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Monday, September 10, 2012

Board Business Meeting - 6:30 PM - Board Room

*Times are approximate 6:30 PM Call to Order - Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, President Quorum Roll Call Adoption of Agenda Pledge of Allegiance Public Comment Introductions

6:35 PM 6:50 PM

Old Business Action Item(s): 7:00 PM A. Consent Agenda: 1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4) 2) Minutes of Previous Meeting: August 13, 2012 (Goals 1 - 4) 3) Decision on School Sponsored Project: Aberdeen High School Electronic Scoreboard (Goal 4) 4) Decision on Award of Contract: A/E Services for Magnolia Middle School Comprehensive HVAC Systemic Replacement (Goal 4) 5) Decision on Award of Contract: A/E Services for North Harford Elementary HVAC (Goal 4) 6) Decision on Recommendation of Candidate for Audit Committee (Goal 4) Presentation & Discussion(s): 7:05 PM B. Capital Improvement Program FY14, Mr. Cornell S. Brown (Goal 4) FY14 CIP Request FY14 CIP Proposed Budget Request FY14 County Worksheets Discussion on FY14 Final Proposed Budget

New Business Presentation(s): 7:30 PM C. FY12 4th Quarter Financial Report, Mr. James M. Jewell (Goal 3) 7:50 PM D. Superintendent's Report Closing 8:00 PM Future Meetings Review Adjournment


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