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Hailey College of Banking and Finance University of The Punjab Lahore


I would like to dedicate this accomplishment offline to my beloved and caring parents, and to my teachers with the support of whom I am standing at this step of my life stairs.

All praises, thanks and acknowledgements are for CREATOR; the ALMIGHTY ALLAH Who has bestowed upon human being the crown of creation and has endowed him with knowledge and wisdom. I offer thanks to the Holy PROPHET (PBUH) WHO is the beacon of enlightment and the greatest benefactor the mankind ever had.

I am also very thankful to my teacher Prof. Fida Hussain Bukhari who helped me a lot in every way. He fully solved all the problems that I faced during my project. I express my heartiest gratitude to him. His cooperation and guidance made this project a lot much easier for me.



No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 10.1 10.2 11 12 12.1 Introduction to Branding Purpose of Branding Brand Identity Brand Image Brand Effectiveness

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Brand Elements Choice Criteria 10 Attributes of Strongest Brand Branding Benefits Loyalty Brand Loyalty Factors of brand loyalty Brand loyalty as bottom line of successful business Textile Industry of Pakistan Market of Pakistan Brand Development In Textile Sector Of Pakistan

12-17 18-20 20-23 23 24

9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd. Nishat Group According To Research Article Target Population And Sample Size Data Analysis Statistical Data Theoretical Data Personal Review Suggestions Conclusion Bibliography 25-31 32-36 36-40 41 41-45 46-68 69-72 72-73 74-75 75-76 77

The constantly changing market poses new challenges to clothing enterprises, and the clients demands are also continually rising, and so it is necessary every now and again to offer them a higher added value. This added value is a properly planned brand strategy, the so-called branding. Firms without any distinct features, without a clear vision or specific mission, or without permanent values, will sink in the mass of messages hitting the market. A brand image is defined through its selected symbolic patterns. The most important among these are the brands name, logo, and composition of graphic elements and colours all associated with the company. It is crucial for a brand built on these elements to give a clear message to the customer about the kind of company he is dealing with, what its product is and who the clients are. All the elements comprising a brand image have to be closely related to the idea and goals of the company. This certainly helps its positive identification, and as a result a strong and distinct image is created in the customers mind The American Marketing Association defines a brand as

9 A name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group and to differentiate them to those for competitors.

Consumers will feel; believe, re collect knowledge when they notice the brand name. It paves the way to strong relationship between individual and the company. Consumer view a brand as an important part of a product, and branding can add value to a product. Branding has become so strong that hardly anything goes unbranded, even fruits and vegetables. Branding helps consumer in several ways. Brand names help consumers identify products that might benefit them. Brands also tell the customer about its quality. Customers who always purchase the same brand know that they will get the same features, benefits, and quality each time they purchase. Seller also gets several benefits from this. It becomes basis on which a whole story can be built about a products special qualities. The brand names assure the users of certain quality standards and consistency of quality Brands are powerful assets that must be carefully developed and managed. Brands are more than just names and symbols. Brands represent consumers perceptions and feelings about a product and its performance- everything that the product or service means to customers. Brands exist in the minds of customers. The real value of brand is its power to capture customer preference and loyalty. Branding involves creating mental structures and helping consumers organize their knowledge about products and services in a way that clarifies their decision making and in process provides value to the firm.

9 The core element in the marketing mix is the company's product because it provides the functional requirements sought by customers. Marketing managers develop their products into brands which help to create a unique position in the minds of customers. Brand superiority leads to high sales, the ability to charge price premiums and the power to resist distributor power. Branding can be applied virtually anywhere a consumer has a choice. It is possible to brand: A physical good (Nestle soup, Pantene shampoo), A service (Pakistan Airlines), A store (BATA stores), A place A person (Shahrukh Khan, shahid afridi), An organization (UNICEF or BCCI), Brand is the proprietary visual, emotional, rational, and cultural image that you associate with the company or a product. When you think of IBM, you think of Big Blue. The fact that you remember the brand name and have positive associations with that brand makes your product selection easier and enhances the value and satisfaction you get from product.

The purpose of branding is to create a powerful and lasting emotional connection with customers and other audiences. Branding is the voice and image that represents your business plan to the outside world. A powerful brand forms the basis for building strong and profitable customer relationships. A powerful brand represents a profitable set of loyal

9 customers. A brand is a set of elements or brand assets that in combination create a unique, memorable, unmistakable, and valuable relationship between an organization and its customers.

Brand Identity includes brand names, logos, positioning, brand associations, and brand personality. A good brand name gives a good first impression and evokes positive associations with the brand. Brand associations are the attributes that costumer thinks of when they hear or see the brand name.

Brand image means the image of a particular brand in market and in eyes of people. Brand image decides the popularity of a brand in market. A brand having good brand image is considered more popular than a brand with low image. COMPONENTS OF BRAND IMAGE: There are three components to a brand image: attributes, consequences and brand personality. It is perhaps more inclusive to think of a brands image as encompassing all the associates that a consumer has for that brand: all the thoughts, feelings and imagery-even colors, sounds and smells - that are mentally liked to that brand in the consumers memory. First comes the attributes, attributes means qualities or functions or advantages of a particular brand. A brand is known by its attributes i.e. the qualities it offers. Attributes

9 affect the brand image i.e. a product or brand with lot of advantages in comparison to its nearest substitute is considered more suitable. Thus it enhances the brand image. Then come the consequences, consequences mean the effect of the product. The product or brand which gives ultimate good result is considered good brand. Thus, consequences also affect brand image. Last component of brand image is brand personality. Brand personality includes associations with particular characters, symbols, endorsers, life styles and types of users. Together, such brand personality associations create a composite image of a brand. It gives the brand a sense of human; it makes you feel a brand as a person. Thus it characterized it as adventurous, head strong, undependable, excitable etc. Brand personality also anociate feelings with brand. Like fun, excitement with Pepsi, taste, health with honey. Brand personality also creates an anociation of that brand with certain important life values, such as exciting life, the search for self respect, the need to be intellectual, the desire for selfexpression etc. Finally what often matters more than the specific personality attributed to brand is the question of whether a brand has any clear personality at all. Thus, it could be said that the brand personality of a "brand as a person", is used by various advertising agencies and marketing client companies. Thus, these are the 3 components of brand image. Brand image is an important tool for making effective sales. Brand image builds the confidence in customers. A product which owns high brand image is always at an advantage in comparison to products with low brand image. Thus, brand image can be described as impression of brand in eyes of customers.

According to David Ogilvy: "We hold that every advertisement must be considered as a contribution to the complex symbol which is the brand image as part of the long term investment in the reputation of the brand."

With an increase in global competition, branding has become a source of competitive advantage. In rapidly evolving market for consumer, and industrial products and services, the source of next generation competency will be branding. In this briefing we demonstrate how to calculate the brand strength, the price premium associated with the products categories, and type of customers attracted to the Premium Products. Marketers who match their brand with customers needs will have a sustainable competitive advantage. MEASURING BRAND EFFECTIVENESS: There are many metrics to measure the potential of and actual effectiveness of brands. The simplest way is to apply the concept of what we call the 4 Ds of Branding; differentiation, distinctiveness, defendable, digit-able. Distinctiveness: your brand should be distinct when compared to your competitors and to all spoken and visual communications to which your target audiences will be exposed. The more unique and distinct your communications, the wider the filed of effective competitive strength it will have. There are simple means to apply to test the distinctiveness of your brand.

9 Differentiation: the brand strategy and brand assets must set youre offering apart and clearly show the specific positioning intent of your offering. Defendable: you will be investing in creating your brand assets and in all cases your brand must have proprietary strength to keep others from using close approximations. This applies to your trade names and other proprietary words as well as to your logos, symbols and other visual assets. Digit-able: in most businesses there is strong and growing element of electronic communications and commerce that dictate all brand assets be leveraged effectively in tangible and electronics form. This goes for all brand assets.


There are six criteria in choosing brand element. The first three can be characterized by brand building in terms of how brand equity can be build through judicious choice of brand element. The latter three are more defensive and are concerned with how the brand equity contained in the brand element can be leveraged and preserved in the face of various opportunities and constraints. Memorable: How easily is the brand element recalled? How easily recognized? Is this true at both purchase and consumption? Short brand name like Nike, Nishat lawn, Gul Ahmed can help. Meaningful: To what extent is brand element credible and suggestive of the corresponding category? Does it suggest something about a product ingredient or a type of person who might use the brand?

