Test Sheet: I.Choose The Right Answer !

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Name : ............................... Date : .................................

Test Sheet
I.Choose the right answer ! 1. What is the English of Merah............. a. Blue b. Red c. Yellow d. Pink 2. What is the English of Sembilan ........ a. Ten b. Four c. Nine d. Eight 3. What is the meaning of Mouse.......... a. Anjing b. Babi c. Tikus d. Kucing 4. What is the English of Marmut .......... a. Hamster b. Guinea-pig c. Turtle d. Mouse 5. What is the meaning of Hippo ........... a. Badak b. Kuda nil c. Jerapah d. Gajah

Task II
A. Translate this into English 1) Kuda 2) Sapi 3) Kucing 4) Kambing 5) Kelinci 6) Babi 7) Ayam betina 8) Burung 9) Anjing 10) Bebek : : : : : : : : : :

A. Translate this sentence into Indonesian a. Ten purple sheeps : b. Seven black goats c. Five green turtles d. Eight pink pigs e. Nine yellow ducks : : : :

B. Mention ten colors do you know? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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