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Dylan John Mazziotti

SS205: Sociology, Week 08 Assignment Current Event: Religion Assignment

With this year being an election year, and a religiously charged one at that, this weeks choice for a current event was kinda easy. I have chosen to discuss an article on Mitt Romneys (a mormon) choice of Paul Ryan (a catholic) as the vice presidential selection for the Republican Presidential ticket. According to the article, its the first time a major party ticket hasnt had a Protestant Christian on it. Major political history was made.

One way to look at this selection is an act of Social Solidarity. The Mormons and catholics have many shared values and perspectives. These and other factors can give a feeling of community between these two groups. Religions general have a set of guidelines to everyday life, which in turn puts limits on their lives. These limits are a guideline to its specific to its members. Many of these guidelines are laws in most states, like murder and stealing. Religion can be perceived as a form of Social Control. Both of these religions have been instrumental in changing and developing laws that are in line with their teachings and beliefs.

In closing, politics and religion have always worked hand in hand in someway. This isnt always for the best. That being said, it is promising to see different religions working together in a way that has been seen before. It will be interesting to see who develops.

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