Shaabaan The Month of The Prophet

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The Month of

My Prophet
This booklet was written by Shaykh-e-Tariqat Amr-e-Ale-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami Allma Mauln Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi in Urdu. The Translation Majlis has translated this booklet into English. If you find any mistake in the translation or composing, please inform Translation Majlis on the following postal or email address with the intention of earning reward [awb].

Translation Majlis (Dawat-e-Islami) Alami Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madina, Mahalla Saudagran, Old Sabzi Mandi, Baab-ul-Madina, Karachi, Pakistan Contact #: +92-21-34921389 to 91

UK: 80-82 Bordesley Green Road, Birmingham, B9 4TA. Contact #: 07989996380 - 07867860092 Email: USA: Faizan-e-Madina, P. O. Box 36216, Houston, Tx 77274. Contact #: +713-459-1581, 832-618-5101 INDIA: 19/20 Muhammad Ali Road, Opposite Mandvi Post Office Mumbai - 400 003. Contact #: +91-022-23454429 BANGLADESH: K.M Bhovan, 1st Floor, 11, Andar Killa Chittagong. HONG KONG: Faizan-e-Madina, M/F-75, Ho Pui Street, Tsuen Wan N.T. Contact #: +85-98750884 31451557 SOUTH AFRICA: 61A, Mint Road, Fordsburg, Johannesburg. Contact #: 011-838 9099 KENYA: Kanz-ul-Iman, Near Al-Farooq Hospital, Tonoka Area Mvita, Mombasa. Contact #: +254-721-521916 TORONTO CANADA: 1060 Britannia Road Unit 20, 21 Mississauga ONT Canada. Contact #: +141-664-82261 MOZAMBIQUE: Mesquita Faizan-e-Madina Rua Alfredo Lawley, Esturro, Beira. Contact #: 00258-848554888 - 00258-822808580

Dua for Reading the Book

ead the following Du (supplication) before studying a religious book or Islamic lesson, , you will remember whatever you study:

Y Allah !Open the portal of knowledge and wisdom for us, and have mercy on us! O the One who is the most honourable and glorious!

(Al-Mustaraf, vol. 1, pp. 40)

Note: Recite alt-Alan-Nab once before and after the Du.

Transliteration Chart
A/a A/a B/b P/p T/t / / J/j Ch / Kh/kh D/d / / R/r / Z/z X/x S/s Sh/sh / / / / Gh/gh F/f Q/q K/k G/g L/l M/m N/n V/v, W/w / Y/y Y/y A/a U/u I/i / / /

Table of Contents
The Month of My Prophet
Eminence of the Devoted Recitor of alt-o-Salm ......................... 1 The Month of My Prophet Secrets of the 5 Letters of

....................................................... 2 [Shabn] ........................................ 3

............................. 3

Fervour of the Prophets Companions

Conduct of the Muslims Nowadays ................................................ 4 Ideal Month for Observing Nafl Fasts............................................. 5 People are Neglectful to it ............................................................... 5 Names of Those Who will Pass Away ............................................. 6 Prophet Used to Fast in Shabn Abundantly ............................ 6

Explanation of the ad ................................................................ 6 Promotion of Fasts by Dawat-e-Islami ............................................ 7 Observing Fasts in Most of the Days of Shabn is Sunnah ............. 8 Holy Nights ................................................................................... 8 Critical Decisions ........................................................................... 9 Blessings for the Sinners but... ...................................................... 10
The Supplication of Sayyidun Dwd 11 ............................ 

The Deprived People .................................................................... 12


The Month of My Prophet

A Letter of Imm-e-Al-e-Sunnat Towards All Muslims ............... 13 Fast on the 15th of Shabn ........................................................... 15 A Rewarding Opportunity ............................................................ 16 The Green Slip of Paper ............................................................... 16 Six Nawfil after alt-ul-Maghrib................................................ 17 Du for Mid-Shabn................................................................... 18 Some Madan Requests by Sag-e-Madna.................................... 20 Security from Evil Spell/Black Magic Throughout the Year .......... 21 Shab-e-Bar-at and Visiting the Graves ......................................... 21 Who Invented Fireworks? ............................................................. 22 The Prevalent Fireworks Related to Shab-e-Bar-at are Harm ..... 23 The Permissible Form of Fireworks .............................................. 24 1. Inspiring Ijtim of Shab-e-Bar-at ............................................ 25 2. Crazy for Films ......................................................................... 26 11 Madan Pearls Regarding Visit to the Graveyard ...................... 28


The Month of

My Prophet *
Eminence of the Devoted Recitor of alt-o-Salm
Once Shaykh Ab Bakr Shibl came to visit Shaykh , a prominent Scholar of Ab Bakr bin Mujid Baghdad. Shaykh Ab Bakr bin Mujid stood up instantly, embraced him, kissed his forehead and made him sit by his side. The attendees asked Shaykh Ab Bakr bin Mujid humbly, Until now, you and the people of Baghdad had been calling him an insane, and today you are paying so much respect unto him! Shaykh Ab Bakr bin Mujid replied, I havent paid him respect without any basis. Last night, I dreamt a faith reviving scene that Shaykh Ab Bakr Shibl
This speech was delivered by Amr-e-Al-e-Sunnat at Madan Markaz, Bb-ul-Madna Karachi during the Sunna-Inspiring Weekly Ijtim [congregation] of Dawat-e-Islami, the global, non-political movement for propagation of Quran and Sunna, on 25th of Rajab-ul-Murajjab, 1431 A.H. (08/07/2010). It is being published after required amendments. [Majlis Maktaba-tul-Madna]

