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WCDMA RBS Commissioning Table of Contents

Connect to RBS Using Laptop....................................................................................................2 Copy Operational RBS Image to Laptop.....................................................................................3 Format C2 and D drives and enter IP address in the RBS..........................................................4 Set RBS Password.....................................................................................................................7 Perform Initial Software Load......................................................................................................9 Upgrade System Software........................................................................................................11 Cabinet and Equipment Configuration......................................................................................17 OAM Access Configuration Script.............................................................................................22 Site Equipment Configuration Script.........................................................................................30 Site Complete Configuration Scripts.........................................................................................37 Create Site Complete Configuration Version (CV)....................................................................40

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Connect to RBS Using Laptop

Connect to RBS

Use the following steps to connect your laptop to the RBS. Step 1 2 3 Action
Connect the Laptop to the RBS using the RS-232 port and LAN cable. Launch HyperTerm and connect to RBS. Enter ifconfig to display the RBS IP information.

4 5

Record the RBS IP address and Subnet Mask. Open the TCP/IP properties for the laptop LAN port and:

Set the IP address to 1 higher than the RBS address. Set the subnet mask to the subnet mask in the RBS.
Set the default gateway to the RBS IP address value

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Copy Operational RBS Image to Laptop

Copy RBS Ima ge to Lapt op

Step 1

Use WS_FTP Pro to copy the image from the RBS to a new directory on the laptop.

Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Action Create a new folder under the root directory of the laptop. Stop Symantec if it is loaded and running on the laptop. Launch WS_FTP Pro. Set the left window (local) to the newly created directory on the laptop. Enter the node ip address in the IP address field. Enter the UserID and Password in their respective fields and click Go. Set the right window (remote) to show the C and D drives in the window. Copy the C and D drives from the node to the laptop (right to leftDownload arrow). Rename the C drive to C2.

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Format C2 and D drives and enter IP address in the RBS

Format C and D Driv es

Use the following steps to format the C and D drives and enter the IP address in the RBS. Step 1 2 Action Shut off the fan circuit breakers (CB1 and CB2). In the HyperTerm window, type reload -- to put the RBS into the Backup mode.

Type formathd /d to format the D drive. Danger: Do not type format or the CBU card will be toast and must be sent to Ericsson for repair.

Continued on next page

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Format C2 and D drives and enter IP address in the RBS,


Format C and D Driv es, conti nued

Type formathd /c2 to format the C drive. Danger: Do not type format or the CBU card will be toast and must be sent to Ericsson for repair.

Type reload -- to put the RBS into the Backup mode again.

Continued on next page

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Format C2 and D drives and enter IP address in the RBS,


Format C and D Driv es, conti nued

Step 6

Action Type ifconfig le0 <rbs ip addr> netmask <rbs subnet mask>.

Type ifconfig to verify the RBS IP configuration.

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Set RBS Password

Set Password

Use the following steps to set the RBS password. Step 1 2 3 Action Type passwd Type rbs (wont show on screen). Type rbs (wont show on screen).

Type reload to activate the RBS password and IP configuration.

Continued on next page

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Set RBS Password, Continued

Set Password, conti nued

Step 5

Action Type reload -- to put the RBS into the Backup mode.

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Perform Initial Software Load

Initial Soft ware Loa d

Use the following steps to perform the initial software load. Step 1 2 3 4 Action Stop Symantec if it is loaded and running on the laptop. Launch WS_FTP Pro. If needed, enter the RBS IP address, ID, and password. Click Go Set the left window (local) to the basic package being loaded so the C2 and D drives are visible.
(class cd\!asp_scripts_packages\basic\CXP901250%1_R1C\hard disk)

5 6 7

Set the right (remote) window to the root of the RBS Select the C2 and D drives in the left (local) window Copy the C2 and D drives from the laptop to the RBS. (left to rightUpload arrow)

Wait for the upload to complete successfully

Continued on next page

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Perform Initial Software Load, Continued

Initial Soft ware Loa d, conti nued

Step 8

Action Type reload and wait for it to complete (up to 4 minutes). When completed, the CBU LED will be steady green and the system will display security properties not found using defaults in the HyperTerm window.

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Upgrade System Software

Upgrade Syst em Soft ware

Use the following steps to upgrade the system software. Step 1 2 Action Launch the Cesar FTP server. Click the Little man icon on the toolbar.

Click the appropriate entry in the users & groups list. Create a new entry if needed.

4 5 6

Enter anonymous in the login field. Click the Anonymous Access button. Click the File Access Rights button.
Continued on next page

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Upgrade System Software, Continued

Upgrade Syst em Soft ware , conti nued

Step 7

Action In the Cesar FTP browser window (upper left) navigate to the directory containing the upgrade software and drag the directory to the lower window and click OK on user group window.

Launch the Firefox browser and enter the Element Manager address in the address bar (http://<node ip addr>/em/index.html).

Continued on next page

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Upgrade System Software, Continued

Upgrade Syst em Soft ware , conti nued

Step 9

Action After Element Manager launches, use the drop-down list to go to the Software view.

10 11 12 13

Click + (the plus sign) to expand SWManagement. Right click Upgrade Packages. Click Create. Fill in the name of the upgrade package using the folder with the aue, java, and xml files (use the complete path on the laptop). Precede to the path with ./ and copy the path and file name from the laptop and paste it in the field.

14 15

Enter the laptop IP address in the FTP Server Address field and the upgrade package name in the user label field (ex. UP_CXP9012073). Click Create Package and wait for the transfer to complete successfully.
Continued on next page

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Upgrade System Software, Continued

Upgrade Syst em Soft ware , conti nued

Step 16

Action Click Install Package.


Click Full Install and wait for the installation to complete successfully (at this point youre done with Cesar).

