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Connecting to SAS Data Sets

This document details down how to set up an ODBC connection to SAS and also its prerequisite. Before you can access SAS dataset from QlikView, you would need to: 1. Download the SAS ODBC driver for Windows and install it. Latest SAS version is 9.2.2. Make sure you download the correct corresponding version of SAS ODBC;jsessionid=52F3993339F1884D3D6BE783 5207C9B3.tc4j3apps1?cat=ODBC+Drivers Link to Installation Guide 2. Follow instructions below on how to set up SAS ODBC.

Go ControlPanelAdministrive ToolsODBC Data Source At User DSN tab, click ADD

Connecting to SAS Data Sets

Choose SAS driver and continue

At General Tab, put name for your connection to SAS.

Connecting to SAS Data Sets At Servers Tab, add a new server by putting a name (example:shr1) and with or without password.

At Libraries Tab, put a name for your library and the path of your folder that contain SAS datasets.

Go to C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc find for services file and open with notepad.

Connecting to SAS Data Sets

Add in the row with the server name, port number, and description of the server. Please check with the customer what is the port being used for the SAS Share server.

Once the above is completed, try querying it with any ODBC query tool or use QlikView to connect to it and load the data into qvd.

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