Predicting Breath Groups 2

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Un|vers|dad Uc|nf

Lngllsh edagogy
oqllsb lbooetlcs ooJ lboooloqy. 5opto-seqmeotols, 5ecooJ 1etm 2012

The Phantom of the Opera Lyrics (5): Recognizing Breath Groups
8elow are Lhe lyrlcs of Lhls classlc movle and opera. l recommend you Lhen Lo follow Lhe vldeo
wlLh Lhls sheeL Lo see how Lhe slnger produces speech whlle breaLhlng ln and how Lhey pause
ln order Lo breaLhe ln, for laLer Lo conLlnue slnglng. noLlce Lhe spaces ln beLween each
ln sleep he sang Lo me
ln dreams he came
1haL volce whlch calls Lo me
And speaks my name
And do l dream agaln?
lor now l flnd
1he hanLom of Lhe Cpera ls Lhere
lnslde my mlnd
Slng once agaln wlLh me
Cur sLrange dueL
My power over you
Crows sLronger yeL
And Lhough you Lurn from me
1o glance behlnd
1he hanLom of Lhe Cpera ls Lhere
lnslde your mlnd
1hose who have seen your face
uraw back ln fear
l am Lhe mask you wear
lL's me Lhey hear
My splrlL and my volce
ln one comblned
1he hanLom of Lhe Cpera ls Lhere
lnslde my mlnd
8eware of Lhe hanLom of Lhe Cpera
ls LhaL Lhe hanLom of Lhe Cpera?
Slng, my angel
Slng for me
Slng, my angel
Slng for me

Predicting the Locations of Breath Groups (5)

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