Continued on next page

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Upgrade System Software, Continued

Upgrade Syst em Soft ware , conti nued

Step 18

Action After the installation completes successfully click Upgrade Node.


Click Hard Upgrade.

Continued on next page

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Upgrade System Software, Continued

Upgrade System Software, continued (continued)

Step 20

Action Monitor the upgrade progress with the window maximized and wait for successful completion. Step 1 Action The system will reset twice. You may see an error message warning of a different version of Element Manager if you are upgrading from P5 to P6.

2 3 4 5 6

If this happens, close EM and Firefox and launch the newer Element Manager from your desktop. Reconnect to the RBS with Element Manager. Open Software view. Expand SWManagement. Select Upgrade Packages. Right-click the update package and select Confirm Upgrade. Click Yes to confirm the confirmation.

You may have to change views and go back to confirm the upgrade.

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Cabinet and Equipment Configuration

Equipment Conf igur atio n

Use the following steps to configure the cabinet and equipment. Step 1 Action In Element Manager click Configuration and select Cabinet Equipment.

Click Next.

Continued on next page

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Cabinet and Equipment Configuration, Continued

Equipment Conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 3

Action Click Next. The system will auto-detect the cabinet equipment.

Click Next.

Continued on next page

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Cabinet and Equipment Configuration, Continued

Equipment Conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 5

Action For each sector to be activated, select the appropriate building block code from the drop-down list. Use RB1 in the lab system and then click Next when all of the required fields are populated.

Click Next.

Continued on next page

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Cabinet and Equipment Configuration, Continued

Equipment Conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 7

Action Click Next.

Enter the node IP address and Subnet mask and then click Next.

Continued on next page

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Cabinet and Equipment Configuration, Continued

Equipment Conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 9

Action Click Finish and click Yes to confirm. Verify successful completion.

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OAM Access Configuration Script

OAM conf igur atio n

Use the following steps to run the O&M Access script. Step 1 2 Action Restart Element Manager. Click Configuration and select OAM Access.

Click Next.

Continued on next page

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OAM Access Configuration Script, Continued

Step 4

Action Click to check Use Configuration File.

5 6

Click the Browse button. Navigate to class cd\!asp_scripts_packages and select the xxxx_OAM_Access.xml file and click Open.

OAM Access Configuration Script, Continued

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OAM conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 7

Action Verify that the Wizard button is selected and click Next.

Click Next.

Continued on next page

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OAM Access Configuration Script, Continued

OAM conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 9

Action Click Next.


Click Next.

Continued on next page

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OAM Access Configuration Script, Continued

OAM conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 11

Action Click Next.


Click Next.

Continued on next page

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OAM Access Configuration Script, Continued

OAM conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 13

Action Click Next.


Click Next.

Continued on next page

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OAM Access Configuration Script, Continued

OAM conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 15

Action Click Next.


Click Next.

Continued on next page

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OAM Access Configuration Script, Continued

OAM conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 17

Action Click Finish and verify the successful completion.


Click OK.

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Site Equipment Configuration Script

Site equi pme nt conf igur atio n

Use the following steps to run the site equipment configuration script. Step 1 Action Click Configuration and select Site Equipment.

Click Next.

Continued on next page

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Site Equipment Configuration Script, Continued

Site equi pme nt conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 3

Action Click to check Use Configuration File.

4 5 6 7

Click the Browse button. Navigate to class cd\!asp_scripts_packages and select the xxxx_external_HW.xml file. Click Open and verify that the Wizard button is selected and click Next. Click Next.

Continued on next page

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Site Equipment Configuration Script, Continued

Site equi pme nt conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 8

Action Click Next.

Click Next.

Continued on next page

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Site Equipment Configuration Script, Continued

Site equi pme nt conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 10

Action Click Next.


Click Next.

Continued on next page

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Site Equipment Configuration Script, Continued

Site equi pme nt conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 12

Action Click Next.


Click Next.

Continued on next page

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Site Equipment Configuration Script, Continued

Site equi pme nt conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 14

Action Click Next.


Click Next.

Continued on next page

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Site Equipment Configuration Script, Continued

Site equi pme nt conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 16

Action Click Finish and verify the successful completion.


Click OK.

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Site Complete Configuration Scripts

Site Complete Conf igur atio n

Use the following steps to run the site complete configuration script. Step 1 Action Click Configuration and select Run Command File.

Click the Browse button.

Continued on next page

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Site Complete Configuration Scripts, Continued

Site Complete Conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 3 4 5

Action Navigate to class cd\!asp_scripts_packages and click the xxxx_RBS_Site file. Click Open. Click to check Halt on Errors and Verbose Logging.

6 7

Verify that Client is selected. Click Start.

Continued on next page

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Site Complete Configuration Scripts, Continued

Site Complete Conf igur atio n, conti nued

Step 8

Action Wait for Configuration succeeded or a fault message.

Click Close.

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Create Site Complete Configuration Version (CV)

Create Site Com plet e CV

Use the following steps to create the site complete configuration version (CV). Step 1 2 Action In Element Manager select the Software view. Expand SWManagement.

3 4

Right click Configuration Version and select Create. In the Name field enter SC_CXP9012073_1_R6A_2 (Use a name that matches your software version if different from the example in this step).

Click Create.
Continued on next page

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Create Site Complete Configuration Version (CV), Continued

Create Site Com plet e CV, conti nued

Step 6

Action Right-click the CV that was just created and select Set Startable.

Right-click the same CV and select Reload with this CV.

Continued on next page

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Create Site Complete Configuration Version (CV), Continued

Create Site Com plet e CV, conti nued

Step 8

Action Select Restart Warm and then click the Restart button. Wait for the restart to complete and Element Manager to reload.

Verify that the CV is Startable and running (purple icon displays).

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