9 Likeability: How aesthetically appealing does consumers find the brand element? Is it inherently likeable visually, verbally, and in other ways? Concrete brand names such as Wheel, Sunsilk, nishat, gul ahmed etc Transferable: Can a brand element be used to introduce new products in the same or different categories? To what extent does the brand element add to brand equity across geographic boundaries and market segments? Adaptable: How adaptable and updatable is the brand element? Protectable: How legally protectable is the brand element? How competitively protectable? Can it be easily copied? Brand name should be such that no one can copy it.

10 ATTRIBUTES OF STRONGEST BRAND: The brand excels at delivering the benefits consumers truly desire. The brand stays relevant. The pricing strategy is based on consumer perceptions of value. The brand is properly positioned. The brand is consistent. The brand portfolio and hierarchy makes sense. The brand makes use of and co-ordinates a full repertoire of marketing activities to build equity. The brand is given proper, sustained support. The brands manager understands what the brand means to customers. The company monitors source of brand equity


TO BUYER: Help buyers identify the product that they like/dislike. Identify marketer Helps reduce the time needed for purchase. Helps buyers evaluate quality of products especially if unable to judge products characteristics. Helps reduce buyers perceived risk of purchase. Buyer may derive a psychological reward from owning the brand, i.e., Rolex or Mercedes. TO SELLER: Differentiate product offering from competitors Helps segment market by creating tailored images, i.e., Contact lenses Brand identifies the companies products making repeat purchases easier for customers. Reduce price comparisons. Brand helps firm introduce a new product that carries the name of one or more of its existing products...half as much as using a new brand, lower co. designs, advertising and promotional costs.

9 Easier cooperation with intermediaries with well known brands. Facilitates promotional efforts. Helps foster brand loyalty helping to stabilize market share. Firms may be able to charge a premium for the brand.

Many definitions of loyalty exist. But, it is generally described as the propensity of a buyer to purchase the same brand repeatedly. Faithfulness, consistency, and a lack of switching all might be useful in defining loyalty. PRICE PREMIUM: A basic indicator of loyalty is the amount a customer will pay for a product in comparison to other comparable products. A price premium can be determined by simply asking consumer how much more he would be willing to pay for the brand.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: A direct measure of customer satisfaction can be applied to existing customers. The focus can be the last use experience from the customer's view. Loyalty programs help to create an emotional bonding, thereby resulting in a life long customer relationship. They have gained immense popularity in the past decade. This is mainly due to the culture of entitlement, wherein the customers believe that they deserve a special treatment over the normal visitors due to their frequency in visiting the retailer. Retailers have learnt to smartly capitalize this attitude of the customers through their creative thoughts. It might cost them a little, but brings forth goodwill, and ultimately

9 resulting in the long term relationship with them. They are now a key to revenue growth of any business. Thus, it can be precisely called as a Loyalty craze.

Brand Loyalty refers to the notion that some brands are "stronger" or better than others. Successful brands live in the hearts and minds of the consumer. Brand loyalty means the tendency of buyer to continue buying a specific brand's product or service, despite the competition. Brand loyalty as "a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronised a preferred product. Brand loyalty generates repeated sales for the brand owners. The confidence level is often to the extent that consumers even do not know the name of manufacturer or the country where these products have been manufactured. In marketing it consist of customers commitment to repurchase or otherwise continue using the brand. It is more than repurchasing. However Customers may repurchase a brand due to situational constraints, a lack of viable alternatives, or out of convenience. True brand loyalty exists when customers have a high relative attitude toward the brand exhibited through repurchase behaviour. This type of loyalty can be a great asset to the firm: customers are willing to pay higher prices, may cost less to serve and can bring in new customers to the firm. The brand loyal consumer does not attempt any kind of attribute evaluation but simply chooses the familiar brand on the basis of some overall positive feelings towards it.

9 Thus, Brand loyalty is a function of both behaviour and attitudes. It is a consumers preference to buy a particular brand in a product category. It occurs because consumers perceive that the brand offers the right product features, image, or level of quality at the right price. This perception becomes the foundation for new buying habits. Consumers will initially make a trial product of the brand and, when satisfied with the purchase, tend to form habits and continue to purchase the same brand because the product is safe and familiar.

FACTORS OF BRAND LOYALTY Its a simple fact that it costs much less to keep existing customers than to create new ones. With so many factors influencing brand loyalty, how do you begin to understand your customers and how to protect them from the competing offers they face every day? If your goal is understand and improve the factors influencing brand loyalty and build even stronger loyalty relationships measuring customer loyalty is a great place to start. Brand loyalty is viewed as multidimensional construct. It is determined by several distinct psychological processes and it entails multivariate measurements. The key influencing factors of brand loyalty are brand name, product quality, price, style, store environment, promotion, and service quality. 1. Brand Name: Famous brand names can disseminate product benefits and lead to higher recall of advertised benefits than non-famous brand names. There are many unfamiliar brand names and alternatives available in the market place. Consumers may prefer to trust major famous brand names. These prestigious brand names and their images attract consumers to

9 purchase the brand and bring about repeat purchasing behaviour and reduce price related switching behaviours Furthermore; brand personality provides links to the brands emotional and self-expressive benefits for differentiation. This is important for brands which have only minor physical differences and are consumed in a social setting where the brand can create a visible image about the consumer itself. Brand name is the creation of an image or the development of a brand identity and is an expensive and time consuming process. The development of a brand name is an essential part of the process since the name is the basis of a brands image. Brand name is important for the firm to attract customers to purchase the product and influence repeat purchasing behaviour. Consumers tend to perceive the products from an overall perspective, associating with the brand name all the attributes and satisfaction experienced by the purchase and use of the product. 2. Product Quality: Product Quality encompasses the features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. In other words, product quality is defined as fitness for use or conformance to requirement. Consumers may repeat the purchase of single brands or switch around several brands due to the tangible quality of the product sold. According to Frings (2005), the components of product quality of fashion merchandise include size measurement, cutting or fitting, material, colour, function and the performance of the merchandise. Fitting is a crucial aspect in garment selection because some fitted garments such as swimsuits and aerobic wear can ideally enhance the consumers general appearance.

9 Material is important in product quality because it affects the hand feel, texture and other performance aspects of the product. Further, consumers relate personally to colour, and could select or reject a fashion because of colour. If the colour does not appeal to them or flatter their own colour, they will reject the fashion. Functional attributes in sportswear include quick-dry, breathable, waterproof, odour-resistant, lightweight, and finally, durability which is the use life of garments. Perfectionist or quality consciousness is defined as an awareness of and desire for high quality products, and the need to make the best or perfect choice versus buying the first product or brand available. This indicates that quality characteristics are also related to performance. 3. Price: According to Cadogan and Foster (2000), price is probably the most important consideration for the average consumer. Consumers with high brand loyalty are willing to pay a premium price for their favoured brand, so, their purchase intention is not easily affected by price. In addition, customers have a strong belief in the price and value of their favourite brands so much so that they would compare and evaluate prices with alternative brands. Consumers satisfaction can also be built by comparing price with perceived costs and values. If the perceived values of the product are greater than cost, it is observed that consumers will purchase that product. Loyal customers are willing to pay a premium even if the price has increased because the perceived risk is very high and they prefer to pay a higher price to avoid the risk of any change. Basically, long-term relationships of service loyalty make loyal

9 customers more prices tolerant, since loyalty discourages customers from making price comparison with other products by shopping around. Price has increasingly become a focal point in consumers judgments of offer value as well as their overall assessment of the retailer. Price is described as the quantity of payment or compensation for something. It indicates price as an exchange ratio between goods that pay for each other. Price also communicates to the market the companys intended value positioning of its product or brand. 4. Style: Style is visual appearance, which includes line, shape and details affecting consumer perception towards a brand. Consumers judgment depends on the consumers level of fashion consciousness, so judgment will be conditioned by their opinion of what is currently fashionable. They gain satisfaction from wearing the latest fashion and style which also satisfies their ego. According to Sproles and Kendall (1986), fashion consciousness is generally defined as an awareness of new styles, changing fashions, and attractive styling, as well as the desire to buy something exciting and trendy. 5. Store Environment: The store environment is the single most important Factor in retail marketing success and store prolonged existence. Positive attributes of the store, which include store location, store layout, and in-store stimuli, affect brand loyalty to some extent. Store location and number of outlets are crucial in altering consumer shopping and purchasing