The Month of My Prophet

came in the blessed court of the Holy Prophet . The Sultan of both the worlds, the Most Kind among the mankind, the Holy Prophet stood up and embraced him; and after kissing his forehead, made Ab Bakr bin Shibl sit by his blessed side. I humbly asked, Y Raslall , the reason of so much affection towards Shibl? The Beloved and Blessed Rasl said (revealing the Ghayb [hidden]), After every al, he recites this verse

(Part 11, Sra Tauba, verse 128)

and then invokes alt upon me. (Al-Qaul-ul-Bad , p. 346)

The Month of My Prophet

Allahs Noblest Rasl stated as regards to the holy month of Shabn, Shabn is my month and Ramadan is the month of Allah ( .Al-Jmi-u-aghr, pp. 301, ad 4889)

The Month of My Prophet

Secrets of the 5 Letters of


What a great honour the month of Shabn-ulMuaam bears. Above all, this is more than enough to demonstrate its excellence that our Beloved and Blessed Prophet declared it as My month. There are five Arabic letters in the word

: , , , and .

His Saintly Highness Sayyidun Ghau-ul-Aam has explained these five alphabets of Shabn as: Stands for Sharaf (Nobility), for Ulww (Ascension), for Birr (Kindness and Benevolence), for Ulfat (Affection) and for Nr (light); so these are the virtues with which Allah bestows His servants in this blessed month. In this month, vistas for good deeds are opened, blessings are showered, wrongdoings are forgiven, expiation is paid for sins and alt is invoked extensively upon the Beloved Prophet , and this is the month of sending alt upon the Most Exalted Prophet ( . Ghunya-tu-libn,
pp. 341-342, vol. 1)

Fervour of the Prophets Companions

Sayyidun Anas bin Malik has stated, Upon the very sight of the moon of Shabn, the Companions would hold their attention towards recitation of the Holy Quran,

The Month of My Prophet

pay the Zak of their wealth so that the weak and the poor could also make arrangement for the fasting of the month of Ramadan. The governors would summon the prisoners to carry out the sentence on convicted and would set those free whom they consider justified otherwise. Traders would pay back their debts and collect their dues. (In this way, they would get themselves relieved [from liabilities] before the appearance of the moon of Ramadan) and upon the very sight of the moon of Ramadan, they (some of them) would observe Itikf1 having performed Ghusl (Ritual Bath). (Ghunya-tu-libn, pp. 341, vol. 1)

Conduct of the Muslims Nowadays

How enthusiastic and zealous those Muslims of earlier times were in worshiping Allah !But sadly the present day Muslims are interested mostly in hoarding wealth. The earlier Muslims who had a Madan-mindset would spend their time worshipping extensively on holy occasions so as to seek the closeness of Allah . Nowadays Muslims spend these blessed days especially the month of Ramadan, scheming new ways for coining the loathsome wealth of this world. Allah ,the Compassionate increases the reward of good deeds excessively in these months but unfortunately the traders increase the prices of their goods particularly in the blessed month of Ramadan in order to exploit

Ritual Seclusion in Masjid etc.

The Month of My Prophet

their own Islamic brothers. Regretfully it seems as if the spirit of Islamic brotherhood is declining.

Ideal Month for Observing Nafl Fasts

The Prophet of mankind, the Peace of our heart and mind, the Most Generous and Kind would like observing fasts abundantly in the month of Shabn. Sayyidun Abdull bin Ab Qas has reported that he heard the Mother of Believers Sayyidatun isha iddqa saying, Shabn-ul-Muaam was the favourite month of my Sovereign as he used to fast in this month and then extend it up to Ramadan-ul-Mubrak. (Sunan Ab Dwd, pp. 476, vol. 2,
ad 2431)

People are Neglectful to it

Sayyidun Usma bin Zad said, I asked Y , I see that you observe fasts more Raslall (extensively) in the month of Shabn than any other month. The Holy Prophet replied, It is a month between Rajab and Ramadan; people are neglectful to it. In this month, the deeds of people are ascended towards Allah and I love that my deeds be ascended in a state when I am observing fast. (Sunan Nas, pp. 387, ad 2354)

The Month of My Prophet

Names of Those Who will Pass Away

Sayyidatun isha iddqa said, The Blessed Rasl, the Sultan of Mankind, the Knower of the Unseen, the Beloved of Allah used to observe fasts on all further said, I asked, Y the days of Shabn. She Raslall ! Is Shabn your favourite month for observing fasts? The Beloved Prophet inscribes the name of every person destined replied, Allah to die in that year and I love that at the time of my passing away I am in the state of fasting. (Musnad Ab Yal, pp. 277, vol. 4,
ad 4890)


