoured enemy or whilst in a Witcher Combat Style stance (see below), the witcher ignores the damage penalty imposed by the alchemical silver material. Empowered Signs (Sp): At 8th level, all the Witcher's Signs gain greater potency through the witcher's mastery of their power. The Signs gain the following benefits: Aard: The potency of the Aard's concussive qualities improves. Those failing the Fortitude save are dazed for 1/class level, and the trip attempt is made with your caster level as an insight bonus to the attempt instead of your Strength modifier. Axii: The potency of the Sign increases, allowing it function as a dominate person effect that also affects creatures of a type that is the Witchers favoured enemy.

Igni: The fires of the Igni burn with even greater intensity. The Sign now ignores fire resistance equal to twice your class level, and the blinding caused by the flames' heat not last for 1 round/class level. Yrden: The pain cause by the Yrden becomes truly daunting: any target damaged by the glyph must make a successful Fortitude save or suffer the effects identical to symbol of pain. Quen: The protective magic of the Quen intensifies: in addition to the earlier effects, Quen now provides a deflection bonus to saving throws equal to 1/two class levels. Potent Alchemy: At 8th level, the Witcher's alchemical studies have extended further. The Witcher is now no longer limited by spell level when crafting potions or oils based on invocations - they make create potions containing invocations of up to effective spell level 9. In addition, the Constitution damage for non-Witchers who fail the Fortitude saving throw increases to 3d6. Morhenstorm (Ex): At 10th level, the Witcher gains access to a unique martial strike much like those granted to martial adepts, one that echoes the wild seas next to which the witcher stronghold of Kaer Morhen stands. Initiating this strike is a standard action. As part of this strike, you make a normal melee attack. If this attack hits and deals damage, then you may immediately make an eldritch blast attack at your highest base attack bonus without provoking attacks of opportunity. If this eldritch blast hits and deals damage, you may make another melee attack at your highest base attack bonus, and if that attack hits you may make another eldritch blast attack at your highest base attack bonus without provoking attacks of opportunity. After initiating this strike, you must wait three rounds before using it again.

Witcher's Medallion (Minor Artefact)
The secret behind constructing these dark metal wolf's head amulets is a tightly guarded secret by the witchers. Their construction is known only to the old guard of the guild, and knowledge of their construction method is bestowed to a witcher by merit of their accomplishments. A witcher's medallion vibrates lightly when within 100ft of creature of the Aberration, Animal, Dragon, Fey, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Undead or Vermin type, or when within the same distance from a moderate or stronger magical aura, or when within 50ft of a faint magical aura. It vibrates furiously when within 50ft of a creature with one of the above listed types, or when within 50ft of a moderate or stronger magic aura, or when within 10ft of a faint magical aura. However, after being exposed to the presence of a given creature of relevant type or magic aura from a particular source for eight or more hours, the medallion becomes attuned to the presence of that creature or aura, and ceases to vibrate in its presence.

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