9 patterns. If consumers find the store to be highly accessible during their shopping trip and are satisfied with the stores assortment and services, these consumers may become loyal afterwards. Thus, a stores atmosphere is one of the factors that could influence consumers decision making. The stimuli in the store, such as the characteristic of other shoppers and salespeople, store layout, noises, smells, temperature, shelf space and displays, sign, colours, and merchandise, affect consumers and serve as elements of apparel attributes which may in turn, affect consumer decision making Satisfaction with the brand. On the other hand, background music played in the stores affects attitudes and behaviour.The slow-beat musical selection leads to higher sales volume as consumers spend more time and money in a conducive environment. There are many advantages to retailers having loyal customers. As stated by Huddleston et al. (2004), customer loyalty could yield a favourable operating cost advantage for retailers. Furthermore, they stressed that obtaining new customers cost five to six times as much as retaining current customers. Loyal customers can increase their purchase spending, they are low cost for retailers as compared to obtaining new customers; they accept price premiums and they have customer longevity. 6. Promotion: Promotion is a marketing mix component which is a kind of communication with consumers. Promotion includes the use of advertising, sales promotions, personal selling and publicity. Advertising is a non-personal presentation of information in mass media about a product, brand, company or store. It greatly affects consumers images, beliefs and attitudes towards products and brands, and in turn, influences their purchase behaviours.

9 This shows that promotion, especially through advertising, can help establish ideas or perceptions in the consumers minds as well as help differentiate products against other brands. Sales promotion tools are used by most organizations in support of advertising and public relations activities, and they are targeted toward consumers as final users. Promotion has a key role in determining profitability and market success and is one of the key elements of the marketing mix which includes advertising; direct marketing; sales promotion; public relations and publicity; personal selling and sponsorship. 7. Service Quality: A common definition of service quality is that the service should correspond to the customers expectations and satisfy their needs and requirements. Service quality is a kind of personal selling, and involves direct interactions between salespeople and potential buyers. Consumers like to shop at specific stores because they like the services provided and are assured of certain service privileges. The impact of salespeople-consumer relationships will generally result in long-term orientation of consumers towards the store or brand. Trust in salespeople appears to relate to overall perceptions of the stores service quality, and results in the consumer being totally satisfied with the stores in the end. Additionally, Personalisation (i.e. reliability, responsiveness, personalization and tangibles) significantly influence consumers experience and evaluation of service, and in turn, affects the brand loyalty of consumers. Brand loyalty provides predictability and security of demand for the firm and creates barriers to entry that makes it difficult for other firms to enter the market.

BRAND LOYALTY AS BOTTOM LINE OF ANY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS: Every successful business depends upon Brand Loyalty as it is the ultimate goal of every company aims at. Brand Loyalty means a consumer's commitment to a brand. It implies that the customer not only looks for his/her own benefit but is willing to think about the brands interest. It is mainly stated by repeat purchase. if customer satisfied then he can refer the brand to others and so on. WHAT DOES BRAND LOYALTY INVOLVE? Brand loyalty is an asset for company. Repurchasing a product due to situational constraints, no alternative is called "spurious loyalty". Brand loyalty is much more than this. It becomes possible when a company creates successful emotional attachment of a customer with a brand.

HOW TO CREATE AND MAINTAIN BRAND LOYALTY? A number of things determine brand loyalty. A customer develops brand loyalty only when they get quality product or service at the right price and once he/she gets it the customer expects the same from you. Now it is your responsibility to maintain the quality at a reasonable price. You should also remind them of the value of their purchase. Finally you should encourage them to buy your product or service. Make yourself easily available and also improve your customer service. WHY DO CUSTOMERS DEVELOP LOYALTY TOWARDS A BRAND?

9 Brand loyalty is customer's conscious or unconscious decision that is expressed through his/her behavior. A customer develops loyalty towards a brand because he thinks that the brand is offering quality product or service at the right price. As soon as the customers know that you are offering value of their purchase they will be encouraged to buy your products or services. WHAT CAN INFLUENCE BRAND LOYALTY? A number of things can influence brand loyalty starting from designing a new product to writing its catch line, understanding customer's need to employing effective marketing strategy. Brand loyalty occurs as the customer perceives the brand in a positive manner. Developing loyalty among new customers and retaining it among existing customers are equally important. Therefore it is necessary that the customers have a good impression about you as it is the foundation of their buying habits. When the customers buy a product they make a trial purchase. If they are satisfied with your product they will get back to you. Customers prefer to buy products that are familiar, safe and of good quality. WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF BRAND LOYALTY? The importance of brand loyalty is massive since it is brand loyalty that determines the sale of a product or a service. It is very difficult to survive in today's competitive world. In order to do so it is very crucial not to loose your customers. Reducing customer loss and achieving new customer's trust and loyalty can dramatically improve your business growth. Moreover when customers are loyal to your brand they will be less sensitive to price change and willingly pay higher price to get the unique value that your brand offers. Brand loyalty will ultimately lead to cost cutting and high profit margin as a loyal customer

9 is indifferent to competitive promotions. Once your brand loyalty is established you don't need to spend much on advertising and marketing. MINDSET OF A BRAND LOYALIST: A customer who is loyal to a brand has a typical mind set. When a customer is committed to a brand he/she keeps coming back to the brand to buy a product or a service. A loyal customer is always willing to pay higher price for his/her preferred brand than other brands. He/she also recommends this brand to others after realizing that the brand offers value for money.


Over the years, Pakistan is said to be the single crop economy i.e. cotton and textile that claims the lion's share in terms of the contribution in the national economy of Pakistan. Despite efforts to bring in diversification in country's overall economic get-up the textile sector continues to be the most important segment of the national economy. Its share in the economy, in terms of GDP, exports, employment, foreign exchange earnings, investment and revenue generation altogether placed the textile industry as the single largest determinant of the economic growth of the country. Pakistan is the worlds 4th largest producer and 3rd largest consumer of cotton. The Textile and Clothing Industry has been the main driver of the economy for the last 60 years in terms of foreign currency earnings and jobs creation. The textile industry employs almost 40 percent of the industrial workforce. Despite the critical role textiles play in the economy, most textile manufacturers are cottage or small-scale industries.

9 Cotton textile production is the most important of Pakistan's industries, accounting for about 19% of large-scale industrial employment, and 60% of total exports in 2000/01. Pakistan has become self-sufficient in cotton fabrics and exports substantial quantities. Some long and extra-long staple cotton is imported to meet demand for finer cottons. About 80% of the textile industry is based on cotton, but factories also produce synthetic fabrics, worsted yarn and jute textiles. Jute textile output amounted to 70,100 tons in 1999/00. The textile industry as a whole employs about 38% of the industrial work force, accounts for 8.5% of GDP, 31% of total investment, and 27% of industrial value-added. The Textile and Clothing Industry will continue to be an important engine for future growth of the economy; there is no alternative industry or service sector that has the potential to benefit the economy with foreign currency earnings and new job creation, especially if synergy is developed amongst different sub sectors and efforts are made to aggressively grow the Ready made Clothing Sector. Pakistans Textile Industry had proved its strength in global market during the last four decades. It has proved its strength even in post quota era by not only sustaining its position but, also showing growth during 2005 to 2007, but declined to $11.1 billion in 2008 due to financial and economic melt down globally. The Pakistani textile industry depends on domestic agriculture to supply its raw materials, thus the success of the cotton crop is critical to the health of the textile industry. Cotton accounts for 14 percent of land under cultivation in Pakistan. Pakistan has suffered from a number of cotton failures over the years, beginning in the early 1990s. These crop failures drove up the price of cotton, and this coupled with a market recession and tightened finance regulations led to a weakened textile industry.

9 The spinning sector is where the majority of Pakistan's textile industry is concentrated. Over the years, spinning expanded while weaving declined. The rapid expansion of the spinning sector was hastened by access to cheap raw materials---cotton--and cheap labor. This sector's profitability was furthered by a protectionist fiscal policy and export subsidies. In keeping with increased spinning capacity, cotton production has increased tremendously. The textile industry's weaving sector is comprised of towels, bedding and hosiery and has been adversely affected by tariffs and inflation over the years. The garment sector has undergone considerable modernization and has developed great export potential.