Used to Fast in Shabn Abundantly

It is mentioned in a Bukhr: Sayyidatun isha iddqa said that the Beloved of Allah would not fast so abundantly in any other month as he would in Shabn, rather he used to fast the whole month and would say, Act according to your capability as Allah does not cease His blessings until you become exhausted. (a Bukhr,
pp. 648, vol. 1, ad 1970)

Explanation of the ad
The explainer of a Bukhr, Allma Muft Sharf-ul-aq Amjad has elaborated this ad as under: It means that he used to observe fasts in most of the days of Shabn

The Month of My Prophet

and it was referred as the whole (i.e. the fasts of whole month). It is usually said, Such and such person worshipped the whole night; although he would have spent time in eating and answering his needs. In such cases, mostly is referred as wholly. He further stated: From this ad we learn that one bearing capability should observe fasts extensively. However, the one who is weak should not fast as it may affect his capability to fast in the month of Ramadan adversely. Same objective has been predicated in those Aadi in which it was stated, Do not fast after the first half of Shabn. (Sunan-ut-Tirmi, ad 738) (Nuza-tul-Qr, pp. 377-380, vol. 3)

Promotion of Fasts by Dawat-e-Islami

It is stated on page 1379 of Faizn-e-Sunnat, comprising of 1548 pages, published by Maktaba-tul-Madna, the publishing organ of Dawat-e-Islami: ujjat-ul-Islam Imm Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad Ghazl has stated, In the above mentioned blessed ad, fasting the whole month of Shabn means to fast for the most of the days of Shabn (i.e. to observe fasts in more than half of the days of Shabn). (Mukshafa-tul-Qulb, p. 303) If someone intends to fast for the whole month of Shabn-ul Muaam there is no prohibition. Several Islamic brothers and sisters of Dawat-e-Islami, the global non-political movement for propagation of Quran & Sunna, observe fasts

The Month of My Prophet

profusely in the holy months of Rajab-ul-Murajjab & Shabnul-Muaam. By fasting incessantly they embrace the blessings of the holy month of Ramadan-ul-Mubrak.

Observing Fasts in Most of the Days of Shabn is Sunna

The Mother of the believers, Sayyidatun isha iddqa has reported: I never saw the Beloved and Blessed Prophet observing fasts so extensively in a month as in the month of Shabn. Leaving a few days, he used to fast the whole of the month. (Sunan-ut-Tirmi, pp. 182, vol. 2,
ad 736)

Tayr Sunnaton pay chal kay mayr r jab nikal kar Chalay tum galay lagn Madan Madnay wlay

Holy Nights
The Mother of Believers Sayyidatun isha iddqa saying, Allah stated: I heard the Holy Prophet opens the portals of Mercy in four nights (especially): 1. 2. Night of Ed-ul-A Night of Ed-ul-Fir

The Month of My Prophet


Fifteenth night of Shabn as in this night the names of those destined to die that year, provision of sustenance of people and the names of those who shall perform Hajj (that year) are inscribed. Night of Arafa (the night between the 8th and 9th of ul-ijja) until the An (of Fajr). (Ad-Dur-rul-Manr , pp.
402, vol. 7)


Critical Decisions
Dear Islamic brothers! How critical the 15th night of Shabn-ulMuaam is! No one knows what will be predestined for him. Sometimes, a person is heedlessly busy in his activities while mishaps are destined for him. It is stated in Ghunya-tu-libn, The shrouds of many people are washed and prepared but they are busy wandering around in the markets. There are many people whose graves have been dug and ready but they are busy enjoying themselves. A number of people are busy laughing although the final moment of their death is approaching. The construction of many houses is about to complete but at the same time the lifetime of their owners is also about to complete.
(Ghunya-tu-libn, pp. 348, vol. 1)

g apn maut say ko bashar nan Smn saw baras k ay pal k khabar nan

The Month of My Prophet

Blessings for the Sinners but...

Sayyidatun isha iddqa has reported that the Holy Prophet said, Jibrl came to me th and said, This is the 15 Night of Shabn. Allah frees as many people from the Hell as the number of the hairs on the goats of the tribe of Kalb. But He does not cast Merciful Sight at infidel, malicious person, one who cuts off family ties, the one who dangles his clothes, a person who disobeys his parents and a person who is habitual of drinking wine.
(Shuab-ul-mn, pp. 384, vol. 3, ad 3837)

(Above mentioned piece the person dangling his clothes beyond the ankles in ad is meant for those who dangle their trouser, Shalwr, Taband etc. over their ankles out of arrogance). A similar ad reported by the great scholarly saint Shaykh Imm Amad bin anbal on behalf of Shaykh also includes the murderer. Abdull Ibn Amr
(Musnad Imm Amad, pp. 589, vol. 2, ad 6653)

