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THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Power Networks Example sheet No.

2: Per Unit Networks and Fault Current Levels. 2.1 Three 3 phase, 11 kV alternators rated at 30, 20 and 20 MVA with corresponding reactances 0.1, 0.1 and 0.2 p.u. are joined to individual busbars A, B, and C respectively. Three 20 MVA reactors each of 0.2 p.u. join pairs of busbars. Busbar C is joined to a step-up transformer of 60 MVA rating and 0.1 p.u. reactance. A 3 phase symmetrical fault occurs on the h.v. terminals of the transformer. Calculate the fault MVA and the voltage at C during the fault. [173 MVA, 3.168 kV (line)] 2.2 A 3 phase system is illustrated in figure Q2. Taking a base MVA of 100 MVA, calculate the per unit impedances. A symmetrical fault occurs on the 6.6 kV busbar. Find: (a) (b) The fault current in both per unit quantities and amperes The potential of the 33 kV busbar (P) during the fault in both per unit quantities and volts.

[0.71 p.u., 6210 A, 0.864 p.u., 28.5 kV (line)] 2.3 A generator of 80 MVA (Xg = 0.16 p.u.) feeds an 11 kV busbar A which is connected via a 100 MVA transformer (Xt = 0.08 p.u.) and a line of 1.1 /phase reactance to a 33 kV busbar C. Another generator of 60 MVA (Xg = 0.06 p.u.) feeds an 11 kV busbar B which is connected to C via a 30 MVA (Xt = 0.05 p.u.) transformer and a similar line. Busbars A and B are interconnected via an 80 MVA (Xr = 0.04 p.u.) reactor. i) ii) iii) Find the short-circuit current and MVA due to a 3 phase fault at busbar C What are the voltages at busbars A and B? What is the current in the reactor connecting A and B during the fault.

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