Source: Report on Textile Industry of Pakistan

Pakistan is at the centre of a rapidly developing textile and garments manufacturing region. Apart from fulfilling domestic requirements, Pakistan has emerged as the textile hub of the world. Although facing tough competition from India, china and Bangladesh, Pakistan holds a competitive edge in several textile products. Textile and garment manufacturing are two of Pakistans principal industries, contributing more than 67% towards total export earnings, accounting for around 46% of total manufacturing, and employing over 38% of the manufacturing labour force. The total turnover of the textile industry including local market is approximately USD15 billion. Over USD 4 billion of textile and garment machinery has been imported by Pakistan over the last few years, and this has significantly improved the quality and productivity of Pakistani textile. As a result of the new installations and increasing compliance with ISO and other international quality certification standards, the Government of Pakistan is targeting over USD 10 billion of exports in textiles and garments made-ups in the coming years. The top 5 products exported are cotton fabrics, knitwear, bed linen, cotton yarn and ready-made garments. The top 5 countries to which Pakistan export its textile products are the USA, HONG KONG, UNITED KINGDOM, UAE and GERMANY.

9 BRAND DEVELOPMENT IN TEXTILE SECTOR OF PAKISTAN: Brand development is becoming popular in Pakistans textile sector and those who have already launched brands are expecting new competitors soon. Pakistani fashion brand is the powerhouse of fabrics, prints, designs, colors and seasonal collections. It is the only leading business subsistence in South Asia that manufactures exclusive fabrics for women that has left behind many Pakistani fashion designer. Pakistan cannot remain immune to the process of globalization. While it has to open the domestic market for the overseas suppliers, Pakistani manufacturers not only have to face the competition in the local market but also compete in the international markets. The biggest challenge is for textiles and clothing sector which has been surviving due to quota regime. Some of the Pakistani brands from the sector, i.e. Bonanza and ChenOne have become known in global markets and many more names are passing through the process of recognition. Therefore, by following the foot prints of the leaders, other can also let the world known about their products. A good number of Pakistani brands in the textile sector such as Maria B, Newage, Chenone, Ammar, Ideas and Nishat Linen besides some franchised brands have already made inroads both in the local and international markets recently. Advertisement through outlet where you are selling rejections was cheaper than hiring an advertisement agency for this purpose, said Tanveer Ahmed of Colony Thal Textile Mills. On other hand, fashion magazines and fashion press elaborate on the designers collections to the full extent and thus reinforce better images to facilitate consumer

9 recognition. Consumers are usually able to evaluate each of the products and brand name attributes.


The story of textiles in the subcontinent is the story of Gul Ahmed. The group began trading in textiles in the early 1900s. With all its know-how and experience, the group decided to enter the field of manufacturing and Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd. was incorporated as a private limited company, in the year 1953. In 1972 it was subsequently listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange. Since then the company has been making rapid progress and is one of the best composite textile houses in the world. Sixty years since its inception, the name Gul Ahmed is still synonymous with quality, innovation and reliability. Being vertically integrated, Gul Ahmed is capable of producing different varieties, starting from cotton yarn to furnished product involving different processing techniques. The mill is presently a composite unit with an installed capacity of 130,296 spindles; the spinning units are able to produce a variety of yarn from 100% cotton yarn to poly-cotton, cotton viscose and other blends in both coarse and fine counts. The weaving units are equipped 223 wide width air jet looms and can produce high quality fabrics in sheeting, satins, percales, twills, drills, dobbies, voiles and an array of other finely woven fabrics including yarn dyed. Processing is equipped with sophisticated technology to ensure quality printing dyeing, different treatments with facilities to add extra value to products in terms of coating and flocking. With modern, state-of-the-art stitching facilities. Gul Ahmed is equipped with regular and specialized machines, which manufacture products in many varieties and

9 styles. Large embroidery and quilting units add versatility for embellished products to cater to all sorts of customer needs and requirements. All this is backed by systems that constantly check and control production to achieve high standards. In recongnition of Gul Ahmed commitment towards the safety of their processes and products, Gul Ahmed textiles have been awarded Oeko-tex Certification. TEXTILES: In the textile field, activities start from the spinning of cotton as well as man made fibers and extend to weaving, processing and finishing of all types of cotton and blended fabrics, bed linen, home furnishings, garment manufacturing, etc. THE PRODUCT Fashion fabrics and apparel Home textile, embellished beddings and curtains Signed dyed and mercerized yarn Combed and carded yarn for knitting and weaving The apparel line consists of the ladies collection of fabrics such as lawn, linen, lattha, khaddar and polyester cotton. Gents collections are chairman, texana, poplin and so on. The Home textile range of bed linen, cushions, kitchen items and curtains are plain dyed, printed in a spectrum of 21 colours, embroidered and embellished in different styles. Gil Ahmed is proud to be the largest home fashion exporter to the European Union consistently for the last 25 years. Gul Ahmed's fine textile products represent a unique fusion of the century old traditions of the east and the latest textile technology of the west. The purest of cotton fibers, produced from the fertile lands of the Indus Valley, are spun, woven and processed

9 into the finest quality cotton and blended products through a combination of latest technology, skills and craftsmanship of this traditional industry. Bed-Linen Quilt covers ,duvet covers, flat and fitted sheets, pillow covers, valance sheets, bolster case with all sorts of fancy confectioning, embroidery and embellishments, packed to buyers' specific requirement. Curtain Ready made curtains lined, un-lined and taptop curtains, plain or fully accessorized with tiebacks, pelmets, cushion covers, in different styles of confectioning and embroidery, packed to buyers' specific requirement. Fabric Running meter fabrics, packed to specific requirement. Yarn Gul Ahmed specializes in medium-to-fine-count cotton yarns and is also capable of producing yarns using a wide variety of synthetic fibers including polyester, rayon and other man-made fibers.

BRAND VALUES: Gul Ahmed is a household name in Pakistan. As a brand, it represents a top quality with the latest style and has steadily and successfully built its brand value year by year. This has enabled it to gain consumer trust and a high level of respect in the market. gul ahmed continues to invest in its brand value through high class stores, innovative new collections and a growing global presence, both in Home fashion and apparel.

9 Gul Ahmed textile mills has attained leadership in the domestic and international markets through its premium quality products, brand equity and unshakable consumer loyalty with an expanding network of retail sales with an international distribution system. Over the years, gul Ahmed has emerged as a complete solution for home and fashion. Gul Ahmed is the largest exporter to Europe foe home textiles and governs the domestic market with its premium home and fashion products for the quality conscious customer. SUPERBRANDS Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd has been awarded the most prestigious marketing excellence award of "Superbrands" of Pakistan. Superbrands Ltd., an independent organization that promotes the discipline of branding by paying tribute to exceptional brands throughout the world, has chosen Gul Ahmed as a Superbrand from the top 100 brand names from all business sectors in Pakistan, based on its exceptional performance, quality products, good governance, and over 5 decades of excellence in the field of textiles. Most importantly, Superbrands status is not just an award; it is the endorsement of our customer's faith in our brand. MANAGEMENT POLICIES: Quality Policy 1. Maintenance of Quality Systems on the guidelines of ISO 9000 series of standards. 2. Customer satisfaction through employee participation & innovative technology application.

9 3. Training of employees on quality awareness, ISO 9000 concepts & system documentation including: procedures, work instructions, specification etc. Training should be an on-going process and refreshers and reviews are a part of training. Social Policy Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited has striven to become one of the leading companies to actively participate in the social and economical growth of the country. The company will endeavor to address following issues: 1. Enforcement of minimum age of employee of eighteen (18) years without any discrimination. 2. .Relaxed environment for employees. 3. Practical measures related to health and safety. 4. Equal opportunity. Environmental Policy Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited pursue long term corporate objectives towards conservation in the use of electricity, gas and water for setting up an environmental management system. We plan to meet global environmental challenges in all areas. Health and Safety Policy Gul Ahmed has a H&S manual and a permanent committee to ensure safety of staff and workers. The members of the committee are: 1. Technical Directors. 2. General Manager Maintenance. 3. Processing Manager.

