Labour&Tory Together: Ask Why?

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Labour&Tory Together


Why did Scottish Labour in 1999 secretly annex 6000 square miles of Scottish territory to England?
Scottish Labour & Scottish Tories made sure that most Scots have never heard of this annexation rushing it through as a poorly debated motion in London The Scottish media is also complicit in not informing Scots of this significant loss of territory from Scotland to England Why do Scottish Labour & Scottish Tories think annexing our seas to England is in Scotlands benefit?

Boundaries Act
Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order passed in 1999 to annex 6000sq miles of Scottish Territory Supposedly was done for benefit of Scottish fishing, but there was no consultation with the Scottish fishing industry No advice was sought from international body, which adjudicates boundaries, namely the International Court of Justice

Why should anybody govern Scotland other than the Scottish people?

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