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Stephen Wilson

4403 Bellaire #223

Fort Worth, TX 76109
(817) 229-5518
Blog: thewilsonsyounglife.weebly.com
Ways to Give
Give Online:
6o ro glvlng.youngllfe.org.
Search by A oung Llfe Area Mlnlsrry.
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number JJJ.
Young Life is committed to financial stewardship
and accountability.
What it Takes
Fort Worth
Young Life
Stephen Wilson
Reaching a World of Kids
Young Life is following a movement of the Holy Spirit to impact a world
of kids. By 2016, Young Life will double its reach, equipping 80,000 leaders
in 8,000 ministry areas to meet two million kids every year all for the
purpose of introducing them to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their
faith. Young Life was made for them.
Giving Plan
Monthly Gifts
# of Partners Amount Annual Total
1 $200/Mo. $ 2,400
2 $100/Mo. $ 2,400
5 $50/Mo. $ 3,000
8 $25/Mo. $ 2,400
10 $15/Mo. $ 1,800
TOTAL: $ 12,000
EPHESIANS 3:20 FUND: $ 10,000
GRAND TOTAL: $ 22,000
2012-2013 Operating Budget
Breakdown of Budget:
Sra Salary and 8eners $ 34,92
Program Lxpenses $ 3,S
1ralnlng $ J,2
Lpheslans 3:2 lund $ J,
Total $ 49,620
Personal checks may be made payable
to Young Life and sent to the
address below.
I nt r o d uc i ng a d o l e s c e nt s t o J e s us a nd he l p i ng t he m g r o w i n t he i r f a i t h.
What is Young Life?
Contact Work
Because kids dont care how much you know until they
know how much you care, oung Llfe leaders show rhey
care by going where kids are, meeting them as they are,
and bellevlng ln who rhey can be. Wlrhln oung Llfe
we call the persistent going out into the world of kids
conracr work. 8ur klds |usr call lr frlendshlp.
Klds conslsrenrly rell us rhar oung Llfe camp ls rhe
besr week of rhelr llves. Row else would you descrlbe a
week where deep relationships are forged in the midst
of mlnd-boggllng fun and you hear rhe grearesr love
srory ever rold?
We llke ro rhlnk of club as a parry wlrh a purpose.
Its controlled chaos thats almost impossible to
descrlbe, bur klds know lr when rhey see lr. And
before the party ends, we share a simple message
abour 6ods love for rhem. Afrer all, rhars whar rhe
celebration is all about.
l came ro know [esus Chrlsr ar a young age and have been conrlnually
blessed by rhe frlends and famlly whom rhe Lord has placed ln my llfe
ro draw me closer ro Rlm. 1hroughour hlgh school l became very lnvolved ln my churchs yourh
mlnlsrry, where l began ro learn a lor abour 6od and all rhar Re has done for me. l arrended
college ar 1exas A6M 0nlverslry, and soon rhls knowledge abour 6od rurned lnro a relarlonshlp
wlrh Rlm rhrough servlce ln oung Llfe and rhe lnuence of brorhers ln Chrlsr who were placed
around me. When l look back on whar 6od has done ln my llfe, all l can rhlnk abour ls blesslngs
and grace. l belleve rhar Re has blessed me so rhar l may bless orhers. l know rhar 6od has
glven me so much, and l wanr ro be able ro serve Rlm and glve back. My wlfe, Calee, and l have
always felr called ro mlnlsrry afrer college, and recenrly 6od has revealed ro us rhar our mlsslon
eld ls here ln oung Llfe. l know rhar 6od has blessed borh Calee and me so much, and Re has
prepared us for rhls rlme ro go our and serve Rlm wlrh all rhar we have.
My favorlre verse has always been J Corlnrhlans 2:2: lor l resolved ro know norhlng whlle l was
wlrh you excepr [esus Chrlsr and Rlm crucled. 1hls ls how l wanr ro llve. l have been saved by
[esus Chrlsr, and l wanr share rhar glfr wlrh everyone. l wanr every acrlon l rake ro be our of a
response ro whar Chrlsr has done for me. 1o Rlm be all rhe glory!
Campaigners is a weekly gathering for kids who wish
to learn more or grow in their faith through study,
servlce and leadershlp. Were wlrh klds for rhe long
haul ro help rhem rake rhe rsr sreps of falrh wlrh
uncondlrlonal love. Along rhe way, we encourage klds
to celebrate their faith through participation in a local
church congregation.
My Calling ...
Whom shall I send?
Who will go for us?
And I said, Here am I.
Send me! Isaiah 6:8
DEEP: I am going to take
rhe currenr mlnlsrry ar SRS
deep by May of 2J3. (J+
kids coming to club, 25
kids in Campaigners, and
30 kids going to summer
camp 2013.)
WIDE: I am going to
rake oung Llfe wlde by
launching a new club at
SCS ln rhe fall of 2J2.
LONG: By fall of 2013, we
wlll have oung Llfe ar
Sourh Rllls Rlgh School.
Three-Year Goals ...
1o bulld meanlngful relarlonshlps wlrh hlgh-
school students in order to share Jesus with them.
1o rraln, gulde, and culrlvare 1C0 srudenrs
into leaders.
1o bulld relarlonshlps wlrh churches,
businesses, and people in the community to
further the kingdom.
1o creare an envlronmenr for rhe Roly Splrlr
to work.
1o conrlnue sreadfasrly ln prayer, belng warchful
ln lr wlrh rhanksglvlng. Ar rhe same rlme, pray
also for us, rhar 6od may open ro us a door for rhe
word, ro declare rhe mysrery of Chrlsr
Colossians 4:2-3
Vision ...
I am going to be managing
the implementation and
growrh of oung Llfe ln
Sourhwesr lorr Worrh.
Srarrlng ln rhe fall of
2J2, l wlll be overlooklng
rwo schools: Sourhwesr
Rlgh School and
Sourhwesr Chrlsrlan. l wlll
be doing direct ministry
ar SRS, bur leadlng rhe
volunreers ar SCS also.
Local Ministry ...
Southwest Christian

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