The Parable of The Pipeline

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THE PARABLE OF THE PIPELINE The main thrust of this parable is establishing the difference between simply working

and earning on the one hand, and on the other, in addition to that, saving and investing. It talks of not just job security, but financial security. In it, we see two characters Bruno, the bucket carrier, and Pablo, the pipeline builder. Both had noble ambitions and dreams, were hardworking and were seeking an opportunity a job. This much they had in common. The rest of the story onwards, I would say depended on planning. Both, of course, had plans. However, the bucket personality had only short term plans while the pipeline personality made long term plans. Furthermore, the article presents some characteristics of short term planners: working harder and harder, earning more and more, satisfied with being rich and comfortable albeit temporarily, saving what they can, spending extravagantly, parading a flamboyant lifestyle and scrambling for some more income to sustain their expenses and debauchery. On the contrary, the characteristics of long term planners include also working, earning, saving and spending, appropriately though. But the long term planner is not content with being just rich and advances to become wealthy in the long run. How does the pipeline individual become really wealthy beyond bankruptcy? we may ask. It is not a days job. Here you talk of the mindset, creativity, patience, diligence, conviction, commitment, time management, scale of preference, flexibility, availability, market demands, discernment, enterprise, independence, insurance, reduced drudgery, security, accountability, study, renovation, innovation, adaptability, consistence, initiative, courage, focus, zeal, business management, determination, sacrifice, effort, progress, methodology, machinery, systemisation, competition, passion, equipment, self-empowerment, overcoming limitations, responsibility, full knowledge, risk, profit, confidence, optimism, stamina, result, goal, recruiting, target, mentality, shrewdness, marketability, advertising, steady and certain income, practice makes perfect, expertise, expansion, job creation, charting new territories, reducing wasteful spending, investing, saving, re-investing and, most importantly, never losing sight of the BIG picture. Thus, the parable identifies the futility of labour without a secured and insured future. The successful person is one who takes initiatives, is docile to updated techniques, explores new, pragmatic and better avenues to be the best at what one does and remains undaunted in the face of challenges.

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