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Marlborough High School

431 Bolton Street, Marlborough, MA 01752 ~~ TEL 508-460-3500 FAX 508-460-3501 ~~

PRINCIPAL Craig Hardimon ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS Adam D. Bakr Daniel J. Riley September 6, 2012 Dear Parents and Guardians: I know that many of you will be able to come to Open House on Thursday, September 13, but I just wanted to share a few words with you as we begin the new school year. I am excited to be teaching Psychology for the first time this year. Ive enjoyed taking psychology courses in the past and I completed two courses for teachers of Psychology over this past summer. These courses gave me a wealth of ideas and resources that I cant wait to try out in class this year. Psychology allows students to learn more about how biological, psychological, and cultural factors influence their thoughts and behaviors. Many students find the content very relevant and practical in their daily lives. Through articles, demonstrations, research, and presentations, the students will develop many skills necessary to study psychology and many other subjects. In particular, what I am looking forward to this year is helping your children develop these skills, especially their ability to participate and collaborate meaningfully in class and write analytically. I also look forward to meeting and working with you. To this end, I appreciate your taking the time to read the course overview that your child received so you have some idea how the class runs. I also have posted this on my web site at I invite you contact me by phone at (508) 460-3500 x7622 or by email at I prefer to use email, because I am able to respond more quickly to email messages. In closing, I would like to mention that I have just a few requests for you as the course progresses: (1) I appreciate your support on the home front. I assign at homework, class work, projects, essays, and tests, and these assignments are posted in the classroom as well as at (2) Please encourage your child to communicate with me. I stay after school almost daily and would be happy to meet with a student to discuss ways to do better in class or provide a little extra review. Im looking forward to a great year! Sincerely,

Kara Manzelli
Kara Manzelli History Teacher

Marlborough High School

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