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How can we connect to language in dramatic text We can actually look at some of the various techniques such as the Alexander method. It attempts to alter the postural behaviour of a person when one is performing activities and when the body is not in motion. It helps the person to alter his/her behaviour to the stimuli of the environment. The next technique is rolfing which will bring the major body segment head, shoulder, thorax, pelvis and legs to wards a vertical alignment. Rolfing will lengthen the body and reinforces a body in which weight remains close to the vertical central axis. Taichi and chi gung helps to focus on the energy flow of the body and the relationship of body parts to total body functioning. All the various techniques enable individual to become more freely functioning and an altered relationship of the body in space. It helps to free the individual by establishing a more effective mind/body/unity. Furthermore it helps to modify the metal attitudes of the individuals and flexibility too. All the changes can help to connect language from text. When we are in a relaxed mood, we will be able to enter the story that we are trying to tell. It brings us to a state closer to the story and the ability to get into the story. We will be able to get it out in a dramatic way by speaking with deviation in our pitch. All the techniques will help us stimulate a singer/actor/performer to fully engage all his/her senses.

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