9 4. Management Representative (Health & Safety). 5. Stitching Managers. 6. Admin, Security & Fire chief. Source:

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: A Retail Company: Gul Ahmed has been a leading exporter of textiles for many years. With its vast experience and reach, Gul Ahmed decided to enter the retail business in 2003, with the opening of its flagship store, Ideas in Clifton Karachi. Today it has 20 retail outlets. Ideas offers a high quality, high service shopping experience with an extensive product range that includes home textile, fashion and accessories. At Ideas, Gul Ahmeds tradition of quality and style provides an elegant taste of creatively designed home textile ranges in a vibrant palette of colors, fabrics, patterns, textures and embroidery styles. The store also features limited edition lawn and cotton design IDEAS VISION: Ideas strives to be an international brand that cares for its customers and fulfills their home and personal needs. Consumer and professional channels will recognize us as the leader in exclusive, high quality, modern designs as well as impeccable service with courteous, informed and well-groomed sales consultants. Our aim is to provide a distinctive cozy shopping environment with attractive dcor, a consistent availability of high quality products and new product innovations. in fresh trendy colours.

ACHIEVEMENTS: Being one of the first, and the largest, composite mills in Pakistan, Gul Ahmed is capable of producing quality textile products on a large scale and is fully backed by stateof-the-art facilities. Its dedication towards system improvement, quality and innovation has always helped in taking initiative, which is a major driving strength of the company. Huge investments in terms of modern technology have been made to effectively compete with the increasing challenge of globalization. Large, fully computerized warehouses have helped. Gul Ahmed builds a world class infrastructure. Gul Ahmed enjoys the reputation of being trend setter in the market. It has successfully been catering to a variety of market segments through its creativity and innovation. The company employs international designers who continuously work to develop new collections for specific geographical areas. The design team also visits international exhibition throughout the year to stay abreast of the least market trends. Gul Ahmed also has the distinction in the textile sector of being ISO SA8000 certified and, in addition, has achieved several certifications required by customers around the world. It prides on having a modern, state-of-the-art laboratory to maintain consistent quality of its products. From the arrival of cotton bales, stringent controls are in place for on-line inspection for the production of yarn, fabric and made up products. Source:

*The Nishat Group* Mian Muhammad Mansha Yahya is the captain of this splendid ship having around 30 companies on board. Mansha, who owns the Muslim

Commercial Bank as well, is now setting up a billion rupee ($ 17 m) paper sack project too. He is one of the richest Pakistanis around. Nishat Group was country's 15th richest family in 1970, 6th in 1990 and Number 1 in 1997. Mansha is on the board of nearly 50 companies. Chinioti by clan, Mansha is married to Yousaf Saigol's daughter. He is deemed to have made investments in many bourses, currency and metal exchanges both within and outside Pakistan. He has had his share of luck on many occasions in life and has been awarded Pakistan's highest civil award by President Musharraf. He could have bought the United Bank too, but then who doesn't have adversaries. If Mansha was bitten by Bhutto's nationalization stint of 1970, his friends think he was compensated by Nawaz Sharif's denationalization programme to a very good effect. There is no stopping Mansha and he is still on the move! The history of Nishat Group dates back to 1951, when Mian Muhammad Yahya founded Nishat Mills Limited. Nishat Group is one of the leading and most diversified business groups in South East Asia with fixed/ current assets of over Rs.300 billion (US$ 5 billion), it ranks amongst the top five business houses of Pakistan. The Group has a remarkable position in the market as good as any multinationals operating locally in terms of its quality of products, services and management skills.

9 This man of vision, courage and integrity, Mian Mohammad Yahya was born in 1918 in Chiniot. In 1947 when he was running leather business in Calcutta, he witnessed by the momentous changes that swept the Indo-Pak subcontinent. This is story of success through sheer hard work and an undaunted spirit of enterprise. Beginning with a cotton export house, he soon branched out in to ginning, cotton and jute textiles, chemicals and insurance. He was elected Chairman of all Pakistan Textile Mills Association. He died in 1969, at the age of 51 having achieved so much in so short time. Source:

MISSION STATEMENT: To provide quality products to customers and explore new markets to promote/expand sales of the Company through good governance and foster a sound and dynamic team, so as to achieve optimum prices of products of the Company for sustainable and equitable growth and prosperity of the Company. VISION STATEMENT: To transform the Company into a modern and dynamic yarn, cloth and processed cloth and finished product manufacturing Company with highly professionals and fully equipped to play a meaningful role on sustainable basis in the economy of Pakistan. To transform the Company into a modern and dynamic power generating Company with highly professionals and fully equipped to play a meaningful role on sustainable basis in the economy of Pakistan.

9 Today, Nishat is considered to be at par with multinationals operating locally in terms of its quality products and management skills. Annual turnover 17 billion Rupees 14 Billion from textiles Earn foreign exchange US $ 236 million Taxes and Levi of 2,080 million Rupees annually After almost half a century of undaunted success, Nishat group is among the leading business houses of the country and ranks among the top 5 groups in terms of assets and sales revenue. The group has its roots firmly planted into four core business namely Textiles Power Generation Banking Cement TEXTILES The textile business is further subdivided into 2-textile division: Nishat Faislabad Nishat Chunian The textile capacity of the group is the largest in the country. Nishat Mills Limited, the flagship company of the group was established in 1951. Its annual turnover for the year ------------ is over Rs.17 billion (US$ 283 million). NML with the production facility of 270,000 spindles, 740 looms and dyeing & printing capacity of 7 million meters (7.65 million yards) makes Nishat the largest composite textile set up in Pakistan.

9 NISHAT MILLS LIMITED: Flagship Company established in 1951 Most Modern, Biggest Composite unit of Pakistan Professional and Client Oriented Marketing Green Company ISO 9001 and IKO-TEX100 Certified SA 8000 Certification currently in process NML today has 173,000 spindles, 284 Sulzer shuttle-less looms and 244 TSUDAKOMA air jet looms. NML also has the most modern textile-processing unit, 2 stitching units and Power Generating plant with a capacity of 33.6 MW. NML total export for the year 2000 was Rs. 9.1 billion (US$ 143 million). Due to the application of prudent management policies, consolidation of operations, a strong balance sheet and an effective marketing strategy, this trend is expected to continue in the years to come. The Company's production facilities comprise spinning, weaving, processing, stitching and power generation. Source: Nishat Mills that has now achieved a distinctive position worldwide. Classic designs and fabulous prints of Nishat has paved the launch of Nishat boutique where ready-to-wear dresses feast customers with Kalis, volume and the costume of the gypsies being new trend. The girlish and gorgeous Nishat Lawn and linen prints has revolutionized fashion industry and is playing its part as key role to take fashion Pakistan to endless higher level. Nishat brand is thus the name of vivacious and perky designs either for summer or winter

9 and assumes latest trends, fashion and style for women and young girls with prismatic color range and diversified prints.


The factors influencing purchase decision of consumers are Primary benefit and secondary benefit. The primary benefit includes price, quality, and quantity. And the secondary benefit which comprises of ingredients of the product, Product should serve the purpose, innovative features, and manufacturers reputation. Women with high and medium brand loyalty are driven by secondary benefits such as ingredients of the product; Product should serve the purpose, innovative features, and manufacturers reputation. Whereas women with low brand loyalty consider primary benefits such as price, quality, and quantity. Today's buyers have more purchasing power then ever before and are less tolerant due to increased time pressure in today's lifestyles. They are more aware about environmental and human rights issues and have superior quality demands. They demand a huge variety and more frequent changes in the choices available to them. Moreover, they also expect immediate availability of perfect matching set of garments and accessories in their preferred color and size combinations in the same store. In terms of satisfying the consumer's needs, retailers are the first in line, but all companies in the supply chain are driven by the prerequisite to anticipate the expectations and requirements of their customers. From design to production and to the final sale, all

9 members of the supply chain need to check that stores are stocked with the correct requirements when the consumer needs to buy! The companies that are quick to respond to the consumer requirements are those that will remain profitable in an environment of rapid global competition and increasing material and operational costs. Brand loyalty is influenced by a complex blend of attitudes, behaviours and customer experiences. Measuring customer loyalty should reveal if and how your loyalty investments are paying off. Customer loyalty survey research firms must not only assess the current state of loyalty, but also develop the right strategies to increase retention. All rewards-based customer loyalty programs are not created equal and measuring customer loyalty is an important step in gauging whether your program is doing enough for you. Brand name was found to have significant positive relationship with brand loyalty. The research results showed that consumers favoured brand image when they perceive positive benefits or function from the product. They would then recommend the brand, have positive reaction on the price premium and are willing to accept brand extensions to other product categories within the same brand. Product quality is shown to have positive relationship with brand loyalty. The research indicates that product quality is significant in the consumer decision-making process. The research findings showed that price and brand loyalty had a positive relationship. Price is an important consideration for the average consumer. However, consumers with high brand loyalty were less-price sensitive. The research suggested that as

9 long as the respondents were satisfied with a particular brand, they would repurchase the product with the same brand name even if it was highly priced. According to Bucklin et al. (1998), price significantly influences consumer choice and incidence of purchase. He emphasized that discount pricing makes households switch brands and buy products earlier than needed Price consciousness is defined as finding the best value, buying at sale prices or the lowest price choice. Additionally, consumers generally evaluated market price against an internal reference price, before they decide on the attractiveness of the retail price. According to Abraham and Littrell (1995), a composite list of apparel attributes has been generated and one of the conceptual categories is style. Brands that supply stylish garments attract loyal consumers who are fashion conscious. Fashion leaders or followers usually purchase or continue to repeatedly purchase their fashion garments in stores that are highly fashionable. A research conducted by Duff (1999) investigated the niche market in womens apparel, and were demanding products with more style; furthermore, consumers have a tendency to wear different attires for different occasions. According to Rowley (1998), promotion is an important element of a firms marketing strategy. Promotion is used to communicate with customers with respect to product offerings, and it is also a way to encourage purchase or sales of a product or service. Promotion was considered as one of the most important factors in determining a consumers brand loyalty. It includes the use of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and publicity. From the study conducted, it was seen that female respondents actually spent more time reading product labels before buying products.

