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Labour&Tory Together


Why did, and still are, Scottish Labour collaborating with Tories Scottish Labour & Scottish Tories hid the true potential of Scottish Oil Wealth in 1975 McCrone to hide the true report which they marked TOP SECRET for 30+yrs, until some patriots forced its releasepotential of Scottish Oil wealth? The first 300 billion of Scotlands Oil Wealth has
been squander mainly on England. There is at least the same amount of Oil wealth remaining, why should Scotland not benefit from it? What did Scottish Labour & Scottish Tories gain from hiding Scotland Oil potential?

Oil Facts
Scottish Labour says Oil almost gone-Fact 2012 was biggest licensing round EVER with 224 new applications Scottish Labour says Oil Fund not Feasible: Fact Norway now has an Oil fund of over half a $TRILLION, Scottish Oil Fund = 0 Scottish Labour says at most only few years left. Fact Industry now recognizes at least 50 years of North Sea Oil activity remaining Scottish Labour & Scottish Tories colluded to create a special accounting area extra-regio to remove Oil revenue from Scotland accounts

Why should anybody govern Scotland other than the Scottish people?

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