Sayyidun Kar bin Murra has reported that the Prophet of Rama, the Intercessor of Umma, the Owner of Janna said, On the 15th of Shabn, Allah forgives everyone on earth except the one who associates partners with Him or the one who has malice in his heart.
(Shuab-ul-mn, pp. 381, vol. 3, ad 3830)


The Month of My Prophet

The Supplication of Sayyidun Dwd 

Sayyidun Al would often come outside on th the 15 night of Shabn. So once he came out and said while looking towards sky, Once, on the 15th of Shabn, the great Prophet of Allah ,Sayyidun Dwd raised his gaze towards the sky and said, This is the time when whoever supplicated to Allah for anything, Allah fulfilled his supplication (Du) and whoever asked for forgiveness, Allah forgave him provided supplicant is not a taxman (a person who unjustly demands tax money), a magician, a soothsayer or a player of music. Then he invoked this supplication:

Meaning: O Allah !O the Rab of Dwd !Whoever asks prayer to you in this night or seeks your forgiveness, forgive him.

(Laif-ul-Marif li-Ibn Rajab-ul-anbal, pp. 137, vol. 1)

ar kha t dar-guzar kar baykas-o-majbr k

Y Il !Maghfirat kar baykas-o-majbr k


The Month of My Prophet

The Deprived People

Dear Islamic brothers! Shab-e-Bar-at is a vital night and it must not be spent carelessly. Downpour of special blessings is showered in this holy night. In this night, Allah frees people from Hell in a number more than that of hairs on the goats of the tribe of Ban Kalb. It is recorded in books that the tribe of Ban Kalb possessed the largest number of goats among the tribes of Arabia. Alas! There are some unfortunate people who have been declared to remain deprived of forgiveness in Shab-e-Bar-at i.e. the night of rescue. Shaykh Imam Bayaq Shfi has reported in Fail-ul-Awqt: The Prophet of Rama, the Intercessor of Umma has alarmed, Six persons will not be pardoned even in that night: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. An alcoholic The one who is disobedient to parents. Habitual of fornication. The one who cuts-off family ties. The one who sketches portraits. The one who tells tales. (Fail-ul-Awqt, pp. 130, vol. 1, ad 27)

Similarly, soothsayer, magician, the one who dangles his Shalwr or Taband below the ankles out of arrogance, and the one who bears hatred and malice for another Muslim have been alarmed

The Month of My Prophet

for being deprived of forgiveness. If someone has been indulged in any of the above mentioned sins should repent from the core of his heart for that particular sin and for all the sins in general as well before the advent of Shab-e-Bar-at; rather he should firmly repent right now without any delay. If someone has violated the rights of others, then, in addition to repentance, he should apologise/compensate them.

A Letter of Imm-e-Al-e-Sunnat All Muslims

Imm-e-Al-e-Sunnat, Mujaddid [Revivalist] of the Umma, Allma, Mauln, Al-j Al-fi, Al-Qr, Ash-Sh Imm Amad Raz Khn wrote a letter to one of his disciples emphasizing repentance before onset of Shab-e-Bar-at. Same is being presented here due to its worthiness. Hence it is mentioned on page 356 to 357 of Kulliyt Maktb-e-Raz: Shab-e-Bar-at is about to come. On this night, the deeds of all servants are presented in the Exalted Court of Allah .For , Allah the sake of the Most Dignified Rasl forgives the sins of the Muslims except that of a few. Among these are those two Muslims who bear mutual hostility for some worldly reasons. Allah says: Leave them as they are, until they mend their relations.

The Month of My Prophet

Al-e-Sunnat should end discords and mend relations before sunset of 14th Shabn. Fulfil the rights of others; else get waiver so that the book of deeds is presented in His court devoid of rights of others. Regarding the rights of Allah ,mere sincere repentance is sufficient. It is mentioned in a ad: (  Whoever repents of his sin, is as if he has not committed the sin at all). (Sunan Ibn Mja, ad 4250)
If one abides as advised, (by the grace of Allah )there is a strong hope of forgiveness in this night provided his beliefs are perfect. ( He forgives sins and grants mercy).

This practice of bringing brothers in Islam close to settle discords and fulfil the rights of each other is being in effect here since long. Hopefully, you will inculcate this good practice among the Muslims of your environs to become deserving of the reward mentioned in the following narration:


He who initiates a virtuous tradition in Islam, there is reward of it for him and also the reward of all those acting upon it will be written continually in his account of deeds until the Day of Judgement without any decrease in the rewards of those acting upon it.

The Month of My Prophet

Pray for this Faqr (lowly servant of Allah )to be blessed with absolution and peace in the world and in the Hereafter! I remember you in supplications and will keep doing so . It should be made clear to all the Muslims that concord and pardon all should be made from core of the heart. Neither mere utterance by tongue is sufficient and nor lip-service is liked in the court of Allah .