9 Store environment is positively related to brand loyalty. The Store environment is considered one of the factors that can influence consumer brand loyalty. it is observed that consumers paid much attention to store attributes such as merchandise display, variety of selection, parking space, easily accessible by car and the reputation of the store in purchasing products. Research conducted by Lin and Chang (2003) showed that the channel convenience of the brands had significant influence on buying behaviour. This means that the accessibility to this product/brand in the store is important when purchasing low involvement products. Consumers will not go to another store just to find the brand. Instead, they will stay put and choose another brand. Service quality is an important factor in influencing and encouraging consumers to patronize a store. The research study indicated that the salesperson-consumer relationship will generally result in long-term orientation of consumers toward a store. At the same time, trust in the salesperson appeared to relate to the overall perception of the stores service quality which resulted in the consumers total satisfaction with the store. Image, quality, color/style, and design/beauty of fashion products are important criteria when purchasing extended brands of casual apparel. So my questionnaire is consisted on all these variables. The buyer is now became king. The preference in the market is never-ending and the requirement to purchase clothes is not as much definite. It all depends on the practice utilized to sell clothes. The fashion market is vibrant, inspired business and about self expression, feelings and distinctiveness. The fashion market is itself in its divergent positions. It now became a worldwide business including designers, merchandisers,

9 technologists, logistic managers, strategies, buyers, marketers, investors, managers etc. In the dynamic economy, quick distribution, quick feedback, adaptable approaches and the frequent push to propose novel products to customers have to be handling successfully. Design and marketing management have become important in fashion industry. Designer monitors whole thing from resources to shop design, from brand identity to approaches. He performs as a head of branding and marketing. They generate the finish brand and its significance. These customers do not require clothes, but they just want possessing them. Profitable brands that attain this long-term loyalty by helping their customers, linking with them, accepting their requirements are likely to be in the market for years. High street brands such as Zara and H&M have set garments valuable of Prada and Gucci. Those retailers who incorporated in the form of the luxury goods sector have to describe themselves not only by their product ranges, but also by their service. A well known brand Zara is famous around the world for men, women and children's wear truthfully a global brand has hundreds of retail settings all over the place from Abu Dhabi to Uruguay and is the main division of Inditex, one of the biggest fashion retail groups worldwide. The clothing brand has increased its high-fashion and low-cost brand significance a long way and large by set up various distinctive, yet successful performance. Article Source:


9 My target population includes: 1. Student 2. Working women 3. House wife Sample size consists of 20 respondents.

SAMPLE OF QUESTIONNAIRE: I am conducting a research study that is part of my final project. Its about why people are brand loyal? Read the statements carefully and select any one option that suits you best: 1. Do you think brand name influence your purchasing decision? a) Yes b) No 2. Do you think product features influence your purchasing decision? a) Yes b) No 3. Have you ever use gul Ahmed lawn? a) yes b) no 4. Have you ever used nishat lawn? a) Yes

9 b) no 5. How many times do you buy lawn on average? a) Once in a month b) 2 times in a month c) 3 tomes in a month d) More than 3 times 6. While purchasing lawn you look at which thing? a) Print b) Price c) Quality d) All of above 7. At which price you prefer lawn? a) Discounted price b) Average price c) Premium price d) Low price In the fallowing section we will ask questions that are related specifically to gul Ahmed lawn & nishat lawn. 8. Which lawn would you prefer to buy? a) Gul ahmed lawn b) Nishat lawn 9. Which one offer wide range of variety? a) Gul Ahmed lawn

9 b) Nishat lawn 10. Whose outlets are easily located? a) Gul Ahmed lawn b) Nishat lawn 11. Whose customer service is better? a) Gul Ahmed lawn b) Nishat lawn 12. Are you satisfied with its current price? a) Yes b) No 13. Whose advertisement attracts you more? a) Gul Ahmed lawn b) Nishat lawn 14. According to you what is the possible reason(s) for preferring 1 on other? a) Proper advertisement b) c) d) e) Easy availability Wide range of products Price Good quality

f) store environment g) Other (please specify)_____________________________ 15. What methods of advertising do you think are the most effective? a) Magazine or newspapers ads

9 b) Bill boards c) Radio d) TV ads Scale: 1=strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=neutral, 4=disagree, 5=strongly disagree

Read the statements carefully and select any one option that suits you best: 1 16. 17. 18. 19. Distribution network of gul ahmed is better than nishat? Gul ahmed offer better quality product than nishat? Prints of gul Ahmed are better than nishat lawn? Price of gul ahmed lawn is less than nishat lawn? 2 3 4 5

20. Please mark your gender: a) Male b) Female 21. Encircle your age group: a) Above 15 b) 15-25 c) 25-35 d) Above 35 22. Encircle your family monthly income: a) Less than 10,000 b) 10,000 to 20,000 c) 20,000 to 30,000 d) More than 30,000

9 23. Select the occupational class you belong to: a) Salaried b) Self employed c) Student d) Other (please specify)

Name: _____________________________ E-mail Id: _______________________________ Tel No. _____________________________

Thank You!


1. Do you think brand name influence your purchasing decision?

9 1. Brand decision Yes of 16 name influence no 4 purchasing

No. respondents (out of 20) %




O u t o f 2 0 r e s p o n d e n t s 8 0 % p eo p l e s a i d Y e s t h a t

brand name influence their purchasing decision and 20% said No.

20 15 10 5 0



2. Do you think product features influence your purchasing decision? 2. product features influence purchasing decision Yes no of 15 5


No. respondents (out of 20) %




Out of 20 respondents 75% people said that Yes

product features influence their purchasing decision and 25% said No.

20 15 10 5 0 yes no

3. Have you ever used gul Ahmed lawn?


Usage of gul ahmed lawn Yes 20 no 0

No. of respondents (out of 20) %




Out of 20 respondents 100% people respond that

they use branded cloth of Gul Ahmed.

20 15 10 5 0



4. Have you ever used nishat lawn?

4. No.

Usage of nishat lawn. Yes of 17 no 3

respondents (out of 20) %



Interpretation: remaining 15% not.

Out of 20 respondents 85% uses

nishat lawn

20 15 10 5 0



5. How many times do you buy lawn on average?


On average buy lawn. Once in a 2 times in a 3 tomes in a More than 3 month month 5 month 2 times 0


of 13

respondents (out of 20) % 65% 25% 10% 0%

Interpretation: out of 20 respondents 65% buy lawn once in a month 25% 2 times in a month 10% 3 times in a month.

20 15 10 5 0

once in a month

2 times in a 3 times in a more than 3 month month times

6. Which attributes did attract you to purchase branded products?


Attributes attract you to purchase branded products Print Price Quality All of 4 3 3 above 10



respondents (out of 20) % 20% 15% 15% 50%


out of 20 respondents 20% said print of lawn

attracts them to purchase branded products, 15% said price, 15% quality and remaining 50% said all these attributes attracts them.

20 15 10 5 0




all of above

7. At which price you prefer lawn? 7. Prefer lawn at price Discounted Average price No. of 11 price 5

Premium price 0

Low price

respondents (out of 20) % 55% 25% 0% 20%

Interpretation: Out of 20 respondents 55% prefer lawn at discounted price 25% on average price and 20% at low price.

