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Allocation structure Z1 Purpose

This content was created to clarify the customizing of settlement of internal orders.

All the costs of an internal order can be allocated to one or more receivers; this can be done by individual orders (KO88) or collective group of orders (KO8G). Reason: Analysis of costs for one job (Example: marketing campaign, production order), settlement serves to post the costs from the job to the responsible objects. Statistical orders cannot be settled.

Settlement Customizing
To create a settlement rule you must define a settlement profile and assign it to the order type (KOT2). Each Internal order has an order type

Transaction KO03

Transaction KOT2

In the settlement profile you define parameters such as receivers, valid receivers and default values. You can check the settlement profile in transaction OKO7.

Distribution Rules
To create the rules you can go to KO02, enter the order and then click on settlement rule.

Each line of the distribution rule specifies the percentage, equivalence number or amount of the orders costs to be settled to a particular receiver. You can't create a rule containing an amount as well as an equivalence number or a percentage, if you need to change or delete a rule you need to reverse all the settlements that used this rule.

There are two settlement types: - PER: Settles the cost of the period specified - FUL: Settles all the costs of the sender object until the period specified Double-click on the line to check all the valid receivers, to maintain the valid receivers go

Transaction OKO7. You can use Valid-from period to limit the validity of a distribution rule. After you save it the system status of the order will have SETC status.

Allocation Structure
The Allocation structure allows you to define which cost elements should be settled using a settlement cost element or the original cost element.

- Settlement Assignment - Source: You can specify a range of cost elements or a cost element group for a settlement assignment in transaction OKO6. If you execute a settlement and the sender object contains a cost element that is not on the source of any assignment you will receive error KD503 (Complete allocation structure).

- Settlement Cost Element: Each settlement cost element must belong to one of the following categories: -> Internal settlement: Cost element category 21 (secondary). -> External settlement: Cost element category 22 (primary).

The Receiver category specifies the object type for the settlement receiver.

Flow Trace
To analyze a settlement you can use the tool Flow Trace. To active it go to KO88/KO8G, Extras -> Activate Flow trace.

This will show exactly whats happening in the settlement: - Settlement Profile - Allocation Structure - Distribution Rule - Costs/revenues read- Distribute costs/revenues to the receivers

Main Tables
COBRA : Settlement Rule for Order Settlement COBRB : Settlement Rules (especially ERSJA, ERSPE, LETJA, LETPE) AUAK : Settlement documents - AUAK Settlement document header - AUAV Settlement transactions - AUAA Sender and receivers - AUAS Settled costs COSS, COSP, COSL, COSB: costs posted to the object COEP: Lines items posted to the object COSSD, COSPD, COSLD, COSBD: Settled Amount JEST, JCDS: System status and change documents

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Related SAP Notes/KBA

SAP Note 173909 : info. Costs should not be settled SAP Note 193586 : Analysis program for settlement (rka_settle_tables_compare)

Settlement rule kd503 kd506 ko88 oko6 oko7 Settlement profile Allocation structure Internal order Flow trace

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