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Labour&Tory Together


Why did Labour & Tories sanction 2 Billion for new nuclear Weapons Plants in England while many children in Scotland live in Poverty?
Even before the obscene renewal of 10s billion in new WMDS is fully agreed Labour & Tory have joined forces to start building new WMD factories,all in England A 734 million warhead facility called Mensa A 634m million enriched uranium plant called Pegasus A 231m high explosives factory called Circinus.

Child poverty
1 in 7 of poorest kids in Scotland dont have enough to eat. Labor/Tory made recession is putting unbearable strains on poorest families, yet Labour backs a Tory Government in London cutting welfare rather than devolving Welfare to Scotland Glasgow Labour MPs likes David Marshal & Michael Martin have taken Millions in expenses while child poverty sits on their own doorsteps

Why should anybody govern Scotland other than the Scottish people?

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