20 15 10 5 0

discounted price

average price

prmium price

low price

8. Which lawn would you prefer to buy?


Lawn prefer to buy Gul ahmed lawn of 16

Nishat lawn 4


respondents (out of 20) % 80% 20%

Interpretation: Out of 20 respondents 80% prefer Gul Ahmed lawn to buy and remaining 20% prefer Nishat lawn.

20 15 10 5 0

gul ahmed lawn

nishat lawn

9. Which one offer wide range of variety?

9 9. Offer wide range of variety Gul ahmed lawn No. of 12 Nishat lawn 8

respondents (out of 20) % 60% 40%

Interpretation: Out of 20 respondents 60% people have opinion that Gul Ahmed offer wide range of variety and 40% believe that nishat offer wide range.

20 15 10 5 0

gul ahmed nishat lawn lawn

10. Whose outlets are easily located?

9 10. Outlets easily located Gul ahmed lawn No. of 14 Nishat lawn 6

respondents (out of 20) % 70% 30%

I n t e r p r e t a t i o n : A c c o r d i n g t o 7 0 % r e s p o n d en t s s a i d t h a t g u l A h m e d outlets are easily located and remaining 30% had believe that nishat outlets are easily located.

20 15 10 5 0

gul ahmed nishat lawn lawn

11. Whose customer service is better?


customer service is better Gul ahmed lawn Nishat lawn 12


of 8

respondents (out of 20) %



I n t e r p r e t a t i o n : A c c o r d i n g t o 4 0 % r e s p o n d en t s g u l A h m e d c u s t o m e r service is better and 60% believe that nishat customer service is better.

20 15 10 5 0

gul ahmed nishat lawn lawn

9 12. Are you satisfied with its current price?

12. No.

Satisfaction with current price Yes of 10 no 10

respondents (out of 20) % 50% 50%

Interpretation: 50% respondents were satisfied with current prices of both and 50% were not.

20 15 10 5 0 yes no

13. Whose advertisement attracts you more?


Advertisement attracts more Gul ahmed lawn Nishat lawn 6


of 14

respondents (out of 20) % 70% 30%

Interpretation: advertisement attracts more.


respondents more and

suggested 30% said







20 15 10 5 0

gul ahmed lawn

nishat lawn

14. What influence you to buy above stated brand(s)?


What influence you to buy above stated brand(s)? Proper advertisement Easy Wide Price Good quality 12 Other (please specify) 0

availability range of 3 products 2 0


of 3

respondents (out of 20) % 15% 15% 10% 0% 60% 0%

Interpretation: 15% respondents said proper advertisement influence them, 15% easy availability 10% wide range of products and 60%

said good quality influence them to buy these brands.

20 15 10 5 0 proper advertisement easy availiability wide range of products price good quality other

15. What methods of advertising do you think are the most effective? 15. Method of advertisement more effective Magazine or Bill boards newspapers No. of 6 5 0 9 Radio TV ads

respondents (out of 20) % 30% 25% 0% 45%

Interpretation: newspapers are

30% most

respondents effective

suggested of



or 25%



suggested billboards and remaining 45% suggested TV ads are most effective.

20 15 10 5 0

magazines or newspapers



tv ads

Scale: 1=strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=neutral, 4=disagree, 5=strongly disagree 16. Distribution network of gul Ahmed is better than nishat?

9 14. Distribution network of gul ahmed is better than nishat 5 of 1 4 2 3 4 2 3 1 10


respondents (out of 20) % 5% 10% 20% 15% 50%

Interpretation: 5% respondents strongly disagree that distribution network of gul ahmed is better than nishat, 10% simple disagree, 20% people had neutral opinion, 15% agree with this and 50 respondents were strongly agree that gul ahmed distribution network is better than nishat.

20 15 10 5 0 1) strongly agree 2) agree 3) neutral 4) 5) disagree strongly disagree

17. Gul Ahmed offer better quality product than nishat?


Gul ahmed offer better quality products than nishat 5 of 0 4 2 3 4 2 9 1 5


respondents (out of 20) % 0% 10% 20% 45% 25%

Interpretation: Out of 20 respondents 10% respondents were disagree that gul Ahmed offer better quality products than nishat, 20% had neutral opinion, 45% agree and 25% respondents strongly agree with this.

20 15 10 5 0 1) strongly agree 2) agree 3) 4) 5) neutral disagree strongly disagree

18. Prints of gul Ahmed are better than nishat lawn?


Prints of Gul Ahmed better than Nishat 5 of 0 4 3 3 6 2 8 1 3


respondents (out of 20) % 0% 15% 30% 40% 15%

Interpretation: Out of 20 respondents 15% respondents disagreed that gul ahmed prints are better than nishat, 30% had neutral opinion, 40% agreed and 15% strongly agreed that gul ahmed prints are better than nishat.

20 15 10 5 0 1) strongly agree 2) agree 3) neutral 4) disagree 5) strongly disagree

19. Price of Gul Ahmed lawn is less than Nishat lawn?


Price of Gul Ahmed less than Nishat 5 of 5 4 2 3 6 2 3 1 4


respondents (out of 20) % 25% 10% 30% 15% 20%

Interpretation: Out of 20 respondents 25% strongly disagreed hat gul Ahmed price is less than nishat, 10% disagreed with this, 30% had neutral opinion, 15% respondents agreed with this and 20% strongly agreed that gul ahmed price is less than nishat.

20 15 10 5 0 1) strongly agree 2) agree 3) neutral 4) disagree 5) strongly disagree

20. Please mark your gender:

20. No.

gender Male of 5 female 15

respondents (out of 20) % 25% 75%

Interpretation: Out of 20 respondents 25% were male and 75% were female.

20 15 10 5 0



21. Encircle your age group: 21. No. Age group Above 15 of 0

15-25 13

25-35 7

Above 35 0

respondents (out of 20) % 0% 65% 35% 0%

I n t e r p r e t a t i o n : O u t o f 2 0 r e s p o n d e n t s 6 5 % r e s p o n d en t s w e r e 1 5 - 2 5 , and remaining 35% were 25-35.

20 15 10 5 0

above 15



above 35

22. Encircle your family monthly income:


Monthly income Less 10,000 than 10,000 to 20,000 20,000 to 30,000 More 30,000 5 5 10 than


of 0

respondents (out of 20) % 0% 25% 25% 50%

I n t e r p r e t a t i o n : o u t o f 2 0 r e s p o n d en t s 2 5 % h a d i n c o m e 1 0 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 0 0 , 25% had 25000-30000 and 50% had more than 30000.

20 15 10 5 0

less than 10000



more than 30000

23. Select the occupational class you belong to:


Occupational class Salaried Self employed 5 5 Student Other (please specify) 3


of 7

respondents (out of 20) % 35% 25% 25% 15%

Interpretation: 35% respondents were belonged salaried class, 25% were self employed, 25% were student and 15% were other like doctor, house wife, etc.

20 15 10 5 0


self employed



From the survey conducted the following findings can be concluded:

9 1. Out of 20 respondents 16 respondents said Yes that brand name influence their purchasing decision which comes to 80% and 4 respondents said No that is 20% of total. 2. Out of 20 respondents 15 respondents said Yes that product features influence their purchasing decision which comes to 75% and 5 respondents said No that is 25% of total. 3. Out of 20 respondents 20 people responded that they use branded cloth of Gul Ahmed which comes up to 100%. 4. 17 people response were in Yes that they use nishat lawn which comes to 85% of total and 3 respondents said NO which comes to 15% of total that does not use nishat lawn. 5. Out of 20 respondents 13 respondents said that they used to purchase lawn once in a month that is 65% of total,5 respondents said that they purchase 2 times in a month which comes to 25%, 2 respondents said 3 times in a month that is 10% of total and no 1 said more than 3 times. 6. Out of 20 people 4 said that at the time of purchase they see prints of cloth which comes to 20% of total, 3 respondents said they look price that is 15% of total, other 3 said that they look quality of cloth that is 15%, and remaining 10 said that they see all these things which comes to 50% of total. 7. Out of 20 people 11 said that they prefer lawn at discounted price which is 55%, 5 said on average that is 25% of total and 4 said on low price which is 20% of total Out of 20 respondents 16 said that they prefer brand of Gul Ahmed which comes to 80% of total and 4 said that they prefer Nishat brand that is 20% of total.