Faqr Amad Raz Qdir From: Bareilly

Fast on the 15th of Shabn

Sayyidun Al has reported that the Holy said, When the 15th Night of Shabn Prophet comes, do Qiym (for worship) in the night and observe fast in the day. No doubt Allah reveals special Divine Manifestation on sky above the earth from the time of sunset and announces, Is there anyone seeking forgiveness so that I may forgive him? Is there anyone seeking sustenance so that I may grant him sustenance? Is there anyone afflicted so that I may relieve his affliction? Is there so and so... He keeps announcing it until the time of the Fajr. (Sunan Ibn Mja, pp. 160, vol. 2, ad 1388)


The Month of My Prophet

A Rewarding Opportunity
The books of deeds are exchanged on Shab-e-Bar-at. If possible, observe fast on the 14th of Shabn to get recorded a fast on the closing day of the book of deeds. On 14th of Shabn, after offering the congregational al of Ar it is better to observe Itikf and stay in Masjid with the intention of waiting for al of Maghrib. In this way the last moments when the book of deeds is about to change, the virtues of being present in Masjid, being in Itikf, and waiting expectantly to offer alt-ul-Maghrib etc. will be inscribed in it. It is even golden to spend the whole night worshipping Allah .

The Green Slip of Paper

Amr-ul-Mminn Sayyidun Umar bin Abdul Azz th was once busy in worship in the 15 Night of Shabn. When he raised his head he found a green slip of paper whose refulgence was extending up to the sky. It was bearing the words

[ ] meaning: This is an order of absolution from the hellfire sent from Allah ,the Omnipotent, for His servant Umar bin Abdul Azz.
(Tafsr R-ul-Bayn)
Dear Islamic brothers! At one end, this incident reveals the greatness and saintliness of Sayyidun Umar bin


The Month of My Prophet

Abdul Azz and on the other end it discloses the excellence and blessedness of Shab-e-Bar-at. ! This blessed night brings Bar-at (absolution) from the blazing fire of Hell. That is why it is called Shab-e-Bar-at.

Six Nawfil after alt-ul-Maghrib

To offer specific six Rakt of Nafl after the Far and Sunan of alt-ul-Maghrib is one of the traditions of the pious saints of Islam. After offering the Far and Sunan etc., offer six Rakt of Nafl in sets of two. Before offering the first two Rakt, make the intention: Y Allah !By the virtue of these two Rakt, grant me long life with wellbeing. Similarly, before offering the second two Rakt, make the intention: Y Allah !By the virtue of these two Rakt, protect me from calamities. Before offering the last two Rakt, make the intention: Y Allah !By the virtue of these two Rakt, do not make me dependent on anyone except You. After every two Rakt, recite Sra al-Ikhl twenty one times or Sra Ysn once. If possible, recite both. It is also possible that one Islamic brother recites Sra Ysn while the rest listen to it. Keep in mind that the other Islamic brother(s) should not recite Sra Ysn etc. aloud individually while recitation is already taking place loudly. Huge reward will pile up for you at the very beginning of the blessed night. Each time after Sra Ysn, recite the Du of mid-Shabn.

The Month of My Prophet

Du for Mid-Shabn

- beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Allah .Most Merciful


The Month of My Prophet

Translation: Y Allah !O the One who does favour to everyone but no one can do any favour to You! O the One bearing high majesty and grandeur! O the One who bestows bounty and rewards! There is none worthy of worship except You. You help the troubled, provide refuge to those who seek refuge and give peace to those who are in fear. Y Allah !In the primary book (i.e. Lau Maf/Secured Tablet) that is with You, if You have written my name among the unfortunate, the deprived, the rejected or one with lacking sustenance, then Y Allah ,with Your grace, remove my misfortune, deprivation, disgrace and lack of sustenance, write my among those who are blessed with good fortune, increased sustenance and ability to perform good deeds in the primary book. Indeed, You have truly mentioned in Your own descended book (i.e. the Holy Quran) as uttered by Your Prophet : Translation from Kanz-ul-mn: erases and confirms whatever He wills; and only with Allah Him is the real script. (Part 13, Sra Ar-Rad, verse 39) O my Rab ! th By virtue of Divine Manifestation that lies in 15 night of the


The Month of My Prophet

blessed month of Shabn in which every prudent task is assigned and is made irrevocable, remove from us all calamities and discords, those that we know about as well as those that we do not, while You know everything the most. Truly, You are the most powerful, the most reverent. And may Allah Almighty send blessings and salutation on Sayyidun Muhammad , and all and on his holy family and his companions praise is for Allah ,the Sustainer of the worlds.

Some Madan Requests by Sag-e-Madna

It has been practice of Sag-e-Madna since long to offer six Nafl and do recitation from the holy Quran at Shab-e-Barat as prescribed above. This form of worship after Maghrib is Nafl. It is neither Far nor Wjib and there is no prohibition in Shara about Nafl and Tilwa after Maghrib.
Allma Ibn Rajab anbal has mentioned: Among Syrians the grand saints like Shaykh Khlid bin Madn, Shaykh Makl, Shaykh Luqmn bin mir and others always observed great reverence for this holy night and worshiped abundantly in this night. Muslims learnt reverence for this holy night from these great saints. (Laif-ul-Marif li-Ibn

Rajab-ul-anbal, pp. 145, vol. 1)

It is mentioned in the authentic book of Fiq anaf, Dur-reMukhtr: In Shab-e-Bar-at, observing vigil (for worship) is Mustaab. This vigil does not necessitate staying awake for the

The Month of My Prophet

whole night; awaking for most part of the night is also referred as full night Vigil. (Dur-re-Mukhtr, pp. 568, vol. 2) Madan Request: So, if possible, all Islamic brothers should offer these six Nawfil and other related invocations after al of Maghrib in their Masjid to earn enormous reward. Islamic sisters may perform these rituals in their homes.

Security from Evil Spell/Black Magic Throughout the Year

It is mentioned on page 134 of the book Islm Zindag, comprising of 170 pages, published by Maktaba-tul-Madna, the publishing organ of Dawat-e-Islami: In the 15th night of Shabn, boil seven leaves of berry tree in water, perform Ghusl (ritual bath) with that water (when it is cooled down) you will remain secured from evil spell/black magic throughout the year.

Shab-e-Bar-at and Visiting the Graves

The Mother of the Believers, Sayyidatun isha iddqa has reported: I missed the Prophet one night and later found him in (the cemetery of) al-Baq. The Holy Prophet said, Were you afraid that Allah and His Prophet would deprive ,I thought that you of your right? I said, Y Raslall

The Month of My Prophet

you might have gone to visit one of your blessed wives. He said, Allah the Glorious and Exalted shows Divine Manifestation on the sky above the earth in the 15th night of Shabn; He forgives sinners greater in number than the number of hairs on the goats of the tribe of Kalb. (Sunan-ut-Tirmi, pp. 183, vol. 2, ad 739)

Who Invented Fireworks?

Dear Islamic brothers! , Shab-e-Barat is the night to acquire freedom and salvation from the fire of Hell but unfortunately, a large number of Muslims waste their hard-earned money in buying fire for themselves in the form of firecrackers and varieties of fireworks thereby violating the holiness of this night.

The renowned commentator of the Holy Quran, Muft Amad Yr Khn has mentioned in his booklet Islm Zindag: It is really a great deprivation to spend this night in committing sins. It is said that fireworks were invented by Namrd. When Sayyidun Ibrm was put into the fire, the fire extinguished and turned into a garden of flowers. So Namrds people prepared firecrackers and after setting these alight fired towards Sayyidun Ibrm .
(Islm Zindag, p. 77)


The Month of My Prophet

The Prevalent Fireworks Related to Shab-e-Bar-at are arm

Regretfully this sinful tradition of fireworks on the eve of Shab-eBar-at is proliferating among Muslims. It is stated in Islm Zindag: Muslims waste millions of rupees in practicing this tradition and every year many cases are reported that so many houses burnt down due to the fireworks and so many persons burnt to death. This sinful activity is a serious risk for life, wealth and assets. Further it is just putting ones own wealth to fire and in return, getting the burden of disobedience of Allah upon the shoulders. For the sake of Allah !Refrain from committing this absurd and arm act, and prevent your children and relatives as well. Wherever some uncultured children set off fireworks, do not stay to spectate such scenes. (Islm Zindag, p. 78) Setting off the fireworks on Shab-e-Bar-at is, no doubt, wastage of money and extravagance; therefore this act is arm and impermissible. Likewise production, selling and purchasing of fireworks are all prohibited as per Shara. (Fatw Ajmaliyya,
pp. 52, vol. 4)

Imm-e-Al-e-Sunnat, Mujaddid [Revivalist] of the Umma, Reviver of the Sunna, Destroyer of Bida, Scholar of the Sacred Law, Allma Mauln Al-j Al-fi, Al-Qr, Ash-Sh Imm Amad Raz Khn has stated, Undoubtedly

The Month of My Prophet

the traditional detonation of fireworks at the occasions of weddings and Shab-e-Bar-at is arm and a sure offence as it involves wastage of money. (Fatw Razawyya (Jad d), pp. 279,
vol. 23)

The Permissible Form of Fireworks

The fireworks that are set off at Shab-e-Bar-at are usually just for the sake of pleasure and amusement and are therefore sinful, arm and an act that leads to Hell. However, there are some specific permissible forms of fireworks as well. It was asked in the blessed presence of Al arat : What do the scholars of Islam say as regard to whether production and detonation of fireworks is arm or not? Answer: It is forbidden and sinful except in those cases which are devoid of sports and extravagance e.g. setting off firecrackers or fireballs for announcement of moon sighting for a new month, or to drive away the harmful animals or drive away the animals and birds from fields or fruit bearing trees in jungles or even in cities when required. (Fatw Razawyya, pp. 290, vol. 23)
Tuj ko Shabn-ul-Muaam ka Khudy wsa Bakhsh day Rab-e-Muammad t mayr ar ak kha