9 8. 16 respondents said that they prefer to buy Gul Ahmed lawn that is 80% and remaining 4 respondents prefer Nishat lawn which comes to 20% of total. 9. 12 respondents said that Gul Ahmed brand has wide range of variety that is 60% of total and 8 said that Nishat brand has more variety of brands which comes to 40% of total. 10. According to 14 respondents gul Ahmed outlets are easily located that is 70% of total and 6 respondents said that nishat outlets are easily located which comes to 30% 0f total. 11. Out of 20 respondents 8 respondents said that gul Ahmed customer service is better than nishat which comes to 40% and 12 said nishat offers better customer service that is 60% of total. 12. 10 respondents said they are satisfies with current price of both that are 50% respondents and remaining 50% said. 13. Out of 20, 14 respondents suggested that gul Ahmed advertisement attracts more that is 70% of total and 30% said nishat advertisement attracts more. 14. Out of 20 respondents 3 respondents said proper advertisement influence them that is 15%, other 3 said easy availability which comes to 15%, 10% said wide range of products and 60% said good quality influence them to buy these brands. 15. out of 20 respondents 6 suggested that magazine or newspapers are most effective method of advertisement that is 30% of total, 5 respondents suggested billboards which comes to 25% and remaining 9 suggested TV ads are most effective method of advertisement that is 45% of total..

9 16. 5% respondents strongly disagree that distribution network of gul ahmed is better than nishat, 10% simple disagree, 20% people had neutral opinion, 15% agree with this and 50 respondents were strongly agree that gul ahmed distribution network is better than nishat. 17. Out of 20 respondents 10% respondents were disagreed that gul Ahmed offer better quality products than nishat, 20% had neutral opinion, 45% were agreed and 25% respondents were strongly agreed with this. 18. Out of 20 respondents 15% respondents were disagreed that gul ahmed prints are better than nishat, 30% had neutral opinion, 40% were agreed and 15% were strongly agreed that gul ahmed prints are better than nishat. 19. Out of 20 respondents 25% were strongly disagreed hat gul Ahmed price is less than nishat, 10% were disagreed with this, 30% had neutral opinion, 15% respondents were agreed with this and 20% were strongly agreed that gul ahmed price is less than nishat. 20. Out of 20 respondents 5 were male that is 25% and 15 were female which comes to 75%. 21. Out of 20 respondents 13 had age 15-25 that are 65% and remaining 7 respondents had 25-35 age that is 25% of total. 22. Out of 20 respondents 25% had income 10000-20000, 25% had 25000-30000 and 50% had more than 30000. 23. out of 20 respondents 7 belonged to salaried class that is 35%, 5 belonged to self employed class that is 25% of total, 5 were student which comes to 25% and 3

9 respondents mentioned other profession like doctor, house wife, etc that is 15% of total.

Many people are crazy about the brands of the products that they purchase. People nowadays have very good knowledge about brands that are available for a particular product and also for different types of product. They gather enough information about different brands that are available for the product that they are willing to buy. This is relevant for the purchase of durable goods like mobile phone, television sets, washing machines etc. But in case of garment products, once the brand or the company gives good quality product the customers become loyal to that brand and make it a point to spread positive word of mouth about the particular brands product. In this sector some brands are so highly successful their brand name is the first to hit the customers mind while the purchase of that product. Brand popularity is applicable not only for products but also for services and entertainment Entertainment: By Entertainment I mean to say that people are now so much influenced by the brand that they also want to spend their leisure time under a Branded Roof. If a family is about to go for shopping definitely they would visit a renowned branded mall Shoppers Stop, Center One, R-Mall, Orbit Mall, Big Bazaar and many others which have created a good brand image. If friends are planning to go out for a movie, they would go to Multiplexes and Cine Plazas

9 which also provides them with the facility of shopping and also cafeterias where they have a good time with their friends. Services: Services have also become branded and popular amongst masses. Anything that girl needs to do to enhance her beauty she will first rush to branded outlets of the companies like Lakme, LOreal etc. People also avail banking services from market leaders like hbl, abl etc. Availing of transport services also happens through branded providers like Daewoo Itehad airline, PIA Airways. As being a management student it was a wonderful opportunity for me to work and research on a topic which interests me a lot. While working on this project I gained immense knowledge about branding which plays a very important role in the commercial world and also forms the base for commercial successes.

Working on this project was very much enriching, knowledgeable and tiring experience. Enriching and knowledgeable, because it gave me a lot of knowledge relating to how to go about with branding of a product. Not only about how to create a brand name for a product but it also taught me that once created a brand name how to maintain and continue with the quality and consistency of the product. Due to limited time and limited resources, the research is performed in small area. In spite of all these difficulties I was very successful in getting all the information about gul Ahmed and nishat group because of excellent website designed by them. Lastly I want to thank my professor and friends who helped and encouraged me to work on this project.

While working on the project I have gained almost complete knowledge about branding and reasons of customers brand loyalty. Therefore I would always support branding and even suggest the companies to opt for it. Because it is a process through which the product will be able to find a place in the minds of the people within this competitive world and also gain the loyalty of the customer if the product spells quality. But the company should make a very correct and appropriate decision so as to how branding is to be done i.e. the process of branding. The firm should use a brand

personality, brand image for the promotion of the brand. The choice of different elements used to create a brand identity such as color, owned name, slogans, and symbols etc. should be done correctly so that there are no misconceptions in the minds of the consumers to understand the use and capability of the product. Not only advertisements can also be promoted through prints on accessories, clothing bags etc, but here again the company will face limitations because it purely depends upon the designing. Gul ahmed should also start developing new process and technological break through for the betterment of the country textile industry and should provide a plate form for this purpose to the experts and the students as because the future of the country textile industry is very tough and competitive to survive. As the study shows that gul Ahmed is prefer over nishat lawn because quality price and prints are more attractive to customers than nishat .marketing strategies gul Ahmed or publicity is excellent. Promotion strategies gul Ahmed lawn is excellent they create new ideas of promotion.

9 This is easily available to you. Environment of outlet of gul Ahmed is more comfortable than nishat. Their catalogues are very attractive. Gul Ahmed should work on their customer service because respondents said that their service is just ok.

The purpose of this research is to investigate how the respondents are influenced by factors of brand loyalty towards garment brands of gul Ahmed and nishat. Brand loyalty is important for an organization to ensure that its product is kept in the minds of consumers and prevent them from switching to other brands. The research showed that it was not easy to obtain and maintain consumer loyalty for a companys product because there were many forces drawing consumers away such as competition, consumers thirst for variety, etc. From the analysis of this study, it was shown that there are six factors of brand loyalty that were appropriate in the Pakistans environment which are, the brand name, product quality, price, promotion, service quality and store environment. Brands are leveraged to differentiate and complement self-image, which means that brands can be used to construct ones identity and self concept. Consumers learn about brands through past experiences with the product and marketing strategies. Consumer experiences are driven by touch points such as television advertisements, billboards, physical store and other factors. Consistent communication and touch points are crucial in the luxury clothing brand space. Furthermore, consumers use history and experience to make purchasing decisions where some brands are concerned. These experiences influence attitudes and can augment consumer spending on brands.

9 Advertising plays a colossal role in terms of offering the consumer the reason to believe in the brand being promoted. It is a pivotal part of the process. Brand loyalty needs to be further investigated because it does bring in another dynamic in brand relationships. Some of those dynamics could not be fully explored because there was not any in-depth discussion around the role of brand loyalty in the premium brands consumption space. People choose brands emotionally; but they defend their choices rationally. Consumers use brands to play out a life-narrative to use in their lives. My research consisted on while people brand loyal towards gul Ahmed or nishat lawn and what are the main reasons of people brand loyalty. Both gul Ahmed and nishat mills are one of the leading textile mills in Pakistan. Mostly people said gul Ahmed better than nishat and in some area people prefer nishat on gul Ahmed but overall more people are brand loyal toward gul Ahmed lawn due to easy availability, wide range of products, due to their prints, quality, price and many other factors. People mostly prefer lawn at average prices. Respondents like gul Ahmed prints. Gul Ahmed spends a lot on marketing or advertisement of their product which attracts people to buy gul Ahmed lawn. Gul Ahmed lawn is different and every season they launch their new product or prints. Gul Ahmed and nishat both qualities are good but over all customer service of nishat is better.


9 1. Principles of Marketing By Philip kotler & Gary Armstrong

2. International Journal of Economics and Management

3. Websites:

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