The Month of My Prophet

1. Inspiring Ijtim of Shab-e-Bar-at

If one is desirous to increase the fervour for worshiping on the night of Shab-e-Bar-at, to refrain from sinful acts like setting fireworks in this holy night and wants to become a pious Muslim, he should embrace the Madan environment of Dawat-e-Islami, the global, non political movement for propagation of Quran and Sunna. One should travel three days every month in the Sunna-Inspiring Madan Qfila with the devotees of Prophet and should tend to transform his life according to the guidelines of Madan Inmt. For enticement, two inspiring Madan marvels are being mentioned. The extract from writings of an Islamic brother of Markaz-ul-Auliy, Lahore (Pakistan) regarding revolutionary reforms in his life is as under. Before embracing the Madan environment of Dawat-e-Islami, the global, non political movement for propagation of Quran and Sunna, I had been availing the company of the misled sect and was involved in a variety of sinful activities. Regretfully, I was proud of my lifestyle of watching movies and dramas and visiting porn clubs ( .) The decline of my sinful days and the dawning of my reformed self owe to the individual efforts of an Islamic brother. He convinced me to attend the SunnaInspiring Ijtim of Shab-e-Bar-at at Hanjarwal. The speech of Muballigh-e-Dawat-e-Islami was so inspiring and heart rending that I regretted deeply over my sinful past. I perspired and felt so ashamed and afraid due to my disobedience to Allah that I burst into tears. After the Ijtim an Islamic brother who

The Month of My Prophet

was responsible for Madan Qfila met me and persuaded me to travel with Madan Qfila. I was already inspired and so I readily agreed to travel with the Madan Qfila. In the blessed company of the devotees of the Noble Prophet I learnt various acts of Sunna in Madan Qfila and I repented from my all previous sins. Upon the arrival of the month of Ramadan-ul-Mubrak I availed the opportunity of blissful Itikf in the last ten days with the devotees of the Exalted Prophet. In this Itikf, on 27th night, a fortunate Islamic brother was blessed with the vision of Holy Prophet . This significant incident intensified my liking for Dawat-eIslami and I firmly embraced the Madan environment of Dawat-e-Islami.
o karnay lago gay baut nayk km Madan Maul mayn karlo tum Itikf Fazl-e-Rab say o ddr-e-Sultan-e-Dn Madan Maul mayn tum karlo Itikf Rat-o-chan pye g qalb-e-azn Madan Maul mayn karlo tum Itikf
(Wasil-e-Bakhshish, p. 353)

2. Crazy for Films

The statement of another Islamic brother from Bara Board, Bb-ul-Madna (Karachi) is summarised as follows: I was a misfit and despised person of society. People called me film

The Month of My Prophet

crazy for I watched films and dramas excessively every day. Reforms in me owe to the individual effort of an Islamic brother. This led me to attend the Sunna-Inspiring Ijtim of Shab-eBar-at held in Khajji ground (Gulbahar, Karachi) organized by Dawat-e-Islami, the global, non political movement for propagation of Quran and Sunna. When I listened to the heart rending speech about First Night in the Grave it felt the fear of Allah in my core of the heart. I repented from all my previous sins and embraced the Madan environment of Dawat-e-Islami. My entire family had been westernized. As a result of my individual effort five brothers of mine also became devotees of Dawat-e-Islami and they all crowned their heads with green turban and gradually the environment of our households reformed into a completely Madan environment. At the time of writing these lines I am serving the Sunna in capacity of Nigrn of alqa Mushwarat. I love to travel with Sunna-Inspiring Madan Qfila and I travel regularly with 3-days Madan Qfila every month.
Yaqnan Muqaddar ka wo ay sikandar Jisay khayr say mil gaya Madan Maul Yan Sunnatayn sknay ko milayn gi Dilye g khauf-e-Khud Madan Maul Ay bmr-e-iyn t j yan par Gunaun k dayg daw Madan Maul
(Wasil-e-Bakhshish, p. 335) 27

The Month of My Prophet

Dear Islamic brothers! Now towards the end of my Bayn, I would like to avail auspicious opportunity of telling you an excellence of Sunna and thereafter I will tell you some Sunnas and manners. The most Beloved Prophet Muhammad stated, He, who loved my Sunna, loved me and he who loved me will be with me in the Paradise. (Mishkt-ulMab, pp. 55, vol. 1, ad 175)

Sna tayr Sunnat k Madna banay q Jannat mayn paaws mujay tum apn bann

11 Madan Pearls Regarding Visit to the Graveyard

1. The Prophet of mankind, the Peace of our heart and mind, the Most Generous and Kind said, I had prohibited you for visiting graves. Now do visit graves for it causes aversion from worldliness and reminds of the afterlife. (Sunan Ibn Mja, pp. 252, vol. 2, ad 1571) If one intends to visit a Muslims grave (or Mausoleum of some beloved of Allah ,)it is Mustaab for him to firstly offer two Rakt Nafl al (not in Makru timings) at his home reciting yat-ul-Kurs once and Sra al-Ikhl thrice after Sra al-Ftia in each Rakat and to donate its awb to ib-e-Qabr (i.e. the buried person); Allah will produce Nr (light) in the grave of that deceased


The Month of My Prophet

person and will reward this person (who donated awb) abundantly. (Fatw lamgr, pp. 350, vol. 5) 3. Dont engage in futile talks while going to visit a mausoleum or a grave. (Fatw lamgr, pp. 350, vol. 5) Enter the graveyard via that usual pathway where there had never been graves of Muslims before. Never use the newly carved pathway. It is quoted in Rad-dul-Mutr: Walking on a newly carved pathway (that has been built up by levelling the graves) is arm. (Rad-dul-Mutr, pp. 612, vol. 1) Even if there is only overwhelming suspicion regarding new pathway, it is impermissible and sinful to walk on that. (Dur-re-Mukhtr , pp. 183, vol. 3) Its been observed at some mausoleums of beloveds of Allah that the flooring is done by demolishing the graves of Muslims just to facilitate visitors. Walking, standing, lying down, seating for recitation (of Quran) and invocations etc. upon such floorings is arm. Recite Ftia remaining distant. Beholding the grave should be done whilst standing in front of the face of the beloved of Allah and one should approach from foot side of him to remain in front of his vision; never approach from head side as he (the buried) would have to turn his head to look. (Fatw
Razawyya, pp. 532, vol. 9) 29




The Month of My Prophet


Stand in the graveyard with back towards the Holy Qibla and facing the face of the buried and then invoke:

Translation Salutation be upon you all, O inhabitants of the graves, may Allah forgive us and you. You came (here) before us and we are about to come after you.
(Fatw lamgr, pp. 350, vol. 5)


One who invokes this on entering the graveyard:


Translation O Allah O the Rab of decayed bodies and ruined bones! Send Your blessings and my salutation to those who departed from the world with faith (in You). Then, all the Muslims who have passed away till then since the time of Sayyidun dam will pray for his forgiveness. (Muannaf Ibn Ab Shayba, pp. 15, vol. 10)

The Month of My Prophet


The Most Merciful Prophet said, A person who enters the graveyard, then recites Sra al-Ftia, Sra al-Ikhl and Sra at-Takur and prays this supplication: O Allah !Deliver the awb of what I recited from the Holy Quran to the Muslim men and women of this graveyard; all those believers will become intercessor for him (who donated awb) on the Day of Judgement. (Shara-us-udr, p. 311)

It is quoted in a ad: One who recites Sra al-Ikhl 11 times and donates its awb to the dead, he (i.e. who conveys awb) will be awarded awb equivalent to the number of the dead. (Dur-re-Mukhtr, pp. 183, vol. 3) 10. Agarbatt (incense sticks) should not be lit upon the grave as it is a discourteous act and it causes discomfort to the corpse; however if it is desired to spread fragrance for the comfort of the visitors, it should be lit up beside the grave on free land, as perfuming is commendable. (Derived from
Fatw Razawyya, pp. 525,582, vol. 9)

On another place, Al arat has stated: It is quoted in a Muslim Sharf through Sayyidun Amr bin that he advised his son at the time of death, When I die, do not let any lamenting woman or any fire accompanying my funeral. (a Muslim, pp. 75,
ad 192) 31

The Month of My Prophet

11. Do not place lamp or incense sticks upon the grave for it is fire and placing fire upon grave teases the corpse; however if it is required for purpose of providing lighting to the passers-by, candle or lamp may be placed beside the grave on the free land. In order to learn thousands of Sunna, buy Part 16 of Bar-e Sharat consisting of 312 pages and Sunnatayn or Aadab comprising of 120 pages and read them. One of the best methods for learning Sunna is to travel in Madan Qfilah with the devotees of the Most Noble Prophet.

Give this Booklet to Someone Else after Reading it Yourself

Distribute booklets published by Maktaba-tul-Madna during weddings, times of grief, Ijtimt and other such occasion and earn reward. Make it a habit of keeping booklets in your shop to give to customers for free. Give booklets to the newspaper delivery person or to children and have them distributed in your neighbourhood. Give a new booklet each time and earn reward for inviting towards good.


5 Madan Pearls
Sayydun Abdull bin Amr bin al- has stated, There are 5 such habits, that if someone adopts, he will become virtuous in the worldly life and in the afterlife: 1.   From time to time, one should kept reciting it. Whenever he is afflicted with any calamity (e.g. if he becomes ill, suffers a loss, or if he hears worrying news), he should invoke and .   Whenever he receives a blessing, he should invoke to pay gratitude. When commencing any (permissible) act, he should recite





Whenever a sin gets committed, invoke (seeking forgiveness from the Magnificent Rab I turn to Him for repentance).
(Al-Munabbit, p. 57)


For Security of the Home

Sayydun Imm Fakhruddn Rz says, Whoever writes on the entrance door (main gate) of his house gets secured from destruction, even if he is a disbeliever (only in this world). So how high would be the excellence of that Muslim who has inscribed it on his hearts tablet forever! (Tafsr Kabr, pp.

152, vol. 1)

Spiritual Cure for Ending Enmity

is recited 786 times over water, and then the water is given to the opponent (i.e. enemy), he will cease his enmity, and will begin to love instead. If the same is served to a friend to drink, the friendship will become stronger. (Jannat Zawar, p. 578) If


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